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Asia ranks top in international education rankings, comparing standards in maths and science

You should know that throughout China's long history, so many different and countless ethnic groups have been merged together to form a super cluster dominant ethnicity we call 'Han-Chinese'. If the Roman Empire had held on together (like China) and did not collapse and become divided into the many different countries that is called Europe today, then Europe too would be one single entity and one single ethnicity. Does my point get across to you?
thats another nonsense, han chinese share common genetic make up with chinese from 5000 years ago, there did be many ethnic groups merged into han chinese throughout history, but because han chinese had biggest population since 2500 years ago in history in world, those tiny ethnic group who merged into han chinese are just nothing and could not influence a bit of identity of han chinese, it was just like a drop of water merge into sea , also your so called point has nothing to do with the topic we are talking about, like i said, japanese are never originated from chinese, they have their own origins, dont be like a fool patriotic
"those tiny ethnic group who merged into han chinese are just nothing and could not influence a bit of identity..."


Teaching and learning style

The situation of teaching is primarily one-sided, a one-way-process: what the teacher announces is relevant and right. The students are not entitled to ask about sense and purpose, to require reasons or even to question the content the task of the students is solely to suck up the mediated knowledge like a sponge, they appropriate as much of the teacher's knowledge as they can. The following table compares prefered teaching and learning styles:

(cf. REISCH/TANG 1992, p. 12)

It is probably exaggerated to claim that the teaching process is more affected that its content, but this much is certain that the classes aim altogether at a receptive learning style, at the mediation of knowledge and at the support of reproductive abilities. The participants are accustomed to receptive learning. Repetitions are one of the characteristics of the teaching process and used regularly without the statement's content varying. Asian students learn by repeated practise rather than by explanation (cf. LEESTMA/WALBERG 1992, p. 244). This learning style can be very strenuous and demands an intense effort, but Asian students are used to this kind of learning. They are aware that knowledge leads to success and social prestige ultimately. Besides, active participation is not common and the demand for it would provoke astonishment. In addition, Students are very insecure being afraid of saying something wrong. This would be a disgrace in front of the class and lead to face-loss, this time with the student.

Theoretical education is consequently dominant and as a matter of priority opposite the practice - practitioners enjoy essentially less prestige. In Asian schools therefore students learn that extensive knowledge is the most essential.

Relationship between teacher and student

The following table compares behaviour that is mainly encouraged in Western and Asian societies. The different relationship between Asian teachers and students can be deduced easily from this.

(cf. REISCH/TANG, p.11)

Respect is given by students towards a teacher not only during working hours, but also outside the work place. The relationship of teachers and students does not finish after school but also applies in the private contact, but personal contact with the students is re-garded as unusual.

Despite formal distance and respect in the contact together, careful interest and worry are significant for the harmony and the learning process. Formal harmony in learning situations is maintained at all times. Teachers would not point out the students' mistakes, because this could follow already mentioned face-loss. The meaning of harmony is very important, especially in the Japanese society (cf. SCHUBERT 1992, p. 123-128). Uppermost principle is the avoidance of confrontation and this is imparted since early childhood. Homogeneity of social order is stressed extremely in Asia.


Teachers in East Asian countries are highly respected. His or her social status can be compared with the prestige teachers used to have in Western societies in former times. The reasons that contribute to this remarkable status are various.

Confucianism and Buddhism are nearly omnipresent in East Asian cultures and deeply rooted in the individual life of every member of society. From a child, Asians are faced with the prevailing rules and duties which are passed on by parents and teachers enduringly. Very early children learn about the importance of avoiding confrontation and of respecting authorities. Asian societies are considered to be vertical and hierarchy plays a weighty role which is often underestimated by Westerners. Opposition and contradiction are not exercised directly to a reputable authority like teachers, trainers and educators. Teachers derive their high social status from the fact that they are the ones who impart knowledge to persons who are ignorant and "not knowing". Even if teachers are not paid as their position in society would imply it, being a teacher is a popular profession in Asian countries. Reasons like lifelong job-security or social prestige see to it.

But it would be naive to claim that the schooling situation is that unscrupulous and perfect without any critizism. For example, in Japan, the flood of entrance examinations and tests to be passed to attend a reputable high school or university is criticized not only by Westerners but also by students, parents and even teachers in Japan. The Japanese "examination hell" is more and more scrutinized closely and sometimes even declared as "test fetishism" (cf. DECKE-CORNILL 1996, p. 107). Japanese government thinks about reforms in the educational system, for example more liberty in terms of creativity or modifications of the curriculum. This also happens against the background of forming more creative individuals to remain competitive in the international market (computer science, software engineering etc.) (cf. BPB 1997, p. 26).

In some fields, the teacher's authority is not as unimpeachable as it used to be and the students' behaviour shows tendencies of violence and offences in school, especially among students themselves. But compared with the difficult situation in Western countries, this development could be regarded as relatively insignificant. As far as the teacher's status in Asia is concerned, it should be pointed to the fact that even if his absolute authority might have changed over the last years, the famous phrases "Knowledge Is Power" is still relevant.

Asian learning culture | Cosmonication

Competitive Examination hell is GOOD

Germany and France does have exam hell as well not like what they depict their school life as heaven. The German Gymnasium and France elite Grand Ecole, ENA, Sci Po admission are base on competitive examination. My German colleague and France friends told me they suffer like hell in Gym and college prep schools.

USA college admission is base on "holistic" requirement aka, an code word for no requirement at all, and they are disaster of pro-Jewish racism and aristocratic back door. It is now a caste system whereby Jews and blue blood white man got unfair advantage against others.

Right now, USA got herself bailout by taking the best post grad in the world. One day when USA salary drop and no one coming, the flaw of her education will be expose. I have met USA college student who lack appallingly basic literacy and mathematics.

It is stupid to think that students who play, idle and do not go through study hell can succeed. The USA piece of shitt like letting students idle are code word that their elites never want to educate most their citizen so that most are stupid to be continuely exploited.
Competitive Examination hell is GOOD

Germany and France does have exam hell as well not like what they depict their school life as heaven. The German Gymnasium and France elite Grand Ecole, ENA, Sci Po admission are base on competitive examination. My German colleague and France friends told me they suffer like hell in Gym and college prep schools.

USA college admission is base on "holistic" requirement aka, an code word for no requirement at all, and they are disaster of pro-Jewish racism and aristocratic back door. It is now a caste system whereby Jews and blue blood white man got unfair advantage against others.

Right now, USA got herself bailout by taking the best post grad in the world. One day when USA salary drop and no one coming, the flaw of her education will be expose. I have met USA college student who lack appallingly basic literacy and mathematics.

It is stupid to think that students who play, idle and do not go through study hell can succeed. The USA piece of shitt like letting students idle are code word that their elites never want to educate most their citizen so that most are stupid to be continuely exploited.

Um. The first paragraph, was ok. Second paragraph --- ?? The third paragraph --- okay? The fourth paragraph...lol word.
"those tiny ethnic group who merged into han chinese are just nothing and could not influence a bit of identity..."


your picture is sourceless and inaccurate, the only accurate genetic make up is from American journerl of human genetics


"those tiny ethnic group who merged into han chinese are just nothing and could not influence a bit of identity..."


also even form this picture, you japanese have not much to do with chinese, your dominant genetic maker is o2b, close to koreans, and southeast asians
Interesting thread.
@jackmars @Nihonjin1051

Could you guys elaborate the link between XU FU 徐福/ Monk Jian Zhen 鉴真 and the Japanese '华族'?

There do have many make-up historic stories and 'researches' comes from jackmars mentioned countries. Maybe only we Chinese could discover most of them. :-)

And jackmars mentioned 2CH site is a typical Japanese one. Plus Yahoo Japan, those are good channels for us to know current Japanese.
also even form this picture, you japanese have not much to do with chinese, your dominant genetic maker is o2b, close to koreans, and southeast asians

Naturally we will have similar genetic markers as Koreans, as I had said in a prior post that during the Yayoi Jidai, colonizers to the Japanese Archipelago came from 2 routes: The Korean Peninsula and the Zheijiang Region. As for the large D haplotype , this is understandable since the native inhabitants of Japan , prior to the Yayoi Jidai, were the Jomon people (who genetically are similar to South Asians). Japanese people are NOT truly a 'homogenous' collective, rather, the Modern Japanese are descendents of the Altaic migration, Han migration into the Japanese islands and eventually intermixed with the proto-Japanese, the Jomon, whose descendents are the Ainu.

Expand your knowledge.
Could you guys elaborate the link between XU FU 徐福/ Monk Jian Zhen 鉴真 and the Japanese '华族'?

There do have many make-up historic stories and 'researches' comes from jackmars mentioned countries. Maybe only we Chinese could discover most of them. :-)

The earliest documentary record of contact between Japan and China was a Qin navigator, Xu Fu(徐福). A Chinese legend of uncertain provenance states that Xu Fu(徐福), a Qin Dynasty court sorcerer, was sent by Qin Shi Huang(秦始皇) to Penglai Mountain (Mount Fuji) in 219 BC to retrieve an elixir of life. Unwilling to return without the elixir, the myth asserts that Xu instead chose to settle in Japan. It was believed that the fleet included 60 barques and around 5,000 crew members, 3,000 boys and girls, and craftsmen of different fields.

Xu Fu from China

Xu Fu was from the state of Qi(齊/齐). Qi was a state during Spring and Autumn Period(春秋时代)and Period of the Warring States(战国时代)in ancient China. In 221 BC, Qi was the last state of pre-Imperial China to be conquered by the State of Qin, the final obstacle which allowed the Qin Dynasty(under Qin Shi Huang)to consolidate the 6 kingdoms and found the first centralized and imperial empire over China. Xu Fu become people of Qin, with personal humiliation of destruction of his own home state by Qin.

His hometown is from Longkou city(龍口市),formerly Huang County (黄县). Longkou literally means dragon(龍)'s mouth(口). It is a port city in northeastern Shandong Province(山东省), on the eastern coast of the People's Republic of China. Longkou, now a county-level city, is administered by the prefecture-level city of Yantai(烟台市). The total population of Longkou is 620,000. However there are other theory stated that he was born and growth up in Xu Fu village(徐福村,原名叫徐阜村),JinShan Zhen(金山镇),Ganyu County (赣榆县),a county of Jiangsu Province(江苏省), China, now under the administration of Lianyungang(连云港)city. This was also the port he departed to the east. The third opinion is that he was from Langya(琅琊), Jiaonan (胶南)which is now a county-level city of Qingdao sub-provincial city, Shandong Province, China. All these three places were in Qi state in ancient time. Ganyu county was under Langya Prefecture during Qin Dynasty period, that caused the confusion in history.

Also, if you want to know about the Suzhou culture in Japan, you can read:
Suzhou Culture in Japan--《Journal of Suzhou College of Education》2011年05期

And jackmars mentioned 2CH site is a typical Japanese one. Plus Yahoo Japan, those are good channels for us to know current Japanese.


The link between Japan and China is not just historical, even the foundation of Modern China is linked with Japan.

Bro, there is remarkable link between China and Japan. This link is traced back to the legends of old of Xu Fu (Yuzuki no Kimi) , to King Taibo. Even in early modern period of Japan and China, the father of Modern China, Dr. Sun Yat Sen, was very good friends with a Japanese philosopher named 宮崎 滔天 Miyazaki Toten. They remained the best of friends throughout their lives. Miyazaki died in 1922 and Dr. Sun died in 1925.

Here's a picture of Dr. Sun Yat Sen in Tokyo with other Japanese friends. Dr. Sun Yat Sen is in the right, And Miyazaki Toten is in the center (the guy with the big bushy beard, lol):



Do you know how Japan got its name? Japan's oldest name is 倭 (Wa, or Wo). The Chinese work known as Shan Hai Jing 山海經 (Classic of The Mountains and Seas) , there is a chapter there that describes the land of Wa , which is referring to Japan.

Incidentally this word "Wa" is progenitor of the YAMATO civilization of ancient Japan.

In fact, the oldest link we have that traces Chinese - Japanese relationship is the golden seal that the Chinese Empero Guangwu of the Han Dynasty gave to the Japanese Emperor back in 1st century CE.

Naturally we will have similar genetic markers as Koreans, as I had said in a prior post that during the Yayoi Jidai, colonizers to the Japanese Archipelago came from 2 routes: The Korean Peninsula and the Zheijiang Region. As for the large D haplotype , this is understandable since the native inhabitants of Japan , prior to the Yayoi Jidai, were the Jomon people (who genetically are similar to South Asians). Japanese people are NOT truly a 'homogenous' collective, rather, the Modern Japanese are descendents of the Altaic migration, Han migration into the Japanese islands and eventually intermixed with the proto-Japanese, the Jomon, whose descendents are the Ainu.

Expand your knowledge.
you ignorant , its you who need to learn knowledge , thats all i taught you from my previous comments that you japanese are similar to koreans and southeast asians, not you are origninated from chinese, you japanese or koreans have no much to do with chinese, like i said, also yao yi is just unproven japanese scholar fabrication, let alone even yao yi has no much to do with chinese, they are just minority , also, you jaapnese has nothing to do with althaic, dont make up lies, you are pretty much southeast asians and local islander mixing, plus some chinese, korean immigrants,(koreans had similar orgin to you japanese in the first place) , go to school, kid
you ignorant , its you who need to learn knowledge , thats all i taught you from my previous comments that you japanese are similar to koreans and southeast asians, not you are origninated from chinese, you japanese or koreans have no much to do with chinese, like i said, also yao yi is just unproven japanese scholar fabrication, let alone even yao yi has no much to do with chinese, they are just minority , also, you jaapnese has nothing to do with althaic, dont make up lies, you are pretty much southeast asians and local islander mixing, plus some chinese, korean immigrants,(koreans had similar orgin to you japanese in the first place) , go to school, kid

I feel like im talking to an illiterate.

And i highly doubt that you are Chinese.

In fact I am 100% sure you are not.
The earliest documentary record of contact between Japan and China was a Qin navigator, Xu Fu(徐福). A Chinese legend of uncertain provenance states that Xu Fu(徐福), a Qin Dynasty court sorcerer, was sent by Qin Shi Huang(秦始皇) to Penglai Mountain (Mount Fuji) in 219 BC to retrieve an elixir of life. Unwilling to return without the elixir, the myth asserts that Xu instead chose to settle in Japan. It was believed that the fleet included 60 barques and around 5,000 crew members, 3,000 boys and girls, and craftsmen of different fields.

Xu Fu from China

Xu Fu was from the state of Qi(齊/齐). Qi was a state during Spring and Autumn Period(春秋时代)and Period of the Warring States(战国时代)in ancient China. In 221 BC, Qi was the last state of pre-Imperial China to be conquered by the State of Qin, the final obstacle which allowed the Qin Dynasty(under Qin Shi Huang)to consolidate the 6 kingdoms and found the first centralized and imperial empire over China. Xu Fu become people of Qin, with personal humiliation of destruction of his own home state by Qin.

His hometown is from Longkou city(龍口市),formerly Huang County (黄县). Longkou literally means dragon(龍)'s mouth(口). It is a port city in northeastern Shandong Province(山东省), on the eastern coast of the People's Republic of China. Longkou, now a county-level city, is administered by the prefecture-level city of Yantai(烟台市). The total population of Longkou is 620,000. However there are other theory stated that he was born and growth up in Xu Fu village(徐福村,原名叫徐阜村),JinShan Zhen(金山镇),Ganyu County (赣榆县),a county of Jiangsu Province(江苏省), China, now under the administration of Lianyungang(连云港)city. This was also the port he departed to the east. The third opinion is that he was from Langya(琅琊), Jiaonan (胶南)which is now a county-level city of Qingdao sub-provincial city, Shandong Province, China. All these three places were in Qi state in ancient time. Ganyu county was under Langya Prefecture during Qin Dynasty period, that caused the confusion in history.

Also, if you want to know about the Suzhou culture in Japan, you can read:
Suzhou Culture in Japan--《Journal of Suzhou College of Education》2011年05期


The link between Japan and China is not just historical, even the foundation of Modern China is linked with Japan.

Bro, there is remarkable link between China and Japan. This link is traced back to the legends of old of Xu Fu (Yuzuki no Kimi) , to King Taibo. Even in early modern period of Japan and China, the father of Modern China, Dr. Sun Yat Sen, was very good friends with a Japanese philosopher named 宮崎 滔天 Miyazaki Toten. They remained the best of friends throughout their lives. Miyazaki died in 1922 and Dr. Sun died in 1925.

Here's a picture of Dr. Sun Yat Sen in Tokyo with other Japanese friends. Dr. Sun Yat Sen is in the right, And Miyazaki Toten is in the center (the guy with the big bushy beard, lol):



Do you know how Japan got its name? Japan's oldest name is 倭 (Wa, or Wo). The Chinese work known as Shan Hai Jing 山海經 (Classic of The Mountains and Seas) , there is a chapter there that describes the land of Wa , which is referring to Japan.

Incidentally this word "Wa" is progenitor of the YAMATO civilization of ancient Japan.

In fact, the oldest link we have that traces Chinese - Japanese relationship is the golden seal that the Chinese Empero Guangwu of the Han Dynasty gave to the Japanese Emperor back in 1st century CE.

that is just cultural influence, not anything do with the genetic make up, stop making up stories, you japanese have nothing to do with chinese

I feel like im talking to an illiterate.
thats you, brainless uneducated kid
that is just cultural influence, not anything do with the genetic make up, stop making up stories, you japanese have nothing to do with chinese

thats you, brainless uneducated kid

You don't have to worry about us East Asians, because you are not East Asian.

You are something "else".
The only way to settle the dispute is to do genetic testing on the ancient japanese famous tomb owners comparing with the chinese ones. Has there been any genetic testing before?

Edit#Kofun burial mounds in Japan are often very secretive when being dug.
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