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Assassination of Khaleda Zia planned by RAW

Yes, RAW is a diabolical agency run by the interest-loving Baniyas. It is completely against Islamic.

The more you mix religion with politics and economics, the more you will get into sh*t. Only science and logical thinking can make you grow, but alas! Both are alien phrase to people like you. So rot in your own hell.
BNP without Zia is no party and will quickly fall apart ......

Who in their right mind would publish this other than Gomez?

Tarique, koko can easily ride on their mother's matrydom to win the elections. Remember the two women of bangladesh politics rode on the matrydom of their husband and father. Furthermore, BNP isnt only run by zia herself, they also have a number of leaders who also runs BNP.

Our reporters are brave enough to questions malpractices of politicians, go undercover etc. I think they will be more than interested to report a story that contains the planned assasination of the top opposition leader.

This issue is not worth discussing to me, cos Gomez only wanted his 15 minutes of fame.
Tarique, koko can easily ride on their mother's matrydom to win the elections. Remember the two women of bangladesh politics rode on the matrydom of their husband and father. Furthermore, BNP isnt only run by zia herself, they also have a number of leaders who also runs BNP.

Our reporters are brave enough to questions malpractices of politicians, go undercover etc. I think they will be more than interested to report a story that contains the planned assasination of the top opposition leader.

This issue is not worth discussing to me, cos Gomez only wanted his 15 minutes of fame.

Tareque and Koko will have to come back to BD to ride on their mothers martyrdom. The minute they step foot in BD they will be arrested. Also neither are popular in BD so they will not get much benefit from the martyrdom. The other leaders in BNP are just ornaments and cannot hold the BNP together by themselves.

Our reporters get killed for uncovering malpractices.

Gomez doesn't need 15 minutes of fame. He is already well known. He was onlt able to write this as he lives outside the country.
Indians govt is trying to send multi level message through various recent actions:

1) Invited and prepped Ershad as fake opposition in a farcical election.

2) Publicized news that KZ going to india when KZ herself or BNP did not say anything about such visit. Indians using media to advancing their govt wish and goal for india is two folds:

a)Explore option to see if KZ will adapt same subservient policies to preserve indian hegemonic control.
b) Paint KZ in same league as Awam League as indian subservient.

3) There is already indian media propaganda campaign going on to label Bangladesh going extremist. This is preemptive indian attempt to keep not so indian subservient Bangladeshi govt under propaganda pressure. There is a problem with that indian story though, US and westerns are not buying that indian story as they did in 2001 on.

4) Since, KZ has not responded on indian over reach and other propaganda tactics are not sticking, indian threat of killing and disappearance of KZ and BNP leaders are re-appearing through media.

What next actual attempt of force disappearance using RAW death squad active in Bangladesh?

All this conspiracy cr@p including this one was published in BD media from BD writers and you are crediting India for it, u are a funny person. :lol:
La-Hasina knows what will be outcome if fair and credible election take place under CTG.

I am personally in favour of a CTG. But, the Supreme Court has nullified the CTG system as it is against the Constitution of the Republic. On the surface, this has forced the Parliament to amend the Constitution. Now, tell us how it is possible to re-amend the election system without first revising/amending also some more related clauses of the Constitution before the amendments on the CTG can take place.

Do you think AL will ever do that? AL will rather prefer a direct military coup than conceding defeat in an election under a CTG. A CTG is dangerous to AL because this is a kind of LEGALIZED form of military govt that is legally capable of investing the Pilkhana. A military govt through coup will be regarded ILLEGAL that will be less powerful and, therefore, may be incapable to do similar investigation.

So, it is not the expected defeat of AL in the election, but the fear of being implicated in the Pilkhana makes AL stubborn not to accept a CTG. It seems a military coup is inevitable if BNP stages demonstrations and anarchism. The other alternative is a AL win without the supervision of a CTG.
Well, the witch Indira did assassinate pres.ZIA for India's fagotic hegemoic dream of Akhand bharat, so who knows these shameless scums may try to do the same again. But inshallah by the grace of Allah(swt) we will come out of this dark period of our history. We are not butan or sikkim.
The more you mix religion with politics and economics, the more you will get into sh*t. Only science and logical thinking can make you grow, but alas! Both are alien phrase to people like you. So rot in your own hell.

You do not have to mix religion with politics. But, the Baniya exhorbitant interest rates should be abolished by enacting and implementing laws based on fairness. Note, this USURY is one reason why the Muslims of Bengal demanded a separate Muslim State, Pakistan. So, get rid of it and make your society more humane.
More than 200 people have been abducted and killed during this AL government. More than 30 000 people were murdered by the Rakhhi Bahini between 1972-1975. What are you taking about?

:hitwall: :what: :disagree:

@ So far I know from 1971 till 1975 near about 19,000 pro-Islamic elements were killed siliently in the name of Collaborating with the Pakistan Army ???????

@ AL is a facist political party,
1. This Gomes guy is gay.

2. RAW and the Yankees are pretty comfortable with BKZ. They have plenty of people in her entourage carrying their brief. Moreover, this BKZ and SHW alternative rule is quite decent to look at and call ? Democracy" - which it is not. In fact SHW is expendable, but not BKZ. She is able to keep any rise of Muslim extremists under check.
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