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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps

I've told you Xinjiang is no longer a card. No Muslim country is against China's policy in Xinjiang, Uyghurs love China very much, the youth especially children are speaking Chinese better than me. Chinese gov has made decision even decoupling with the West is better than destabilized by the West. Same in Hong Kong so here comes the national security law. Only West countries and their lapdogs, payed or unpayed trolls are still hysterical actually they know it's too late.
The worst situation for China in Xinjiang is that most Uyghurs hate China, rich Muslim countries fund their separation, poor Muslim countries provide warriors, West countries sell weapons. That didn't happen and will not happen. So lapdogs and trolls can only bash in desperation.
Sending them to concentration camps to "re educate them", into forgetting their culture, abandon their religion, language and worship communism. Putting them under constant surveilance. Taking their children and sending them to special "re education kindergardens"

They both exists, they are sent to concentration camps for "re education" and later sold as slaves to factories all over Xinjiang.

The whole world knows, theres tons of video evidence, sattelite photos. Only China denies it and sais its fake videos and fake satelitte photos.

Yes, "prove that you don't support US" is not a desperate attempt to derail it by posting anti US content on a thread dedicated to ethnic cleansing genocide and forced slave labor of Muslim Uighurs in Xinjiang
Unfortunately every one laments about what is going on in Palestine etc, yet this is happening in front of people eyes and money talks.
There are many Uighur celebrities in sports and entertainment industry in China, so many, but the west failed to even turn a single of them against China, what a failure...








This is basically ethnic cleansing to make everyone identify as Han Chinese. They did the same with Tibet by moving lots of Han Chinese into Tibet to make sure it doesn't become independent. The Tibet leader for independence was forced into exile in India.
There are many Uighur celebrities in sports and entertainment industry in China, so many, but the west failed to even turn a single of them against China, what a failure...







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