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Special unit for Pakistan border on the cards

New Delhi: In an attempt to deal with the increasing menace of Pakistan’s Border Action Teams along the International Border and the Line of Control, Indian security agencies are now planning to set up their own specialised commandos units along the Indo-Pak border.

According to highly placed intelligence sources, there is a growing view within the new BJP-led NDA government that Pakistani forces and terror outfits operating out of their soil need to be given a terse message irrespective of the recent diplomatic overtures between the two countries.

The office of the national security adviser, which is in the process of being made more internal security oriented with a greater mandate to deal firmly with the vexed issue of terrorism, is likely to play a significant role in the new security deployment pattern along one of India’s most critical borders.

In the past, Pakistan’s BAT, a mix of Pakistan Army regulars and terrorists, have entered into Indian territory severing the heads of soldiers.The new government is now planning to deal with the issue by having their own specialised commando units in the border area.

Special unit for Pakistan border on the cards
Someone with balls:taz:

planning to post headless soldiers on the border now?
Usually, I'd say something witty, but I think I'm more confused than anything else. I actually don't understand what the purposed new unit's mission statement is supposed to be. What role are they going to play that other units of the IA aren't capable of doing?

Are they going to be a unit that specializes in crossing over to Pakistan's side of the border? What is their mandate?
exactly my point.
some Indians have already crossed in to Pakistani Kashmir and assassinated some families in Kotli area few times.

looks like they wont be responsible for looking after the border but seek targets of opportunity and operate "behind the enemy lines"

expect assassinations, sniping and brawls on an increased pace. thats the name of the game and the people who serve their country actually sign up for all the possible dangers

if we really have some border action force or team as alleged by India then ok they may have theirs too.
Oh come on Mr Gordon Freeman,don't jumps your guns yet!!The time isn't ripe yet pass judgements about your PM,is it now??

Oh come on Mr Gordon Freeman,don't jumps your guns yet!!The time isn't ripe yet pass judgements about your PM,is it now??
Reported for spam.

See Pakistan invited Modi but as a general gesture, there was no set time or occasion. If any one would be serious of calling a head of a state of course a timeline is suggested.

MMS was different story all together.

India was anything but lucky, read Sam Maneksha's dialogue with Indra Gandhi where he in no uncertain terms told of the issues in going inside BD. Also, India was no super power then to take on a boy with powerful friends.

He was the man who made sure India was lucky, two different thing my lord.
Already addressed both points, please look through the thread....if you can get passed the spam by @Omega007

They say might doesn't mean right, and they are "right''. But you seem to be assuming that might is automatically wrong.

People symapthize with whoever they think is right, and has moral high ground. Not simply the underdog, for the sake of it. At least, that's how right thinking people reason.

As another member pointed out earlier, the world lost any sympathy it may have had with Pakistan on the Kashmir issue, after the Kargil misadventure. Pakistan was rightly perceived as the aggressor, the troublemaker. Since there has been very little by way of domestic armed insurgency since the late 90s, it is now seen as a Pakistan backed initiative, not a freedom movement.

So just because Pak is the underdog in comparison to India, doesn't mean that they would get sympathy anymore, or help.
Might doesn't always make right, clever thinking and strategic planning does. If Pakistan plays it's cards right, it could win out in the end, but it will take effort.

The world only thinks in such a way because of massive Indian push to isolate Pakistan, nothing more. You can continue to pretend otherwise, but facts are facts.
Are 700,000 darpoke Indians troops not enough in the Indian Occupied Muslim Kashmir?
and we can say that we ruled you for a 1000 years but thats not going to change reality of the day :lol:, Admit it India is stuck in a limbo :cheesy:
Indeed but we have ruled you for 7000 years so we still have statistics in our favour.
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