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Special unit for Pakistan border on the cards

I don't think they are talking about QRTs. They are talking about something like Pakistan's BATs (whether those actually exist or not.) Units meant to conduct cross border retaliation.

Anyway, I don't really trust the article, I am sure it was a journo's imagination. Indian military doesn't give out news about such things, like small units. We don't even know much about the ghataks, for example.

From the way it is written, never naming a source, it seems to me to be invented.

IA already has specialized units that are capable of operating behind enemy lines, i thought this was public knowledge. I don't know why is this such a news, the IA has been training its specialized forces to operate behind enemy lines for decades now. The author is late to the party unfortunately.
I don't think they are talking about QRTs. They are talking about something like Pakistan's BATs (whether those actually exist or not.) Units meant to conduct cross border retaliation.

Anyway, I don't really trust the article, I am sure it was a journo's imagination. Indian military doesn't give out news about such things, like small units. We don't even know much about the ghataks, for example.

From the way it is written, never naming a source, it seems to me to be invented.
Or Sabre rattling!
IA already has specialized units that are capable of operating behind enemy lines, i thought this was public knowledge. I don't know why is this such a news, the IA has been training its specialized forces to operate behind enemy lines for decades now. The author is late to the party unfortunately.
Units capable of ops behind enemy lines, yes. Both the ghataks and special forces are trained to do so. But are there units deployed across the border currently for that purpose?
I was taking this article seriously but than read this, and the entire article lost credibility in my eyes. Its good India is thinking of raising a QRF Team near the border, i am surprised they don't have any right now. PA has deployed many teams along the LOC which can be mobilized within minutes.
they already do have more than enough special teams there, this is just a stunt to make the extremists happy
They already did a few times like like Saourab Kaalia and another 2 last year if I'm not mistaken

Only the absolutely uninformed refers to the Saurab Kalia incident. The Indian army response to that (in Jan 2000) was bloody & utterly ruthless. Maybe you should actually know your stuff before indulging in mental masturbation.
Than come on we are waiting quite disappointed when no adventure took place after those 5 Indian soldiers


Whatsoever-----never invite trouble.

George Bush did and see what happenend after his comments of " BRING IT ON "----the words he uttered on the aircraft carrier.

First of all, Indians tend to forget that Pakistani soldiers were killed by Indians first, Pakistan retaliated; And it very well could have caused a war.

Yeah, actually, it's up to India if they want to escalate. Pakistan is in no position to cause trouble with India, and the PA realizes that. India, being in a dominant position, holds all the cards right now. It's up to India whether it wants to pick a fight, or actually reciprocate Nawaz Sharif's gesture of good will.


You cannot deal with the indians from a position of weakness.

Whatsoever-----never invite trouble.

George Bush did and see what happenend after his comments of " BRING IT ON "----the words he uttered on the aircraft carrier.


You cannot deal with the indians from a position of weakness.

Exactly - one peep out of the indians - and a sabre - straight up mother indias, a$$ - is the way to go.
Pakistan pulled back because of international pressure, not because of India. If Nawaz hasn't run off, Pakistan would have more territory than that it currently has. It also holds point 5353, only because India broke the ceasefire and disengagement agreement, and Pakistan retaliated by securing this position.

Kargil was a disaster for India, but it did help India plan better strategies.

wars are not won or lost through casualties but "objectives"

the kargil operation just doesn't makes any sense, the success & failure of a military operation is all about achieving its objectives & NOT the casualty rates of the opponent. Soviet Union lost more men then Germany' in the battle of Stalingrad, but nonetheless won the war, because even though Germany lost less men then the Soviets, but it failed to achieve its objectives & even though the Soviets lost more men then Germany but it achieved its "objectives" nonetheless. & militarily the kargil operation failed to achieve its objectives, of vacating siachin glacier not to mention it caused immense damage to the Kashmir cause, which till then had in't sympathies ,but ever since kargil ,Pakistan had been viewed as the aggressor derailing any chance of a Kashmir solution which had some hope in the Lahore declaration which the kargill operation derailed to a massive international criticism, thirdly the conflict waked India up to recognise its weak points & as a result of that, it has been embarked on an massive modernisation process, how can that be good from Pakistan's point of view is simply beyond me, if an adversary has weakness then its an asset to cherish, but making an adversary realize about their weak points only to strengthen the adversary as a reaction of that , is a foolish blunder !, a weaker enemy is better then a stronger one, there for be it from military to strategic to diplomacy, from all angle kargil operation was a strategic blunder through & through, on the part of Pakistan, there is no two thoughts on that . Nawaz Sharif with all his ills cannot be expected to agree to such a foolish plan like the kargil operations & axe his own foot, not only did Benazir but even a guy like gen. Zia-ul- haq had rejected it !, from all angle this operation was initiated by a few general's with the sole objective to create a perfect pretext for a coup d'état
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Units capable of ops behind enemy lines, yes. Both the ghataks and special forces are trained to do so. But are there units deployed across the border currently for that purpose?

Units like these are very specialized and its very costly to deploy them constantly along the LOC. After all, they are very highly trained specialized operators not Border Patrol. They are rotated for training purposes but not permanently deployed. They are stationed usually with their Headquarters and not FOB. When orders are issued, they are deployed to the front lines within hours. They are only moved into FOB during State of War or during Heightened Tensions. After all, the average cost for maintaining these troops is a lot higher compared to your regular Jawan.

Whatsoever-----never invite trouble.

George Bush did and see what happenend after his comments of " BRING IT ON "----the words he uttered on the aircraft carrier.


You cannot deal with the indians from a position of weakness.
Pakistan will always be in a position of weakness. A weakened position doesn't mean a weakened argument. Pakistan is the underdog here, the world knows this, and Pakistan can use it to pressure the world to help it against India. Then again, that's just my thoughts on the matter, and highly unlikely that's going to happen.
Pakistan will always be in a position of weakness. A weakened position doesn't mean a weakened argument. Pakistan is the underdog here, the world knows this, and Pakistan can use it to pressure the world to help it against India. Then again, that's just my thoughts on the matter, and highly unlikely that's going to happen.
They say might doesn't mean right, and they are "right''. But you seem to be assuming that might is automatically wrong.

People symapthize with whoever they think is right, and has moral high ground. Not simply the underdog, for the sake of it. At least, that's how right thinking people reason.

As another member pointed out earlier, the world lost any sympathy it may have had with Pakistan on the Kashmir issue, after the Kargil misadventure. Pakistan was rightly perceived as the aggressor, the troublemaker. Since there has been very little by way of domestic armed insurgency since the late 90s, it is now seen as a Pakistan backed initiative, not a freedom movement.

So just because Pak is the underdog in comparison to India, doesn't mean that they would get sympathy anymore, or help.
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