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Assassination of Khaleda Zia planned by RAW

Bangladeshis aren't known to bow down under agression. India won't make Bdian friendy by buying sold out punks. Banladeshi may become India friendly the day india drop BiG Brother attitude.

Take a look at Bd-China relation. It's hard to find anti-China Bangladeshi around due to Chinas thought out attitude toward us. Indians are arrogant, very selfish, self promoted super power wanna be super ignorant in nature.

Yes, you are very right, who can counter your arguments? Indians are just like Namrud and have become arrogant for nothing but the Goliath size of their country. The only way to get rid of their clout is to build up a Bangladesh with strong education and economy. I believe, our country cannot rise with talks and jargons.
That is nice deception talk, indian and Awami league dalali is no way building that country. India will impose and awami league will loot (among other things). Its time for you to be on your own skin rather than in a indian dalal one.
Yes, you are very right, who can counter your arguments? Indians are just like Namrud and have become arrogant for nothing but the Goliath size of their country. The only way to get rid of their clout is to build up a Bangladesh with strong education and economy. I believe, our country cannot rise with talks and jargons.

Actually we believe the same. We are not steeped in hatred for your country. We are focused in developing our country
and educate our umpteen masses. We share common border, language, cuisine and culture. I see big potential for
Bangladesh if you can dovetail your economic engine with our economic engine. With regional integration we can
uplift millions out of poverty.
Historical evidence how indian RAW interfere create instability in foreign country and then plot and execute assassination of foreign leader. In this evidence Nepal was victim of india/RAW plot.

Nepalese Palace Massacre-2001 & Indian Conspiracy

Wednesday, 05 January 2011 20:16

Dirgha Raj Prasai Kathmandu,Nepal

Dirgha Raj Prasai Kathmandu,Nepal
Regardless of the close relationship between Nepal and India due to unnecessary misunderstandings, there has been the presence of hostility. China and India are two neighboring nations of Nepal. Although, China seems further away from us geographically and linguistically, but we Nepalese people are not suspicious of China. Nepal’s rapport with China is based on amity. We Nepalese respect both these nations. However, India is not ready to comprehend this fact. India is creating wide range of reasons to suffer Nepal. The 1950’s lopsided treaty and Delhi agreement are some of direct examples. India has been using the Nepalese brokers in Nepal to intervene. India’s internal wish is to bring Nepal under its umbrella for achieving which Indian south block and its intelligence wing ‘RAW’ are working. The leaders of Indian Congress, I think, are democrat; however they cannot tolerate the prosperity of neighboring nations as Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

Under the strategy of ‘RAW’ an armed organization Sulfa was created in Assam to threaten, chase and kill Nepali speaking people. Such inhumane works were carried out under the direction of ‘RAW’ and blamed on Khasi ethnic community, which was a blatant example of propaganda to demoralize the Nepali-speaking Indian citizen. In the month of November of 1987 we, Member of Parliament (lawmakers), during our visit to India, had received an opportunity to meet the Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. We appealed Rajiv Gandhi that the injustice unleashed on Indian Nepali speaking in Assam be halted. He rejected our appeal citing that this incident could be the result of Nepal’s decision to impose work permit. (Work-permit system for Indian labors was declared only six month ago-1987) He had directly supported the suppression of Nepali speakers. This proved the degree of prejudice of Indian leaders against Nepalese. The Nepali speaking Indian citizen living in India were subjected to such suffering in rage against the failure to bring Nepal under its umbrella.

In 1988 India went on to impose an indefinite geographical blockade of Nepal denying the latter an exercise in international right of landlocked nation. During the blockade the pro-Indian Congress and Communists were brought to the fore to launch an agitation against the Panchayat system. In view of the possible unwillingness of the Nepalese to join the agitation, India in 1990, brought around 6000 Nepali speaking Bhutanese people from Shiligudi equipping them with Nepalese currency.' RAW’ had a plan that would see suppression of the mass, firing of bullets on agitators and subsequent blockade of the royal palace by the Valley residents. India had already taken control over some of the police officers of Kathmandu. The agitation was expedited with high confrontation. The Congress and Communists that were facing ban were the most active. The then King Birendra felt that the situation was not favoring, so he made a proclamation–the multi-party system on the night-11PM, 8 April 1990.

After the success of the uprising India welcomed the victory of Congress and UML and lifted the blockade to make way for a Nepal as it had desired to see. After the establishment of democracy Krishna Prasad Bhattarai of Nepali Congress became the PM. During the leadership of the cabinet under PM Bhattarai India was able to fix all necessary things needed for its interest.

After the general election in 1990 Girija Prasad Koirala formed the government after which the established norms, civil service and public organizations were transformed in accordance to Congress’ policies and destroyed, industries that were built with Chinese support and which were running in profit were sold to Indians by taking billions of commission in credit. The Airlines Corporation which was in profit went bankrupt. Customs were changed into private business and commission centers. There are no others like such a corrupt traitor as Girija in the history of Nepal. All these were carried out under the support of Indian intelligence wing- RAW. The media have already disclosed that in 1973- Girija hijacked the airplane traveling to Kathmandu from Biratnagar with the support of the Indian intelligence and ransacked Rs.3 million-IC. He went on to smuggle fake Indian currency notes and sold illegal drugs. This is how he collected money.

In this way India has been conspiring to finish Nepal off using its brokers. However due to King Birendra’s firmness towards his nation India could not achieve what it had set upon. It is learnt that India had actually been conspiring to murder King Birendra after referendum. It is said that China had come across this bit of information and had apprised the King. Not only Nepal, Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated by Sri Lankan Sinhalese for they could not tolerate high Indian intervention anymore. It could not manipulate Nepal and the international situation was not favoring it.

Later ‘RAW’ took advantage of the love saga of Prince Dipendra and Dewani to conspire the destruction of King Birendra’s dynasty. This gave India the edge to pile pressure on Nepal. Then, India searched for many ideas to keep King Gyanendra under its influence after the royal massacre. The King understood Indian intentions and did not support its activities. India had been taking a full fledged negative view towards Nepal’s royal institution. Within a week of the palace massacre Maoist leader Dr.Baburam Bhattarai, acting upon the direction of ‘RAW’- inside the Indian embassy, published an article in Kantipur-6th Jun. 2001 that referred to King Gyanendra as the mastermind behind the royal massacre. This made a huge impact on Nepalese mass. The King was blamed falsely for the massacre. The former Military Secretary of royal palace, Gen. Bibek Shah also has exposed the Indian conspirator design about the palace macassare-2001 in his book- 'Maile Dekheko Darabar' Dec.2010'- (My experiment at Royal Palace)

Nepali Congress and UML, which were irked at the King, were assured of government positions. 12-point understanding-2005 was reached with Maoists which had previously been termed terrorists. A joint people’s uprising was launched in 2005 at the initiative of India. The uprising took a decisive form due to the involvement of Maoists. The situation was close to blood bathe. The King decided to hand over power on basis of agreement. The government had been handed over to the King at a time when Congress was in majority in parliament. The same load of rule was handed back by the King. Under Indian direction prejudice was harbored against the King and secularism, republic and federalism imposed. These were not the mandate of people’s uprising.

During the uprising in 2006 ‘RAW’ through Maoists vandalized the statues of the nation’s creator Prithvi Narayan Shah, King Mahendra and other patriotic individuals. ‘RAW’ and UNMIN both showed eagerness in maintaining two separate armies in the nation by establishing Maoist army and controlling and insulting the national army. Following the uprising the cabinet formed under the leadership of Girija Prasad Koirala appointed Krishna Sitaula, who was not worth more than two penny, to the post of Home Minister at the recommendation made by Maoists and ‘RAW’. India went on to achieve what it wanted through this Home Minister. On 2 September, 2007 a sudden bomb explosion rocked Kathmandu. The intention, as envisioned by ‘RAW’ was to blame it falsely on the royal institution. Home Minister Sitaula and Maoist Baburam Bhattarai blamed it on the royal institution and Nepal Army. It has been revealed that the incumbent elected Constituent Assembly member with the help of ‘RAW’ carried out the bombing.

India is in an offensive mood against Nepal, which is crystal clear to everyone. China is not in a situation to take a position as a mute spectator. It is obvious that China would take necessary measures for its own security because Nepal lies between China and India, is bullied by any nation or India. The activities of India and America have increased in Nepal, so has the Chinese activities. China may return in the event of continuity of the royal institution. The issue of Free Tibet will also disappear. If not, there will be the cause of great third world war between the Capitalists and the anti-American nations. In such situation, India also will not be secured.

India is infamous around the world as the result of its decision to use the notorious intelligence agency ‘RAW’ against its neighbors. Indian Congress (I) and ‘RAW’ has adopted terrorism as a strategy to gain influence. Due to this very reason Indian foreign policy is a complete failure. Like Tamils were fueled in Sri Lanka to disintegrate that nation Maoist rebellion was fueled in Nepal to capture this nation. However, this intrigue of India has failed. Tamils of Sri Lanka are of Indian origin. Thousands of Indians who had come to Terai for business were given Nepalese citizenship certificates. The drama of ‘One Madhes One Pradhes’ was ignited through these Indians. Some of Madhesi leaders, who became Nepalese only a couple of decade ago, are being given necessary support and resources to disintegrate Nepal. Some pro-Indian Maoist are also being influenced, the ramification of which may leave India divided into many pieces.

India had taken Maoist fully under its confidence. Secularism, interim constitution 2007 and republic was proclaimed unconstitutionally for Indian interest. Indian conspirators lifted the Maoist to much to implement their agendas. Where as, Congress (I) and Christian mission had huge part in proclaiming secularism and republic. It is a public matter that one of the betrayers Subash Nemwang- the speaker of CA, became active to forward the proposal of secularism and served his self-interest. Then, the design was prepared that the leaders of Congress and UML buck-up the Maoist army and rip Nepal Army of its nobility. The industries slumped further downward. The number of corrupts and deceivers soared high, so high that intriguers of this country was used to end the existence of this very nation. Now, many false plots were and are being intrigued here in order to tarnish King Gyanendra and Prince Paras at a time when the popular support is tilting in favor of the royal palace. In such condition, how can the nationalist force of Nepal remain silent at such a time? All the patriotic forces must move forward to free the nation of foreign intervention and bring the traitors to book.

Nepalese Palace Massacre-2001 & Indian Conspiracy

Oh God....what!? :blink:
There is another thread whereby AL elites are buying air tickets to fly/flee abroad. The news is purposeful. It implies that BNP is so poular that it would win an election even without a CTG. It is a way of luring BNP to join election.

The current thread is also similarly purposeful. It is asking BKZ to believe that because of her rising popularity and invincibilty in the coming election she has become a target of certain quarters. It implies that no one can stop a BNP win even if it is held under AL.

All these are AL propaganda. BNP should not heed to this kind of propaganda and should not participate election unless it is held under a neutral CTG.
BNP resorts to falsehood to exploit cheap sentiment of people: Hanif

Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha (BSS)

KUSHTIA, Sept 12, 2012 (BSS)- Awami League joint general secretary Mahbub-ul-Alam Hanif said here today that the BNP has been coming up with false statement that there is a conspiracy to kill their leader Begum Khaleda Zia to exploit cheap sentiment of people.

"Begum Khaleda Zia is the main patron of the killers. She has given protection to the perpetrators of the August 21 carnage of 2004. So, I would like to ask the BNP to shun falsehood for God sake," he said while inaugurating as the chief guest the 504th branch of Rupali Bank Limited at Bheramara District Auditorium.

Addressing a recent discussion, BNP acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said a conspiracy being hatched to kill Begum Khaleda Zia.

Managing Director of Rupali Bank Limited Debashish Biswas chaired the discussion on the occasion that was also addressed by chairman of the bank Dr Ahmed Al Kabir, Awami League information and research affairs secretary Advocate Afzal Hossain, District Commissioner Banamali Bhowmik, director of the bank Advocate Abdus Salam and mayor of the municipality Shamimul Islam Chhana.

Hanif, also a special assistant to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, said, "In the way BNP's founder General Ziaur Rahman protected the killers of Bangabandhu and allowed them to do politics in the country, his wife Begum Zia, following the footsteps of her husband, brought the war criminals in politics and allowed them to use the national flag in their cars".

In reply to the threat of the BNP leaders to oust the government through a single-point movement after December, the Awami League joint general secretary said, "There will be no benefit to launch an anti-state destructive movement.

Earlier, you have given call for launching movement after Eid-ul-Fitr but backtracked from it as you have failed to involve people in the programme".

He ruled out BNP's allegation that the government has been creating barriers to the return home of Tarique Rahman and said, "He (Tarique) remains a fugitive abroad as he fears of the trial he has to face in a number of cases including that of the money laundering, the August 21 grenade attack and the 10-truck arms and ammunition haul".

Turning to the Hallmark scam, Hanif said the government has taken stringent measure and criminal cases will be lodged against those involved in the incident at the earliest and there will be no scope for those culprits to escape punishment.

In the afternoon, the Awami League leader inaugurated the construction work of the bridge connecting Kushtia and Haripur.
BNP has already fixed the elections with RAW ;)
they have taken money to loose.. they cannot go back from their words :rofl:
Nice hindutva wet dreams with sugar coated words. Keep on dreaming.:wave:

In this globalized flat world there is no room for complacency. Our companies are aggressively looking for markets for our goods going as far as africa and latin america.
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