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Army High commands use to meet Shahbaz Shairf during PTI's government: Sheikh Rasheed

PTI was not winning, it was made to win.
So that's why defense minister called army chief on the election night fearing he lost elections but was "ensured" victory?

I sense your posting mode is no different than @VCheng . You both try to portray yourselves as neutral and objective but somehow always end up defending Pmln propaganda
How silly of you to say that. All institution of Pakistan are criminal. Courts fail to provide justice, hospitals fail to save lives, police fails to protect the innocent, education system fails to provide decent education, and army just back stabbed the country to install biggest crooks of Pakistan as our government. Ya right, none of the instituations are bad,
And not the first time, remember NRO 1.0 circa 2008.

I was re-watching Braveheart with my son, and saw many a Mir Bajwas amongst the Scots...

And we are no different, an innately enslaved people who will remain so until eternity.

I have to give kudos to the Hindus of India, they at least broke free of their mental slavery of the past two millennia and we on the other hand have taken over their mantle.
Public voted for Sheikh Mujeeb in 1970 elections. Was he allowed to come in power by the people? Who stopped him? He had won the election fairly. He was the next PM of Pakistan as per election results. So what happened? Did the person who lost election accept results and started working as opposition leader? I think not. Instead he proposed having two PMs, one for East and one for West Pakistan. The rest is history...View attachment 857700

Go back even further... Fatima Jinnah won against Ayub Khan yet elections were rigged. Look what this bikari fouj did to the founder of our nations honorable sister. They also hung ZA bhutto later and took our zia...

As you said its not just them overthrowing multiple government but their sheer incompetence itself. They cannot even run housing societies and you expect them to run an army or a state? :D
If PTI was made to win then why not 175 seats?

Nawaz sharif Marched from Islamabad to Lahore after disqualification but no one came out for him just few months before elections and here you're telling me people weren't coming out for PTI and PMLN was winning
@Signalian and @VCheng are neutrals of PDF. Their neutral and objective posts always end up anti PTI / pro PMLN. I wonder why? 😎

With IK, the feeling is that he was actually doing a better job than both his predecessor and successor.
But this obvious fact is not acceptable to neutrals from establishment and neutrals from PDF. In their view since PTI was also brought to power by the deep state hence they must be equally bad or worse than those that were brought to power before PTI by the same deep state 😉😉😉
@VCheng @Signalian
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PTI supporters have to be COAS Bajwa fans since neither Bajwa nor Army had any involvement in 2018 elections and IK came to power fair and square. The deep state lost in 2018 even being so powerful and resourceful. IK showed them yeah :dirol:

1947 to 2018- Deep state wins
2018 IK Vs deep State - IK wins
2022- IK Vs Deep state- Deep state wins
It's not about Bajwa or IK at all!!! It's about the working principles of the Pak Deep State. It's all about calculations: marginal utility of having a renegade and rejuvenating voice in the power vs maintaining the status quo (which involves undocumented hundreds of billions of $s, nukes, access to the international finances/systems etc.) without upsetting the USA too much.....
Political independent Pakistan is what these GHQ thugs fear, cause for so long people calls and make them the savior or Pakistan and Islam, now these Alcoholic corrupt generals actually starting to believe in that made up lie.
If PTI's victory wasn't orchestrated by the army, why did Imran Khan give the extension? He could have only done so to return a favour—and what favour that was everyone knows.
Chak Bamu, Jungibaaz, not opponent of the "deep state" has denied that the current and previous governments of PML(N) were selected by the deep state. But you never see PTI supporters accepting this.
Who says the deep state didn't handicap IK by forcing a coalition government onto him. It will remain a mystery as to how plmn won as many seats as they did. This isn't the 90s anymore.
It's not about Bajwa or IK at all!!! It's about the working principles of the Pak Deep State. It's all about calculations: marginal utility of having a renegade and rejuvenating voice in the power vs maintaining the status quo (which involves undocumented hundreds of billions of $s, nukes, access to the international finances/systems etc.) without upsetting the USA too much.....
Unfortunately, that is a reality we live with now. Pakistan has full support of China yet Pakistan also wants ties with USA on better level than before. The issue still remains that now that the stance of neutrality should be kept forever from now. The nuke factor is another Achilles heel where Army trusts no other.
Unfortunately, that is a reality we live with now. Pakistan has full support of China yet Pakistan also wants ties with USA on better level than before. The issue still remains that now that the stance of neutrality should be kept forever from now. The nuke factor is another Achilles heel where Army trusts no other.
Now that the British military chief has publicly asked the folks to be ready for a war, the extra caution from the Pak side is understandable to an extent. But, they also need to find a reasonable and honorable way out to placate the domestic audience too....
Now that the British military chief has publicly asked the folks to be ready for a war, the extra caution from the Pak side is understandable to an extent. But, they also need to find a reasonable and honorable way out to placate the domestic audience too....
In Pakistan its different. When Army puts IK in seat all is good, when Army gives a damn, then Army is bad.
Yeah! and what about this HARAM KI AULAD OF GHQ?
Institutions are all part of the state - the idea behind the state is that it serves its citizens.

If for e.g. Pakistan had an institution called “Department of midget elimination” would you call that institution good regardless?

The Pakistan military is still a fine institution compared to not just Pakistan but worldwide - however, all the finesse , capabilities and honor are WASTED if Lions are led by lambs
Words worthy of being put on a plaque to be put on a wall. B/W Bobby and current dispensation, PA went from conducting cross border raids into India proper, post - APS to take out 5 responsible individuals, to what we have at helm now.

At some point in time, someone will disclose the exact role of current dispensation in trying to water down the response to Feb 26, in its exact mannerism. Or how the Brahmos strike was quietly brushed under the carpet.

This truly feels like an alternate-timeline.
It's the Pak Deep State. They're way too powerful and extremely resourceful. All other folks work like peons for them. Every corrupt folk also works for them. I am pretty sure 90% of the wealth these corrupts - including the top Mafias - have in fact belong to the Deep State.....

Now, the question is why such an arrangement? Is it to deceive the West to counter India? Is it to preserve Pak's core interests and sovereignty? Is it to safeguard the Paks' way of life? Or, is it simply mortals' insatiable thirst for power and wealth?
Jab aise harami honge in Pakistan to yei hoga:



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