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Asia ranks top in international education rankings, comparing standards in maths and science

Simply because those 3 you mention were very very close to China. Just like one big family.



Definitely more closer than them. Btw, why do you include Turk? They are not even Sinic people like the rest.
definitely? lol, that means you are uneducated, you need to go to school to learn basic geography, see where is japan ,where is mongolian grassland,
and sinic? lol, the japanese copied from china so they became sinic in culture, or they would be nobody
1. Singapore
2. Hong Kong
3. South Korea
4. Japan (joint)
4. Taiwan (joint)
6. Finland
7. Estonia
8. Switzerland
9. Netherlands
10. Canada
11. Poland
12. Vietnam
13. Germany
14. Australia

definitely? lol, that means you are uneducated, you need to go to school to learn basic geography, see where is japan ,where is mongolian grassland,
and sinic? lol, the japanese copied from china so they became sinic in culture, or they would be nobody

Japanese people originated from China.

Allow me to clarify. Chinese, Mongolian, Tibetan, Vietnamese, Korean and Japanese are all Sinic people.
definitely? lol, that means you are uneducated, you need to go to school to learn basic geography, see where is japan ,where is mongolian grassland,
and sinic? lol, the japanese copied from china so they became sinic in culture, or they would be nobody

Not only are you impudent, but it is you who needs to do some readings. FYI, the colonizers of the Japanese Archipelago occurred over 3,000 years ago during the period known as Yayoi Jidai, where people from present day Zhejiang Region of China came to Japan, as well as succeeding migration of people form present day Korean peninsula. Tho most of the incoming waves came from people who used to inhabit present day Zhejiang region of Chinese Mainland.

The modern history of the 'Japanese State' is interlinked with the State of Wu.

Ever heard of 吳語 dialect ? You know that early Japanese immigration to present day Japan were from people in what is now Zhejiang region of China? In fact according to Japanese legend, one of the early legends during the Yayoi Jidai is that Wu Taibu of the State of Wu (in Japanese we refer to him as Go Taihaku.

In a well known Japanese Historical Debate, also known as Jinmu Tenno Ron [Essay on the Emperor Jinmu] , the sympathetically well-known story of the founder of the Japanese Imperial line was actually a Chinese named Wu Taibo.

Japanese Legends are interesting, indeed, but in order to clarify its authenticity, its good tore fer to Chinese historical accounts. The original story of Wu Taibo (In Japanese he is known as Go Taihaku) was told by the Chinese historian named Sima Qian in the Shiji. Sima Qian notes that Wu Taibo was the uncle of the founder of the Imperial Zhou Dynasty, one of the states of the Spring and Autumn Era (700-481 BCE). Taibo was the legendary founder of the State of Wu. Wu Taibo left his country, renouncing his succession to the throne in favor of his more capable younger brother, an act that was much lauded by Confucians. He went somewhere else -- vaguely to the lands to the East where he settled and established a new Kingdom. This is where legend and historical fact may connect. So, is the First Emperor of Japan -- Jinmu Tenno -- somehow related to or was Wu Taibo ? We will never really know, but we can make assumptions to it.

Wu and Japan are very, very closely linked, historically speaking. Perhaps there is a reason why in your Wu dailect has some organizational similarities with Japanese.

So without a doubt @21stCentury has a point when he says that Japan is very very close to China. Because it is true, the present day Japanese people are descendents of the people whom came to Japan from Zhejiang Region some 3000 years ago.

Whether you like it or not, dude, Japanese are kin to Han Chinese. We may not be completely "the same" but we are kin.

Japanese people originated from China.

Allow me to clarify. Chinese, Mongolian, Tibetan, Vietnamese, Korean and Japanese are all Sinic people.

Not only originate from China, but the Yayoi Migrants CAME from ZHEJIANG Region of China.

Japanese people originated from China.

Allow me to clarify. Chinese, Mongolian, Tibetan, Vietnamese, Korean and Japanese are all Sinic people.
no, there is no such thing, japanese are mostly pacific islanders, their genetic makup are mostly o2b from south pacific and southeast asia, they do have some chinese and korean immigrants in history, but far from ogirinated from chinese, you need to learn history, not story.
also, viets are closer to khmar ,not chinese, they do have lots of chinese blood, because of colonised by china for 1500 years, the koreans are also has no much to do with chinese, they are closer to japanese in blood, yeah, tiebtans are pretty much chinese because they share same ancestors
no, there is no such thing, japanese are mostly pacific islanders, their genetic makup are mostly o2b from south pacific and southeast asia, they do have some chinese and korean immigrants in history, but far from ogirinated from chinese, you need to learn history, not story.
also, viets are closer to khmar ,not chinese, they do have lots of chinese blood, because of colonised by china for 1500 years, the koreans are also has no much to do with chinese, they are closer to japanese in blood, yeah, tiebtans are pretty much chinese because they share same ancestors

I don't even think you are Chinese.
Not only are you impudent, but it is you who needs to do some readings. FYI, the colonizers of the Japanese Archipelago occurred over 3,000 years ago during the period known as Yayoi Jidai, where people from present day Zhejiang Region of China came to Japan, as well as succeeding migration of people form present day Korean peninsula. Tho most of the incoming waves came from people who used to inhabit present day Zhejiang region of Chinese Mainland.

The modern history of the 'Japanese State' is interlinked with the State of Wu.

Ever heard of 吳語 dialect ? You know that early Japanese immigration to present day Japan were from people in what is now Zhejiang region of China? In fact according to Japanese legend, one of the early legends during the Yayoi Jidai is that Wu Taibu of the State of Wu (in Japanese we refer to him as Go Taihaku.

In a well known Japanese Historical Debate, also known as Jinmu Tenno Ron [Essay on the Emperor Jinmu] , the sympathetically well-known story of the founder of the Japanese Imperial line was actually a Chinese named Wu Taibo.

Japanese Legends are interesting, indeed, but in order to clarify its authenticity, its good tore fer to Chinese historical accounts. The original story of Wu Taibo (In Japanese he is known as Go Taihaku) was told by the Chinese historian named Sima Qian in the Shiji. Sima Qian notes that Wu Taibo was the uncle of the founder of the Imperial Zhou Dynasty, one of the states of the Spring and Autumn Era (700-481 BCE). Taibo was the legendary founder of the State of Wu. Wu Taibo left his country, renouncing his succession to the throne in favor of his more capable younger brother, an act that was much lauded by Confucians. He went somewhere else -- vaguely to the lands to the East where he settled and established a new Kingdom. This is where legend and historical fact may connect. So, is the First Emperor of Japan -- Jinmu Tenno -- somehow related to or was Wu Taibo ? We will never really know, but we can make assumptions to it.

Wu and Japan are very, very closely linked, historically speaking. Perhaps there is a reason why in your Wu dailect has some organizational similarities with Japanese.

So without a doubt @21stCentury has a point when he says that Japan is very very close to China. Because it is true, the present day Japanese people are descendents of the people whom came to Japan from Zhejiang Region some 3000 years ago.

Whether you like it or not, dude, Japanese are kin to Han Chinese. We may not be completely "the same" but we are kin.

Not only originate from China, but the Yayoi Migrants CAME from ZHEJIANG Region of China.

no, thats just one theory raised by japanese scholars,, never being proven internationally, only some of you japanese believe it, not even majority of japanese would agree with that, you go to japenes 2ch forum, they would laugh at you , also, those yao yi are minority of china, never chinese, you are very uneducated

I don't even think you are Chinese.
im 100% chinese
no, thats just one theory raised by japanese scholars,, never being proven internationally, only some of you japanese believe it, not even majority of japanese would agree with that, you go to japenes 2ch forum, they would laugh at you , also, those yao yi are minority of china, never chinese, you are very uneducated

im 100% chinese

lol, i highly doubt that.

1. Singapore
2. Hong Kong
3. South Korea
4. Japan (joint)
4. Taiwan (joint)
6. Finland
7. Estonia
8. Switzerland
9. Netherlands
10. Canada
11. Poland
12. Vietnam
13. Germany
14. Australia


How come Singapore scored so high? Can we take into consideration the sample size ? Should we not check the p value , as well as a value?

lol, i highly doubt that.

How come Singapore scored so high? Can we take into consideration the sample size ? Should we not check the p value , as well as a value?

you doubt because you dont read much
no, there is no such thing, japanese are mostly pacific islanders, their genetic makup are mostly o2b from south pacific and southeast asia, they do have some chinese and korean immigrants in history, but far from ogirinated from chinese, you need to learn history, not story.
also, viets are closer to khmar ,not chinese, they do have lots of chinese blood, because of colonised by china for 1500 years, the koreans are also has no much to do with chinese, they are closer to japanese in blood, yeah, tiebtans are pretty much chinese because they share same ancestors

You should know that throughout China's long history, so many different and countless ethnic groups have been merged together to form a super cluster dominant ethnicity we call 'Han-Chinese'. If the Roman Empire had held on together (like China) and did not collapse and become divided into the many different countries that is called Europe today, then Europe too would be one single entity and one single ethnicity. Does my point get across to you?
Teaching and learning style

The situation of teaching is primarily one-sided, a one-way-process: what the teacher announces is relevant and right. The students are not entitled to ask about sense and purpose, to require reasons or even to question the content the task of the students is solely to suck up the mediated knowledge like a sponge, they appropriate as much of the teacher's knowledge as they can. The following table compares prefered teaching and learning styles:

(cf. REISCH/TANG 1992, p. 12)

It is probably exaggerated to claim that the teaching process is more affected that its content, but this much is certain that the classes aim altogether at a receptive learning style, at the mediation of knowledge and at the support of reproductive abilities. The participants are accustomed to receptive learning. Repetitions are one of the characteristics of the teaching process and used regularly without the statement's content varying. Asian students learn by repeated practise rather than by explanation (cf. LEESTMA/WALBERG 1992, p. 244). This learning style can be very strenuous and demands an intense effort, but Asian students are used to this kind of learning. They are aware that knowledge leads to success and social prestige ultimately. Besides, active participation is not common and the demand for it would provoke astonishment. In addition, Students are very insecure being afraid of saying something wrong. This would be a disgrace in front of the class and lead to face-loss, this time with the student.

Theoretical education is consequently dominant and as a matter of priority opposite the practice - practitioners enjoy essentially less prestige. In Asian schools therefore students learn that extensive knowledge is the most essential.

Relationship between teacher and student

The following table compares behaviour that is mainly encouraged in Western and Asian societies. The different relationship between Asian teachers and students can be deduced easily from this.

(cf. REISCH/TANG, p.11)

Respect is given by students towards a teacher not only during working hours, but also outside the work place. The relationship of teachers and students does not finish after school but also applies in the private contact, but personal contact with the students is re-garded as unusual.

Despite formal distance and respect in the contact together, careful interest and worry are significant for the harmony and the learning process. Formal harmony in learning situations is maintained at all times. Teachers would not point out the students' mistakes, because this could follow already mentioned face-loss. The meaning of harmony is very important, especially in the Japanese society (cf. SCHUBERT 1992, p. 123-128). Uppermost principle is the avoidance of confrontation and this is imparted since early childhood. Homogeneity of social order is stressed extremely in Asia.


Teachers in East Asian countries are highly respected. His or her social status can be compared with the prestige teachers used to have in Western societies in former times. The reasons that contribute to this remarkable status are various.

Confucianism and Buddhism are nearly omnipresent in East Asian cultures and deeply rooted in the individual life of every member of society. From a child, Asians are faced with the prevailing rules and duties which are passed on by parents and teachers enduringly. Very early children learn about the importance of avoiding confrontation and of respecting authorities. Asian societies are considered to be vertical and hierarchy plays a weighty role which is often underestimated by Westerners. Opposition and contradiction are not exercised directly to a reputable authority like teachers, trainers and educators. Teachers derive their high social status from the fact that they are the ones who impart knowledge to persons who are ignorant and "not knowing". Even if teachers are not paid as their position in society would imply it, being a teacher is a popular profession in Asian countries. Reasons like lifelong job-security or social prestige see to it.

But it would be naive to claim that the schooling situation is that unscrupulous and perfect without any critizism. For example, in Japan, the flood of entrance examinations and tests to be passed to attend a reputable high school or university is criticized not only by Westerners but also by students, parents and even teachers in Japan. The Japanese "examination hell" is more and more scrutinized closely and sometimes even declared as "test fetishism" (cf. DECKE-CORNILL 1996, p. 107). Japanese government thinks about reforms in the educational system, for example more liberty in terms of creativity or modifications of the curriculum. This also happens against the background of forming more creative individuals to remain competitive in the international market (computer science, software engineering etc.) (cf. BPB 1997, p. 26).

In some fields, the teacher's authority is not as unimpeachable as it used to be and the students' behaviour shows tendencies of violence and offences in school, especially among students themselves. But compared with the difficult situation in Western countries, this development could be regarded as relatively insignificant. As far as the teacher's status in Asia is concerned, it should be pointed to the fact that even if his absolute authority might have changed over the last years, the famous phrases "Knowledge Is Power" is still relevant.

Asian learning culture | Cosmonication

You should know that throughout China's long history, so many different and countless ethnic groups have been merged together to form a super cluster dominant ethnicity we call 'Han-Chinese'. If the Roman Empire had held on together (like China) and did not collapse and become divided into the many different countries that is called Europe today, then Europe too would be one single entity and one single ethnicity. Does my point get across to you?

No point , he is equivalent to some of the radicals in my own country, whom we call the Uyoku Dantai. The crazy ultranationalistic fanatics.

Seems like we have them in both sides of the straits. lol.

Best to ignore fanatics.
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