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Army High commands use to meet Shahbaz Shairf during PTI's government: Sheikh Rasheed

The estab also wanted a Sec Def of their own choosing...but IK didn't budge.
PTI wanted shireen to be defence minister to which they didn't agree.

Asad Umar was removed because of them

IK tried his best work with them for betterment of country by accepting some of their demands but resisting on others to which they got angry.

They should stop behaving like a Royal family.

I did, unless you forgot to look at it. The votes for PTI were less. Military stationed at polling stations stayed behind and lots was done, but obviously many things are not leaked out. PTI was not winning, it was made to win. I wouldn't be blabbering on if i hadn't been told about this from the ones on duty. You don't want to believe, that is not my problem. The first plan was to bring out public on the roads in favor of PTI, that failed. The Tsunamis weren't creating that of an impact even with the presence of the young folk. The next plan was through polling. You can guess now which entities were behind all this.
If PTI was made to win then why not 175 seats?

Nawaz sharif Marched from Islamabad to Lahore after disqualification but no one came out for him just few months before elections and here you're telling me people weren't coming out for PTI and PMLN was winning
Looks like "Deep state" isn't that powerful after all and God exists even when we try to throw that role onto the high and mighty "deep state". We draw daggers at every thread concerning these matters. Apologies as my views don't match with yours.

Why do you keep defending these Army Corruption Monsters??
It's not that simple. The fact is the army has for decades manufactured dynasties like Bhuttos, Sharifs and mafia godfather Altaf. So if they did were involved with PTI it was what they always had done.

Which brings us today. Maybe, just maybe it's fcukin time for the army to stick to defending the borders and sorting out Balochistan. Enough is enough. It';s time for change or do you think just because they have been screwing around since 1950s that they should continue that for perpetuity?

If in the 70 years of screwing about Pakistan resenmbled Australia, nay even Turkey or hell had the vigour we see in Bangladesh we might even accept these cnuts but look at the mess the country is in.
Thats my concern too. If its not a direct martial law, its other antics to get involved.

Why do you keep defending these Army Corruption Monsters??
The ones who brought PTI in power ? yeah i shouldnt :laugh:

I should defend the ones who took away power from PTI :nana:
If PTI was made to win then why not 175 seats?
Lets raise this question in some sector in Isb where intel sits, bringing PTI in power is not enough, we wanted 175 votes :laugh:

As if "deep state" is answerable to the public. Nah, you let go of this right back in 1960's, now sit and suffer.

Nawaz sharif Marched from Islamabad to Lahore after disqualification but no one came out for him just few months before elections and here you're telling me people weren't coming out for PTI and PMLN was winning
Im not telling you that, the one standing on polling station on duty is telling that :dirol:
If you don't know the lot, the typical vote bank for NS, then what can I say.
Ok so for you Army's interference is legal and justified as per requirements and standards of the people.
No, I'm not talking about the legality of their interference. I am only explaining why the people are reacting the way they are.

In the past, the people welcomed coup d'etats because things had been mismanaged so badly by BB and NS that they felt relief when the army took over.

With IK, the feeling is that he was actually doing a better job than both his predecessor and successor.
This shouldn't be news to ANYONE who is well connected. This has been going on since 18 months or so. Remember when Zubair went to meet the COAS? Why do you think he was going?

Wait till you hear who was meeting NS!

I am just surprised that now mainstream leaders are saying this out in the public. The stranglehold of the establishment on Pakistani politicians and general public does seem to be eroding away...that's the surprising thing.
Any possibility of kickbacks in the probable Belgian C130 deal for Pakistan Army as we keep hearing about Belgian farmhouses and retirement plans....
Army helping PTI come in power - not a sound.
Not a sound? Bughaz Imran?

Without ISI support, PTI could have never come into power and thats what happened at ballot stations.
Why don't you prove it in court? At least PPP proved in Supreme Court that ISI rigged elections for Nawaz Sharif in 1990
It only gives protocol to the ruling party. Therefore, nobody should consider Army to be on their side all the time. Once their tenure ends, everything ends there.
So Showbaz Sharif was the ruling party when army conducted long meetings with him while interior minister of the country was made to wait outside?

Do you see how confused Pakistanis are ? :pakistan:
They are not confused. They are angry. People are already well aware of army rigging elections for decades and installing the most crooked lot in govt. They wanted a change and they got it when Imran Khan was made PM. They wanted this change to continue but army didn't as it was much more comfortable with the old crooks before PTI. Hence the anger and frustration
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Public shouldn't have let Ayub or military men after him come into power.
Public voted for Sheikh Mujeeb in 1970 elections. Was he allowed to come in power by the people? Who stopped him? He had won the election fairly. He was the next PM of Pakistan as per election results. So what happened? Did the person who lost election accept results and started working as opposition leader? I think not. Instead he proposed having two PMs, one for East and one for West Pakistan. The rest is history...
Can you imagine that, no law at all of this country makes room for Hamza Shehbaz to be CM, but he still is. How?
Keeping Buzdar as CM was the biggest stupidity that IK could do TBH, bana deta Aleem Khan ko hi CM, or some other administrator.
Now you know why Imran Khan didn't replace Buzdar? He knew this would happen in Punjab once Buzdar was gone 🤣
Public voted for Sheikh Mujeeb in 1970 elections. Was he allowed to come in power by the people? Who stopped him? He had won the election fairly. He was the next PM of Pakistan as per election results. So what happened? Did the person who lost election accept results and started working as opposition leader? I think not. Instead he proposed having two PMs, one for East and one for West Pakistan. The rest is history...View attachment 857700

Question is who suggested and facilitated Bhutto to not accept results and put him as a second PM. May it be the same entity who installed Shebaz and Hamza and in case of Hamza breaking constitution left and right. May a strong political leader in the future makes constitution amendments to stop this "Neutral's" nonsense and defines punishment in the constitution for whoever responsible for interfering in political process otherwise these Neutrals will destroy Pakistan for their own Ego.

Sir Yes Sir how dare Imran do not bow to us...Lets Destroy his politics Sir lets teach him a lesson, Sir...Yes Sir
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