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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps

It is kinda funny to see Indians, some turks and a iranian ganging up together to speak up for the injustice happening to Uyghur Muslims in China

it seems to be that being a real man does not mean where you come from but what you do...

also it seems like the only people mad about the truth are the ones who are living a lie

greetings and blessings to those indians, iranians and turks and all others who I forgot to count (sorry) !
the original HUI Han Muslims are prospering and maintained their culture for centuries in mainland China.
So Uighur Muslims are fake Muslims that deserve to be sent to concentration camps? Hans are "the original" ones? What does that even mean?

Does anyone have a mirror here? The irony on this thread is too much

The irony is that you who I assume is a Muslim, is criticizing other Muslims for standing up against Muslim oppression, ethnic cleansing and genocide by non Muslims
So Uighur Muslims are fake Muslims that deserve to be sent to concentration camps? Hans are "the original" ones? What does that even mean?
I think the Chinese have taken some precautionary measures in some HOTSPOTS. They may be able to change the ideology of a few for a short while by coercion. In the long run the hearts never change.
I think the Chinese have taken some precautionary measures in some HOTSPOTS. They may be able to change the ideology of a few for a short while by coercion. In the long run the hearts never change.

Bro they are raping their women, and compared to the rest they do, rape is nothing.

There is no precautionary measures, and Uighurs are just as original as any other Muslims.

Hui are just ethnically and culturally closer to the Han Chinese, while Uighurs are Turks. Trust me, the Hui are next in line.

China is reportedly sending men to sleep in the same beds as Uighur Muslim women while their husbands are in prison camps
Alexandra Ma
Nov 4, 2019, 1:06 PM


An ethnic Uighur woman holding her child in a shop in Kashgar, in China's far western Xinjiang province.
Kevin Frayer/Getty Images
  • China's Communist Party is waging a hardline campaign against the Uighur ethnic minority, which has seen more than 1 million people detained in prison camps.
  • Authorities have since 2017 been sending men to live with Uighur women, many of whose husbands had been sent to prison camps.
  • Those men often sleep in the same beds as the women, a new Radio Free Asia report says, citing two unnamed Chinese officials.
  • It is almost impossible to hear from Uighurs in Xinjiang because speaking to journalists or anyone outside the region can get them imprisoned too.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Chinese men assigned to monitor the homes of Uighur women whose husbands were sent to prison camps frequently sleep in the same beds as them, Radio Free Asia reported last week.

It appears to be another facet of the Communist Party's hardline campaign against the mostly-Muslim Uighur people in their home region of Xinjiang, in western China, over the past two years.

Beijing sees all Uighur people as terrorists and has used Islamophobia to justify its actions in the past.

Authorities have detained at least 1 million Uighurs in prison-like camps, euphemistically called "re-education centers." Activists have likened the campaign to ethnic cleansing.


A woman and a child waiting outside a school entrance in Peyzawat, Xinjiang.
Ng Han Guan/AP
Since 2017, China has run a "Pair Up and Become Family" program in the region, in which Communist Party officials who are Han Chinese — the ethnic group that makes up most of China's population — stay in Uighur homes.

The program is to "promote ethnic unity," officials say, but it also lets the government keep a close eye on the Uighurs.

Those officials, who are mostly men, typically stay for up to six days at each Uighur household, many of which have male family members in detention, RFA described an anonymous Communist Party official in Kashgar as saying.


A masked Uighur boy at a protest at the Fatih Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey, in November 2018.
Murad Sezer/Reuters
The Han Chinese officials — who are called "relatives," even though they are not family — visit Kashgar every two months and work and eat with Uighur families, as well as discuss Communist Party political ideology, the official told RFA.

"They help [the families] with their ideology, bringing new ideas," he told RFA. "They talk to them about life, during which time they develop feelings for one another."

He added that "normally one or two people sleep in one bed, and if the weather is cold, three people sleep together," and that "it is now considered normal for females to sleep on the same platform with their paired male 'relatives.'"


A government official scanning a QR code on the wall of a house in Xinjiang that gives him access to the residents' personal information.
Xinjiang state radio via Human Rights Watch
RFA said a local neighborhood official in Yengisar County, where Kashgar is, confirmed the sleeping arrangements but insisted that "relatives" and their female hosts always keep a distance of three feet between them at night.

Both officials cited in RFA's article claimed that male Communist Party officials had never tried to take advantage of the women. The official in Kashgar told RFA that the Uighur families were "very keen" to welcome the Han Chinese men into their homes.

It is almost impossible to hear from Uighurs in Xinjiang, as any communication with journalists or people outside the region can land them in detention. Uighurs living abroad previously told Business Insider that their relatives in the region had blocked them online to avoid being punished for communicating with outsiders.

China's embassies in London and Washington, DC, did not immediately respond to Business Insider's request for comment on RFA's article.

Sayragul Sauytbay, an ethnic Kazakh Uighur woman who fled a Xinjiang detention camp, told Haaretz last month that she witnessed a gang rape and medical experiments on other prisoners. She said she was also subject to beatings and food deprivation because another prisoner hugged her.


Sayragul Sauytbay in court in Zharkent, Kazakhstan, in July 2018.
Ruslan Prianxov / AFP via Getty
RFA is one of the remaining outlets documenting the Uighur oppression from the region.

Chinese officials have forbidden all foreign journalists from entering the region, though two Vice reporters sneaked in as tourists and took undercover footage earlier this year.

The government has also arranged highly staged trips to detention camps for foreign journalists and inspectors in the past.

Rep. Jackie Speier of California tweeted that the RFA story was "absolutely repulsive" and urged the US to "speak out about the systemized enslavement and attempted cultural obliteration" of the Uighurs.

The Treasury Department blacklisted some of China's most valuable artificial-intelligence startups last month over their role in surveilling Uighurs in Xinjiang.

Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have criticized Beijing's actions in Xinjiang, but President Donald Trump has not said anything.

Last week, China warned the US that criticism over the Uighurs was not "helpful" for ongoing trade talks.

Bro they are raping their women,
I will take this news with a pinch of salt by looking at its source, there is no doubt that rapes happen by rogue elements. I will not account it as a deliberate State policy, there is always two sides to a story. Bad practices and human rights violations happen all over the world including Pakistan,Iran, India, China ,SA and others.
it seems to be that being a real man does not mean where you come from but what you do...

also it seems like the only people mad about the truth are the ones who are living a lie

greetings and blessings to those indians, iranians and turks and all others who I forgot to count (sorry) !

So Uighur Muslims are fake Muslims that deserve to be sent to concentration camps? Hans are "the original" ones? What does that even mean?

The irony is that you who I assume is a Muslim, is criticizing other Muslims for standing up against Muslim oppression, ethnic cleansing and genocide by non Muslims

I don't have any problem with reading the point of views posted on this forum, after all it is a forum that is open to these kinds of discussions and debates taking place.

I don't buy neither sides of this discussion very well so my position on this issue is very neutral (i probably don't have sufficient knowledge to form a proper opinion at the moment but i DO know that the west's propaganda comes from a place of exploit and interest, not for the well being of muslims in China) (Also just so you don't counter me with this, i am not begging you to buy our Pakistani narrative on Kashmir.)

The only funny thing to me are the indian non-muslims jumping on this bandwagon and are "oh so concerned about Muslim genocide happening in China" when clearly they aren't even ready to admit what's happening to Indian muslims in India or the ethnic genocide committed on Muslim Kashmiris in IOK. You can carry on with your conversation, but Allowing Indians to side with you without pointing out the hypocrisy in their sentiments will only decrease the credibility of your own so-called "concern and pain for muslim Ummah" sentiments.
I don't have any problem with reading the point of views posted on this forum, after all it is a forum that is open to these discussions and debates taking place.

The only funny thing to me are the indians jumping on this bandwagon and are "oh so concerned about Muslim genocide happening in China" when clearly they aren't even ready to admit what's happening to Indian muslims in India or the ethnic genocide committed on Muslim Kashmiris in IOK. You can carry on with your conversation, but Allowing Indians to side with you without pointing out the hypocrisy in their sentiments will only decrease the credibility of your own so-called "concern and pain for muslim Ummah" sentiments.

If someone on the street is pointing a gun at you and wants to kill you. A murderer passes by and wants to stop the assailant, will you tell him to walk away and rather die than accept his help?

Also some of the Indians in this thread admitted that the Indian Army is oppressing Kashmiris and they said they distance themselves from it.
And if only 1% of the claims are true and it is about the systematic annihilation of a Muslim ethnicity by China - there shouldn't be one single Pakistani who doesn't despise China at least as much as they despise India ... PERIOD!
I will take this news with a pinch of salt by looking at its source, there is no doubt that rapes happen by rogue elements. I will not account it as a deliberate State policy, there is always two sides to a story. Bad practices and human rights violations happen all over the world including Pakistan,Iran, India, China ,SA and others.
But there are Turkish sources too. Your signature says "Greater Pakistan and Greater Turkey will form the Islamic Union of Musalmanistan." How can you have that signature when you don't even trust Turkey?
If someone on the street is pointing a gun at you and wants to kill you. A murderer passes by and wants to stop the assailant, will you tell him to walk away and rather die than accept his help?

Also some of the Indians in this thread admitted that the Indian Army is oppressing Kashmiris and they said they distance themselves from it.

Your example doesn't translates well in the geopolitical stage. First of all, are you a Uyghur? So you're saying that Uyghurs in China are experiencing worser and much more life-threatening treatment from China than those Muslim Kashmiris under a illegal Lockdown imposed on them by the Indians, but you chose to let the Indians help you out on this conquest of saving Uyghur Muslims from big bad China when they're also busy fantasizing about assaulting Muslims in India? Ironic much?

Those Indians that did admit to not being comfortable about Indian Army oppressing Kashmiris should instead advocate for Kashmiri Muslim rights before wanting to save the Uyghur Muslims. After all, start local before going global.
Your example doesn't translates well in the geopolitical stage. First of all, are you a Uyghur? So you're saying that Uyghurs in China are experiencing worser and much more life-threatening treatment from China than those Muslim Kashmiris under a illegal Lockdown imposed on them by the Indians, but you chose to let the Indians help you out on this conquest of saving Uyghur Muslims from big bad China when they're also busy fantasizing about assaulting Muslims in India? Ironic much?

Those Indians that did admit to not being comfortable about Indian Army oppressing Kashmiris should instead advocate for Kashmiri Muslim rights before wanting to save the Uyghur Muslims. After all, start local before going global.
Nobody helps anyone here, and apparently my comments are too honest and uncomfortable for most of you!
We, as Turks, condemn the massacres of the Indians as well as the massacres of the Chinese - and even if we are not Uyghurs, Uyghurs are still ethnic TURKS! remember that - clearly this affects us ...
Your example doesn't translates well in the geopolitical stage. First of all, are you a Uyghur? So you're saying that Uyghurs in China are experiencing worser and much more life-threatening treatment from China than those Muslim Kashmiris under a illegal Lockdown imposed on them by the Indians, but you chose to let the Indians help you out on this conquest of saving Uyghur Muslims from big bad China when they're also busy fantasizing about assaulting Muslims in India? Ironic much?

Those Indians that did admit to not being comfortable about Indian Army oppressing Kashmiris should instead advocate for Kashmiri Muslim rights before wanting to save the Uyghur Muslims. After all, start local before going global.

You are basically saying we should let Uighurs die and get raped by the Chinese, because Indians are oppressing Kashmiris. They are two seperate and completely irrelevant cases, you are being unfair.

In the other thread, you wrote

"The more i see him and his actions the more i am falling in LOVE with him. Without the shadow of doubt he is the leader of the entire Muslim ummah."

Just to point out.

Your leader of the Muslim Ummah is saying Uighurs are being raped and killed by the Chinese.
Yet, you chose to not trust your leader of the Muslim Ummah, and rather trust the Chinese.
Nobody helps anyone here, and apparently my comments are too honest and uncomfortable for most of you!
We, as Turks, condemn the massacres of the Indians as well as the massacres of the Chinese - and even if we are not Uyghurs, Uyghurs are still ethnic TURKS! remember that - clearly this affects us ...

It's alright, i realized very early on that this is more of a turkic ethno-cultural problem than a Islamic one for you guys. You are entitled to your sentiments and i respect that.

You are basically saying we should let Uighurs die and get raped by the Chinese, because Indians are oppressing Kashmiris. They are two seperate and completely irrelevant cases, you are being unfair.

I think it is you who is being unfair. If you care about muslims, try to speak on all of their rights before singling out one group for being hypocrites. I have no problem with you advocating rights for Uyghurs, i only have a problem with you letting non-muslim Indians cry crocodile tears for your cause.

In honest terms, I am a muslim myself and i feel for all muslims be they Kashmiri or Uyghur or Han etc etc But i have also read the hadiths that clearly mention how the Muslim Ummah is going to be divided, hence our current predicament. It is one of the signs for the end of times, and we cannot change the sequence of events leading up to that. For now, i will be concerned with what threatens me immediately before worrying about what's happening else where, and that's what every other muslim is doing right now as well.
He literally reported his own post by tagging the mods.

Yeah he wasn't too bright at all...still best to report anyway because the particular mods tagged might not arrive to the post right away etc....but if you report it gets put in the larger queue right away, so whomever is active mod at the time can deal with it.
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