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Asia ranks top in international education rankings, comparing standards in maths and science

Actually that's hardly the case, Chinese science, for much of world history had been at the front. During the warring states in Japan, Japan also had great scientific advancements.

Korea also claims much of what exists in the known East Asian world.

Ming China, especially Song dynasty, science was at the front and Song dynasty was not a militaristic one. Ming dynasty's ships, guns, and other inventions were at the fore front of the world.

Then Tokugawa Shogunate shut Japan's waters, and stopped all advancements, as did the Manchu Qing dynasty.

I can honestly say, having no Manchu and no Mongols are the only things that make me think there is a god and his name is Jesus.

There are other reasons too of course, a continuous warring state in Europe like the ones in China and Japan(which were also the highlight of our respective countries helped.)

Yes, you have a strong point there. There is no doubt that during the Tang Dynasty and Heian Jidai -- the level of trade and sciences exploration between Japan and China was at all all time high (nothing in modern period parallels this period of unprecedented Sino-Japanese entente). As during that time, it was considered that China and Japan were considered One; there used to be a ritual wherein the Emperor of China would send an Imperial envoy to the Emperor of Japan, who would then send one back to return the same auspicious regards. During those days, the Tang Dynasty Period and the Heian Jidai, the lips of the Emperor of China was close to the ear of the Emperor of Japan.

That's how close we were.

There are other reasons too of course, a continuous warring state in Europe like the ones in China and Japan(which were also the highlight of our respective countries helped.)

Hmm, so you're saying that the inter-European wars, and competition amongst their fiefdoms was a driving engine for ingenuity ? I would have to concur on that.

The Causes of the Renaissance - A Guide

While China and Korea fought Japan to a stand still in Korea, and Korean and Chinese navies decimated the Japanese navy. This proves that Asia at the time was the most powerful sphere in the world, and the most advanced period. Much of East Asian influence was found even in the French court.

Yes, the Koreans owe their collective existence as an independent power to the Chinese, honestly. Hideyoshi's forces had the Korean king begging the Court of Ming to come to his aid, literally most of Korea was already under Japanese control.

The thing is it took both of you to combine forces to make a stalemate in Korea. So exhaustive was the war that Ming China was bankrupted due to the cost of the war with Japan. While Japan had , too, exhausted its coffers . But the Imjin War was a didactic experience as it showed the Bakufu at the time on the effective military strategy in fighting foreign armies, instead of just regional clan wars. The Imjin Wars had saw to the , literally, decimation of the entire Korean Armies under the Japanese.

If it was not for China (Ming Dynasty), Korea should have been colonized by Japan as early as the 16th century.

I give you guys credit tho. Come on, 2 vs 1. lol.

The Meiji restoration, just brought Japan back into the world once again and no longer secluded from the world. Portuguese reported that the Hideoshi could have taken on the entire European army and Nobunaga first used line firing with muskets in the world.

yes. good point.

The classics was only to determined how smart the person was, it is by no means the only thing these people knew. The ancient structure is very complicated and hard to describe without too much writing so I'll leave it at it's not just the classics.

Can you elaborate ? I'd like to know your view on the matter, actually.
Yes, you have a strong point there. There is no doubt that during the Tang Dynasty and Heian Jidai -- the level of trade and sciences exploration between Japan and China was at all all time high (nothing in modern period parallels this period of unprecedented Sino-Japanese entente). As during that time, it was considered that China and Japan were considered One; there used to be a ritual wherein the Emperor of China would send an Imperial envoy to the Emperor of Japan, who would then send one back to return the same auspicious regards. During those days, the Tang Dynasty Period and the Heian Jidai, the lips of the Emperor of China was close to the ear of the Emperor of Japan.

That's how close we were.

Hmm, so you're saying that the inter-European wars, and competition amongst their fiefdoms was a driving engine for ingenuity ? I would have to concur on that.

The Causes of the Renaissance - A Guide

Yes, the Koreans owe their collective existence as an independent power to the Chinese, honestly. Hideyoshi's forces had the Korean king begging the Court of Ming to come to his aid, literally most of Korea was already under Japanese control.

The thing is it took both of you to combine forces to make a stalemate in Korea. So exhaustive was the war that Ming China was bankrupted due to the cost of the war with Japan. While Japan had , too, exhausted its coffers . But the Imjin War was a didactic experience as it showed the Bakufu at the time on the effective military strategy in fighting foreign armies, instead of just regional clan wars. The Imjin Wars had saw to the , literally, decimation of the entire Korean Armies under the Japanese.

If it was not for China (Ming Dynasty), Korea should have been colonized by Japan as early as the 16th century.

I give you guys credit tho. Come on, 2 vs 1. lol.

yes. good point.

Can you elaborate ? I'd like to know your view on the matter, actually.
wrong again, japan was kindom , not emperor , you were vassal of china , you have to pay tribute to china back then, also tang and japan was not close, tang army defeated your weak army in korea
wrong again, japan was kindom , not emperor , you were vassal of china , you have to pay tribute to china back then, also tang and japan was not close, tang army defeated your weak army in korea

Japanese Empire.

And Japan was never a vassal of China.

No Chinese (+ Korean) armies ever set foot on sacred Japanese soil.

Well Mongols did, but we eviscerated them on their 2 attempts. lol.

Remember? Yuan Dynasty?
Singaporeans though having the highest IQ in the world have a traitor PAP government who flood us with foreigners especially Indians.


Then PAP tell us we are stupid and lazy and all jobs must go to foreigners. Singaporeans are made dalits. Scholarships are given to foreigners even if their result are fcuk up. Singaporeans are made to take a lot of debt for college.

Then PAP hike land price like crazy to put us more in debt to sterilize us. PAP then tell whole world Singaporeans are too lazy and do not want to reproduce, so they need to flood us with more foreigners.

In short, Singapore is a dalit land, created by neo Brahma, Kuan Yew.
Japanese Empire.

And Japan was never a vassal of China.

No Chinese (+ Korean) armies ever set foot on sacred Japanese soil.

Well Mongols did, but we eviscerated them on their 2 attempts. lol.

Remember? Yuan Dynasty?
well, no japanese empire, you self claim, but the fact is you were vassal of china as kindom of wo, (dwarf), dont make up lies.
also chinese qin dynasty general xu fu and his army reached japan and ruled locals before you japanese were even evovled from monkey level.
also, mongol army are made up with mostly chinese, and some koreans, you japanese never defeated any of them , it was typhoon sunk their ships, or your japan would be part of mongols even today, LOL
also yuan only lasted like 50 years, mongols are slave of china for more than 1000 years, even today most mongols are under chinese ruling, hahah
Japanese Empire.

And Japan was never a vassal of China.

No Chinese (+ Korean) armies ever set foot on sacred Japanese soil.

Well Mongols did, but we eviscerated them on their 2 attempts. lol.

Remember? Yuan Dynasty?
well, no japanese empire, you self claim, but the fact is you were vassal of china as kindom of wo, (dwarf), dont make up lies.
also chinese qin dynasty general xu fu and his army reached japan and ruled locals before you japanese were even evovled from monkey level.
also, mongol army are made up with mostly chinese, and some koreans, you japanese never defeated any of them , it was typhoon sunk their ships, or your japan would be part of mongols even today, LOL
also yuan only lasted like 50 years, mongols are slave of china for more than 1000 years, even today most mongols are under chinese ruling, hahah

Around 4 major wars engagement with Japan. All and except WW2 was fought in Korea.

Tang Dynasty
Battle of Baekgang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China win

Ming Dynasty
Japanese invasions of Korea (1592–98) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stalemate but Japan withdraw. China strategic victory

Qing Dynasty
First Sino-Japanese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Japan win

Second Sino-Japanese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China lost tactically but win strategically.
Yes, you have a strong point there. There is no doubt that during the Tang Dynasty and Heian Jidai -- the level of trade and sciences exploration between Japan and China was at all all time high (nothing in modern period parallels this period of unprecedented Sino-Japanese entente). As during that time, it was considered that China and Japan were considered One; there used to be a ritual wherein the Emperor of China would send an Imperial envoy to the Emperor of Japan, who would then send one back to return the same auspicious regards. During those days, the Tang Dynasty Period and the Heian Jidai, the lips of the Emperor of China was close to the ear of the Emperor of Japan.

That's how close we were.

That's a bit exaggerated, but ok.

Yes, the Koreans owe their collective existence as an independent power to the Chinese, honestly. Hideyoshi's forces had the Korean king begging the Court of Ming to come to his aid, literally most of Korea was already under Japanese control.

The thing is it took both of you to combine forces to make a stalemate in Korea. So exhaustive was the war that Ming China was bankrupted due to the cost of the war with Japan. While Japan had , too, exhausted its coffers . But the Imjin War was a didactic experience as it showed the Bakufu at the time on the effective military strategy in fighting foreign armies, instead of just regional clan wars. The Imjin Wars had saw to the , literally, decimation of the entire Korean Armies under the Japanese.

If it was not for China (Ming Dynasty), Korea should have been colonized by Japan as early as the 16th century.

I give you guys credit tho. Come on, 2 vs 1. lol.

The Korean Navy at the time was miles ahead of Japan, which is why you lost in the first place, Ming helped, but it was the Korean navy cutting off supplies and destroying transports. The Koreans had decades of experience fighting the Wako pirates, their cannon ships were real warships rather than the Japanese ships which were more transport than anything else.

Ming China's finances had already collapse by that time, the Silver trade of Japan, but especially Spain, as well as the first paper currency completely destroyed Chinese economy, and inflation was at an all time high, so much so, that the same situation, more or less, in the Spanish empire, turned Spain into a minor power from the king of Euorpe at the time.

The Japanese ground force was far and away the most feared fighters in Asia at the time though, centuries of fighting experience and the brilliance of the Daimyos who commanded made Japan the ground force at the time. Had it not been for the navy, I'm sure Korea would have fallen regardless. The Chinese force sent was not particularly strong, they were just the border forces, who while battle hardened, were undisciplined, and essentially unpaid.

Can you elaborate ? I'd like to know your view on the matter, actually.

Consider a college education, when I finished it was by no means the end. I had to go through about a year of training before I was any good, and even then I still require constant studying to even now and all the way to my retirement.

School gives you the tools to learn, not the tools to work.

The bureaucrats has different jobs, they learn from experience of the higher ranking officials and others, the first in Keju, doesn't give you a leading position, it gives you a position in the government, where you can rise base on your accomplishment.

Keju gives you a chance, whether you can take that chance is up to you.

This is essentially the same as it is today, but with more emphasis on, on the job training, rather than in school.

One example is the Ming Prime minister, he was experienced in pretty much all the fields, and Keju proved his memory, his creativity, and his competence as an intellectual. 严嵩 the PM in question, was so good, all his work can be considered master pieces, yet he never writes any drafts. Exaggerated probably, but it still proves his worth.

Keju gave him the chance to shine, and prestige. It by no means made him a PM. Him being an expert in all things by the age of 63, made him the PM.
It does make sense to know when Asian could turn good score into real performance. Effectiveness.
Westerners results aren't good in mass for several decades. But they still control the science, technology, entertainment, music, sport... nearly everything.

Their classrooms are just like a playground, but their creativeness is still better than study like crazy in Asia.
It does make sense to know when Asian could turn good score into real performance. Effectiveness.
Westerners results aren't good in mass for several decades. But they still control the science, technology, entertainment, music, sport... nearly everything.

Their classrooms are just like a playground, but their creativeness is still better than study like crazy in Asia.

In short, education in the west is focused on PBL (problems based learning) and EBP (evidence based practice).
Japanese Empire.

And Japan was never a vassal of China.

No Chinese (+ Korean) armies ever set foot on sacred Japanese soil.

Well Mongols did, but we eviscerated them on their 2 attempts. lol.

Remember? Yuan Dynasty?
for a time it was. Though much like rest of the states, China never wanted to exercise any real control.

List of tributaries of Imperial China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are better sources, but can't find them right now.

I didn't want to say anything, but the Asian order has always been China on top, Korea and Vietnam second and third, than Japan, Vietnam and Japan varies based on periods.

Japan and China at those times were not equal, not even close.

During the Hideoshi wars, Japan took back lots of Korean artists and improved Japanese art that way, Japan was in no way ahead of the curve at most of history in East Asia. I mean the first mention of Japan in History was in the Book of Han, and the Japanese art, government was essentially completely based on China until much later, then it was just some what based.

The Japanese words for PM and cabinet and other government positions all came from China, Ming to be exact.

Let's just leave it at that.
It does make sense to know when Asian could turn good score into real performance. Effectiveness.
Westerners results aren't good in mass for several decades. But they still control the science, technology, entertainment, music, sport... nearly everything.

Their classrooms are just like a playground, but their creativeness is still better than study like crazy in Asia.

To an extent, in Japan, education is focused on conceptual as wall as memorization.

I can't speak for the Koreans or the Chinese.
Around 4 major wars engagement with Japan. All and except WW2 was fought in Korea.

Tang Dynasty
Battle of Baekgang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China win

Ming Dynasty
Japanese invasions of Korea (1592–98) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stalemate but Japan withdraw. China strategic victory

Qing Dynasty
First Sino-Japanese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Japan win

Second Sino-Japanese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China lost tactically but win strategically.

technically, japan never defeated china in war, i would not say qing dynasty was real china, although manchurians were made up with mostly han chinese in 24 banner system, but 24 banners also have other ethnic groups from xibo, erwenke,and some mongols, the qing emperors are not han chinese or not full han chinese in blood, so technically, qing is not real china, because some barbarians were in top ruling class, so qing - japan war is not real war between china and japan
It does make sense to know when Asian could turn good score into real performance. Effectiveness.
Westerners results aren't good in mass for several decades. But they still control the science, technology, entertainment, music, sport... nearly everything.

Their classrooms are just like a playground, but their creativeness is still better than study like crazy in Asia.

In short, education in the west is focused on PBL (problems based learning) and EVP (evidence based practice).

One comment as an engineer. The white man lab is more meritocratic while Asian lab are full of favoritism. That impedes technical advancement.

In white man lab, I can voice out opinion and provide diversity. In Asia, such people are deem as trouble maker, who like to make boss look stupid.

A lot of politicking in Asia as boss like to pit A against B. There are internal exhaustion.
To an extent, in Japan, education is focused on conceptual as wall as memorization.

I can't speak for the Koreans or the Chinese.
well, only thing you japanese focus is copying, your country is world largest copycat country, in ancient time, you copied from china, after 19th century, you copy from west
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