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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps

I don't have any problem with Muslim governments ignoring the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Uighurs. Politics have no imaan and the God of most politicians is money. What I have a problem with is regular Muslims who deny it.
Lol you don't have guts to raise voice... priority , what the heck.. .. see your post is clear.... you will not talk against china .. even if it commit crimes on Uighurs... but you are all for Muslim brotherhood except Uighurs..

Hindutva extremist India is a existential threat to 600 million Muslims of South Asia

We must prioritize

China is central to cutting India to size

On a separate note we support and encourage support for the Uighurs bit the threat is nowhere near to the genocidal fantasy's of the hindutva bakhts
Hindutva extremist India is a existential threat to 600 million Muslims of South Asia

We must prioritize

China is central to cutting India to size

On a separate note we support and encourage support for the Uighurs bit the threat is nowhere near to the genocidal fantasy's of the hindutva bakhts
Population growth control on a single group equals to genocide.
Population growth control on a single group equals to genocide.
This is really ridiculous ... equating real genocides like the Holocaust or the Armenian genocide to birth control really waters down the significance of the words and is frankly disrespectful to victims of actual genocides.
This is really ridiculous ... equating real genocides like the Holocaust or the Armenian genocide to birth control really waters down the significance of the words and is frankly disrespectful to victims of actual genocides.

So what about the 50,000 Uighurs in Istanbul saying otherwise? Some hear no word from their families back home for 5 years now.
So what about the 50,000 Uighurs in Istanbul saying otherwise? Some hear no word from their families back home for 5 years now.
Here is the definition of genocide. Unless the Chinese are actively murdering Uyghurs (which I have yet to see any reports of), this cannot constitute genocide. As bad as the detention camps are, they are still much better than a genocide. You could possibly make the argument for "cultural genocide" but not "genocide." Just my 2 cents.
Screen Shot 2020-07-25 at 9.23.14 PM.png
Here is the definition of genocide. Unless the Chinese are actively murdering Uyghurs (which I have yet to see any reports of), this cannot constitute genocide. As bad as the detention camps are, they are still much better than a genocide. You could possibly make the argument for "cultural genocide" but not "genocide." Just my 2 cents.
View attachment 655271


https://www.un.org/en/genocidepreve...n and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.pdf

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
Article II

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

  1. Killing members of the group;
  2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
  3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
  4. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
  5. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

China is member of UN and signatory to this article right?
Here is the definition of genocide. Unless the Chinese are actively murdering Uyghurs (which I have yet to see any reports of), this cannot constitute genocide. As bad as the detention camps are, they are still much better than a genocide. You could possibly make the argument for "cultural genocide" but not "genocide." Just my 2 cents.
View attachment 655271

ah you tunred to be a chineese false flagger, why are you ashamed of your flag?

https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.1_Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.pdf

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
Article II

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

  1. Killing members of the group;
  2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
  3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
  4. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
  5. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

China is member of UN and signatory to this article right?
The question remains is there proven intent of the Chinese government to destroy the Uyghur ethnicity? If I'm not mistaken, an act has to satisfy all 5 of the conditions to be considered a physical element of a genocide.
Screen Shot 2020-07-25 at 9.30.53 PM.png

This is really ridiculous ... equating real genocides like the Holocaust or the Armenian genocide to birth control really waters down the significance of the words and is frankly disrespectful to victims of actual genocides.
I didn't say birth control, I said population growth control. Do you know what that means? It means forcing pregnant women to have an abortion, sterilizing them by making them take experimental drugs, forcing them to marry males of a different race, taking away their children and sending them to brainwashing schools and then sending them to orphanages. According to official statistics, the population of Uighurs in Xinjiang has decreased by 84% in 3 years, while the population of Han Chinese in the same area has grown by more than 100%. So far there are 10 000 confirmed missing, and these are reported by people who actually managed to escape Xinjiang. You can just imagine what the real number is. They are actively erasing every trace of the Uighurs, that is genocide and ethnic cleansing.

  • Killing members of the group;
  • Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
  • Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
  • Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
  • Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
All the criteria are met. Literally all of them, and he says it's not genocide.
The question remains is there proven intent of the Chinese government to destroy the Uyghur ethnicity? If I'm not mistaken, an act has to satisfy all 5 of the conditions to be considered a physical element of a genocide.

Well hey I guess that needs a full investigation by neutral 3rd party on the ground right?

No genocide was technically (real time account + clear evidence chain based) happening in occupied Poland either, till other parties could physically get to the camps and find what was in them and around them on the ground.

In fact earlier recon aerial photography and the few testimonies coming out (say of the polish officer Witold Pilecki that infiltrated one on purpose at risk to his life and then somehow exfiltrated to give testimony)...there was still much suspicion raised toward the scale...given you simply dont have the direct first hand evidence and proof...which only came a lot later with physical liberation of these camps.

So for this level of accusation leveled on it, if PRC was truly the more innocent party as it claimed to be....would have easily offered full investigation to the accusers....esp given the growing testimony of the refugee/exiled uighurs outside China....who can produce names and accounts of their family members who are now not contactable...for long period of time.

Something is afoot and very foul by all this shielding and deflection and "monitored" + "see only what we want to show" you kind of tours as some kind of "proof"....just like Nazis did with "guided" red cross visits back in the day for the few camps they cleaned up and presented officially.

China if a good faith actor would have stopped doing this continued predictable drama with "sovereignty" and "internal matter" blab given the level of accusation and remote sensing evidence and testimony volume and growth ....especially given presence of absolutely ZERO credible uighur politicians/leaders to raise their voice and take civil and criminal action about these matters within China.

Totalitarian country with previous massive scale of totalitarian mental episode and crime done by same setup... gets zero benefit of the doubt, I'm sorry.

@Joe Shearer @T-123456 @-SINAN- @xenon54
Well hey I guess that needs a full investigation by neutral 3rd party on the ground right?

No genocide was technically (real time account + clear evidence chain based) happening in occupied Poland either, till other parties could physically get to the camps and find what was in them and around them on the ground.

In fact earlier recon aerial photography and the few testimonies coming out (say of the polish officer Witold Pilecki that infiltrated one on purpose at risk to his life and then somehow exfiltrated to give testimony)...there was still much suspicion raised toward the scale...given you simply dont have the direct first hand evidence and proof...which only came a lot later with physical liberation of these camps.

So for this level of accusation leveled on it, if PRC was truly the more innocent party as it claimed to be....would have easily offered full investigation to the accusers....esp given the growing testimony of the refugee/exiled uighurs outside China....who can produce names and accounts of their family members who are now not contactable...for long period of time.

Something is afoot and very foul by all this shielding and deflection and "monitored" + "see only what we want to show" you kind of tours as some kind of "proof"....just like Nazis did with "guided" red cross visits back in the day for the few camps they cleaned up and presented officially.

China if a good faith actor would have stopped doing this continued predictable drama with "sovereignty" and "internal matter" blab given the level of accusation and remote sensing evidence and testimony volume and growth ....especially given presence of absolutely ZERO credible uighur politicians/leaders to raise their voice and take civil and criminal action about these matters within China.

Totalitarian country with previous massive scale of totalitarian mental episode and crime done by same setup... gets zero benefit of the doubt, I'm sorry.

@Joe Shearer @T-123456 @-SINAN- @xenon54

You're too late, you can't imagine how Uyghurs love China now.
You're too late, you can't imagine how Uyghurs love China now.

Doubt that....hive minds all leave consequences....there's always significant glitches in each matrix you try to create, impress and enforce....for the human mind and experience is something way above the hive minds simplistic immoral understanding.

Shock therapy the smile all you want....you can never know what another person thinks and what a person remembers....

Those memories come back to haunt me
they haunt me like a curse
is a dream a lie if it don't come true....
....or is it something worse?
Ha, Indians are Turks join hands to attack China, but have abysmal minority persecution records. What an irony.
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