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Arunachal in China? That is not the reality, says PM Manmohan Singh

How can you tell if they dont want it? They wanted some of the claimed land from Tajikistan(and got it), what makes you think they still dont want Arunachal?

India will never give up Arunachal like the Tajikistan deal.

Why would they want it?

Even if China somehow got Arunachal Pradesh, they would face daily riots from the population, which is strongly anti-Chinese and anti-Tibetan (the population is anti-Tibetan because historically Tibetan rulers would demand tribute from the northern parts and leave the natives with very little). They would face an insurgency ten times worse than Kashmir is terrain that is ten times more hostile. Plus,AP has no strategic utility and most of the land is barren with very few natural resources.

China keeps the claim for diplomacy, nothing else.
Why would they want it?

Even if China somehow got Arunachal Pradesh, they would face daily riots from the population, which is strongly anti-Chinese and anti-Tibetan (the population is anti-Tibetan because historically Tibetan rulers would demand tribute from the northern parts and leave the natives with very little). They would face an insurgency ten times worse than Kashmir is terrain that is ten times more hostile. Plus,AP has no strategic utility and most of the land is barren with very few natural resources.

China keeps the claim for diplomacy, nothing else.

Like I said that would make sense if China hasn't offered to settle this, and if India didn't reject the offer.
China may be big, but not one speck of dust is extra.

I hope for the sake of your country that you never become a high-ranking CCP official, because your irredentist attitude will do nothing but alienate China's neighbors (more so than it already has) and create unneeded enemies.

Please stop trolling; the people of Arunachal Pradesh are very patriotic and do not wish to join your police state. Leave us alone.
Found the link to the recorded conference.

A Conference on ?Revisiting the China-India Border Dispute? (with podcast) China-India Border Dispute

They are long but they are very informative.

Organiser: Dr Dibyesh Anand

list of speakers.

Alka Acharya (Jawaharlal Nehru University, India)

James Clad (National Defense University, USA)

John Garver (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)

Xuecheng Liu (China Institute of International Studies, China)

Neville Maxwell (Australian National University, Australia)

Jabin Jacob (Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, India/ Sciences Po, France)

Tsering Topgyal (London School of Economics) <----- this was the Tibetan scholar I was talking about earlier.
Like I said that would make sense if China hasn't offered to settle this, and if India didn't reject the offer.

Are you saying that China actually wants the land?

If you ask me the Chinese are just trying to prolong it, because the longer the dispute exists the more leverage China has over India. But for some reason Indian leaders are also trying to prolong the settlement, and that is something I do not completely understand.
To be fair China gave up a helluva alot post founding of the PRC, to keep the peace with its neighbours. This rationale about "one speck of dust" doesn't fly with China's record on border settlements.

Indeed, we have given up territories to Laos, Myanmar, North Korea and etc to keep so-called third world country brothers happy during Mao's era.
Like I said that would make sense if China hasn't offered to settle this, and if India didn't reject the offer.

You know CS, part of me feels genuinely sympathetic towards PRC. It seems like despite your govt. best efforts to develop good relations, somehow china still ends up looking like the big bad bully.
Some other countries are able to maintain good (global)public image despite committing terrible atrocities.
You know CS, part of me feels genuinely sympathetic towards PRC. It seems like despite your govt. best efforts to develop good relations, somehow china still ends up looking like the big bad bully.

We are use to being the outsider. But better to be the outsider and have our pride.
Idc about the past deals. Respect modern borders thats it.

India will not give no damn token amount to big @ss China.

We will do it when you give Manchuria back to Japan or something. Back off India's damn territory.

Lay claims to the whole of Mongolia while your at it..

To be honest, your saying that prove that you have no historical knowledge.

Giving Manchuria back to Japan??? Even when Japan fully invaded China, it did not even dare to say Manchuria is its. It has to set up the former emperor of Qing to be the head.

How ignorant can you be???
To be honest, your saying that prove that you have no historical knowledge.

Giving Manchuria back to Japan??? Even when Japan fully invaded China, it did not even dare to say Manchuria is its. It has to set up the former emperor of Qing to be the head.

How ignorant can you be???

Very but just ignore him until he proves that he want to seriously discuss the issue.
You know CS, part of me feels genuinely sympathetic towards PRC. It seems like despite your govt. best efforts to develop good relations, somehow china still ends up looking like the big bad bully.
Some other countries are able to maintain good (global)public image despite committing terrible atrocities.

The reason is simple since we have communist systems. All other countries especially the west want to make us look that way. Their propaganda system is much more effective to label us that way.

You see, when China was under non-Communist rule, even when China was so poor, corruptions was so bad, we have constant regional war fought between different warlords, we still have a better image than today.

Why? Because the west think communist is bad and will do everything they can to humiliate us and encircle us. Otherwise, why do you think the west is so warm to India and try to satisfy everything India need? Because everything can be harmful to China or can be potentially harmful to China will be good.

I think the cold war makes everyone paranoid, especially the west.
To be honest, your saying that prove that you have no historical knowledge.

Giving Manchuria back to Japan??? Even when Japan fully invaded China, it did not even dare to say Manchuria is its. It has to set up the former emperor of Qing to be the head.

How ignorant can you be???

Oh really? Like when did real Chinese empires like the Hans, Tangs, Sui, etc, etc, etc have Tibet under its rule then? It was under foreign occupation under the Mongol and Manchurian rule when Tibet was included as "China", including Arunachal pradesh. Im suprised China hasn't claimed Mongolia as a whole yet.

But non of that crap matters any more, respect modern borders, its as simple as that. India will not give no token to China, back off. And live in harmony.
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if u hav to settle the border dispute both sides will have to make compromises and i m not sure if china is ready to do that. china has so far successfully settled all disputes in its favour (recently in case of tajikistan). but i think this thing will have to stop at arunachal. we indians wont cede and inch of our land to chineese.

An interesting observation.

Have you taken into consideration that there are two tracts under dispute, and that until recently, China was willing to do a kind of swap - concessions on Arunachal Pradesh, in return for complete agreement with China's line on Aksai Chin?

In case this sounds unfair or asymmetric, have you taken into consideration that in Arunachal Pradesh, India had declared her version of the border to be the McMahon Line, which declared itself to be the watershed between Tibet and Assam? In many places, the McMahon Line, which was merely a line drawn on a map while the three sets of representatives were sitting in Simla, was drawn in ignorance of ground conditions NORTH of the watershed, that is, in Tibetan territory. When our troops went to take up their positions right up to the McMahon Line, they found that in certain cases, they were forced to take position on the downward slope towards Tibet.

Would you seriously object to the border in Arunachal Pradesh being along a jointly-surveyed watershed line, even if it means giving up a couple of acres of barren hilltop?

On the other hand, you may also be aware that the detailed boundary line in Aksai Chin was never part of the peace treaty, was never surveyed, and was never put onto a map by mutual consent? There were no less than three variations of the border declared (unilaterally every time) by the British, in their role as suzerain power over Jammu & Kashmir, a different role from their role as sovereigns, the owners in possession, in Arunachal Pradesh.

One extreme version, drawn by a British official who wanted to curry favour with the Jammu court, actually placed the border along the Kuen Lun mountain range; this was the extreme case, and a quick look at the map will convince you that it was pretty extreme. Actually, laughable.

The standard British version, the one adopted by India on Nehru's instructions to avoid the embarrassment of a border dispute over a border marked 'undemarcated', was a fanciful line which had no logic behind it. In fact, the Indian Army's best line of defence, the Karakorum Range, runs in a logical fashion, and more or less straight north-west to south-east, well behind the British line.

These areas were not surveyed and were not demarcated largely because they were uninhabited. Aksai Chin is a cold desert; nobody lives there, at any moment there are only nomadic herders in transit to be found there. Younghusband, for instance, has detailed conditions for the area from his personal observations during his voyage through the area (this is subject to verification, as I am stating this from memory). Nobody from either side doubted that the Karakorum Pass and the lake Pangong Tso were on the border, and spread on both sides equally. These were the fixed points; all the rest was open desert. We have no earthly use for it, the Ladakhis don't go there, there is nothing to be done there.

After this, do you understand why your remarks do not seem to serve our own best interests?
Oh really? Like when did real Chinese empires like the Hans, Tangs, Sui, etc, etc, etc have Tibet under its rule buddy then? It was under foreign occupation under Mongol and Manchurian rule when Tibet was included as "China", including Arunachal pradesh. Im suprised China hasn't claimed Mongolia as a whole yet.

But non of that crap matters any more, respect modern borders, its as simple as that. India will not give no token to China, back off. And live in harmony.

Under Yuan and Qing Dynasty. When Kublai Khan decided that he would inherit the de facto ruler of mainland China and want him to be recognized as the de facto heaven-granted next line ruler of China.

Read some history before opening mouth.

At your attitude, I hope you are in the front line if there will be any conflict. You can teach our PLA some lessons.

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