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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps

I mean real picture of "inhumane working conditions", not cartoon movies.

I repeat, PLEASE do your homework. The Uighur were not the original inhabitants; they were moved in there (by the Qing).

Find out a little more before you write your posts.
No they are not, I know, people come and go in that region. but some of them are indeed native, Uighur as a general name and definition calling the majority of Muslim in Xinjiang was a new thing initiated by Russians.They are actully very complex peoples.
Family plan is a very controversial issue even in China, but that's a thing of the past, it surely has pros and cons, but Indian way of not controlling also has pros and cons cause millions born into poverty every year in India.

It is not about Chinese methods of enforced birth control, it is about the Uighur. Let us stick to the topic. You were labouring under the impression that the Han settled Xinjiang, then shot your argument in the foot by not feeling the need to be apologetic about suppression of Uighur in the past (the Han having disappeared, meanwhile). Never once mentioning the elephant in the room.

No they are not, I know, people come and go in that region. but some of them are indeed native, Uighur as a general name and definition calling the majority of Muslim in Xinjiang was a new thing initiated by Russians.They are actully very complex peoples.

You're almost there. Nothing to do with complexity, nothing to do with the Russians, none of them were native, and the Qing had everything to do with it.
Hindutva extremist India is a existential threat to 600 million Muslims of South Asia

We must prioritize

China is central to cutting India to size

On a separate note we support and encourage support for the Uighurs bit the threat is nowhere near to the genocidal fantasy's of the hindutva bakhts

You are toothless, that is why living in fantasy world .. with false priorities.. don't have spine to speak against china.. but so much muslim cause.. lol, we don't have training camps and institutions like you... am not sure who qualified for that... we already sliced, you keep trying...
It is not about Chinese methods of enforced birth control, it is about the Uighur.
Uighurs are spared of family plan, they have the highest popluation growth rate in China, you rarely see any Uighur families have less than 4 kids .

You're almost there. Nothing to do with complexity, nothing to do with the Russians, none of them were native, and the Qing had everything to do with it.
What Qing did to Uighur was a thing of the past, Qing did the same if not more to Han population too. But no one blame Manchu people today for the past.
Now I've Got You, You Son Of a Bitch.

Please look closely at my post, to which you answered as above.

It specifically mentioned that it was NOT about the Uighur, so you may calm down.

My intention is not to torture you with bits of Chinese history that you are hardly supposed to know; it is to make a point, that the present-day Chinese treatment of the Uighur is just the modern version of what the then Chinese state did to the predecessors of the Uighur (yes, there was somebody else there, yes, the Uighur were brought in to fill the 'gaps' by the Qing, yes, the Uighur did not occupy Xinjiang then).

You will understand the point very clearly once you have done your homework.

Please do not be in a hurry to answer, but take your time; I am not going anywhere.
Qing decimated Dzungar Mongols and moved some Uighurs into today's Xinjiang region , but that's not all Uighurs were originally from, the makeup of today's Uighurs is very complex, it's being debated in Chinese social media too, you can't say that's the definite answer for their origin.
Qing decimated Dzungar Mongols and moved some Uighurs into today's Xinjiang region , but that's not all Uighurs were originally from, the makeup of today's Uighurs is very complex, it's being debated in Chinese social media too, you can't say that's the definite answer for their origin.

Well, there we are.

My point was simply this: that what the Qing did to the Dzungars was not decimation, it was extermination.

It is sad that Marxism and its political expression, Communism, has had so little influence on Chinese state outlooks on minorities.

it's being debated in Chinese social media

To be honest, I don't depend on Chinese social media for my information. But I take your point; that this is not entirely unknown to Han Chinese supremacists. They are aware of what they are doing.
Nazi concentration camps were also called ''work camps'' and considered as such until the Allies and Russian moved in and discovered the horrible truth.
If China has nothing to hide then it should allow independent investigation and not just show prepared rooms with indoctrined inmates.
Well, there we are.

My point was simply this: that what the Qing did to the Dzungars was not decimation, it was extermination.

It is sad that Marxism and its political expression, Communism, has had so little influence on Chinese state outlooks on minorities.

To be honest, I don't depend on Chinese social media for my information. But I take your point; that this is not entirely unknown to Han Chinese supremacists. They are aware of what they are doing.
I actually agree Qing was ruthless, they slaughtered cities after cities when conquering southern China. But that's distant history.

Nazi concentration camps were also called ''work camps'' and considered as such until the Allies and Russian moved in and discovered the horrible truth.
If China has nothing to hide then it should allow independent investigation and not just show prepared rooms with indoctrined inmates.
Several times already, some Turkish delegation actually visited Xinjiang and some training schools and speak very highly of them.
Turkey should care more about your Kurdistan, Uighur population only account for 0.7% of China's total, it's not problem for China, how about Kurds? They can indeed turn Turkey into Kurdistan.
I actually agree Qing was ruthless, they slaughtered cities after cities when conquering southern China. But that's distant history.

Not THAT distant.

What is worrying - and should worry you, more than anyone else - is that old methods are being reintroduced. That is not a good sign at all.
Several times already, some Turkish delegation actually visited Xinjiang and some training schools and speak very highly of them.
I doubt they get to see the camps.

Turkey should care more about your Kurdistan, Uighur population only account for 0.7% of China's total, it's not problem for China, how about Kurds? They can indeed turn Turkey into Kurdistan.
Im interested in your opinion, what do you think what Kurds problem is and how it should be solved, what should Turkey do in your opinion?

Not THAT distant.

What is worrying - and should worry you, more than anyone else - is that old methods are being reintroduced. That is not a good sign at all.
Agree, today xinjian might apper far away to him and the problems look surreal but its the same goverment thats also governing his city, today its the uighurs tomorrow maybe he himself.
Im interested in your opinion, what do you think what Kurds problem is and how it should be solved, what should Turkey do in your opinion?
Your conntry , your rule. It doesn't concern us, as long as it's still part of Turkey, you have full right to exercise your sovereignty and enforce your laws there.
Your conntry , your rule. It doesn't concern us, as long as it's still part of Turkey, you have full right to exercise your sovereignty and enforce your laws there.
Yes sure but human rights violations are not law and yes Turkey did it in the past and still doing it to some extent but China is on a whole another level.
Your conntry , your rule. It doesn't concern us, as long as it's still part of Turkey, you have full right to exercise your sovereignty and enforce your laws there.
Of course it concerns you, and it should concern you. You mean the world should not have stood up to Hitler and his holocaust on the Jews because it was his country and his laws?
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