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Army must confine to tactical intelligence gathering, new units need our nod: MoD


Jun 24, 2012
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Army must confine to tactical intelligence gathering, new units need our nod: MoD


Acting on the high-level inquiry report into the functioning of a controversial Military Intelligence (MI) unit set up by former Army Chief V K Singh, the Ministry of Defence has sent a set of instructions to the Army, reminding it about its limited mandate of intelligence gathering and emphasising the rules for creation and restructuring of units.
The inquiry report, prepared by Director General of Military Operations Lt Gen Vinod Bhatia, had claimed that the secretive Technical Support Division (TSD) had allegedly indulged in activities to affect the government in Jammu and Kashmir and had claimed to have even carried out covert operations. It had also pointed to widespread misuse of powers that were given to the unit.

While a decision on further action based on the report is yet to be taken, it is learnt that the MoD recently sent firm instructions that any change in the shape or size of the Army has to be cleared by the government.

The inquiry report put a question mark on the very creation of the unit given that there were no clear instructions from the MoD — or the Cabinet Committe on Security — to conduct such operations. And that the TSD was set up by the Army in 2010 by merely "interpreting" the operational directives given to it by the government. This has prompted the MoD to send instructions to Army HQ that from now on permissions need to be taken to change the structure or role of units.

It is also learnt that the new set of directions specify and emphasise that the mandate of the MI has to be restricted to gathering of tactical intelligence that is needed either by troops on the border or soldiers engaged in counter-insurgency operations.

Making it clear that the mandate for intelligence gathering across borders remains with the external agency, Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW), the MoD has told Army HQ that no permissions have been granted to Army units to operate on foreign soil for matters other than gathering tactical intelligence.

In effect, the MI's role in using human intelligence has to be restricted to tactical depth, an area understood to span 20 km across the border. Despite the inquiry report's findings, former Army Chief Singh, in his autobiography, has written that the unit was set up by him in 2010 after he learnt that the National Security Advisor (NSA) had wanted to know immediately after the Mumbai attacks in 2008 if there was any capability to conduct covert operations on foreign soil and whether such a unit could be set up.

Singh has claimed that the TSD was being used by the Army for covert operations on foreign soil. "The Indian Army had a unit called the TSD. It was set up to accomplish covert operations in other countries. It was a very important wing because it was the only unit which could perform this task," the former chief claimed in a letter he wrote to the Home Minister recently.

Link - Army must confine to tactical intelligence gathering, new units need our nod: MoD - Indian Express
This is really stupid decision by the govt. Every army has its own intelligence units and it collabrates with the main spying agency for better co-ordination and results.
Moreover such matters like this shouldnt be even discussed in media. Govt is doing some amount of witch hunting.
i want to shoot Antony for this decision. MI is bet unit for covert ops and human intel, it looks like our Defence minister didn't learn anything form kargil war. V.K.Singh had done an excellent work by creating TSD for counter terror covert ops. at least our ministers should look at the nato/US special forces in Afghanistan and pakistan. how well those special forces are conducting covert ops against terrorists in that region. our politicians are the real enemys of our country.
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