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Army Celebrates Indipendence day - 7 terrorists killed

You mean like this????????????

In Pakistan...


Destruction after PAF's carpet bombing


MBT roaming and shelling..



Some can mistake it as Syria..Thats why ISPR feared to publish pics of the operation.Its so peaceful,just like graveyard.

Meanwhile in India..





Pics are enough to show the differences. :lol:



Yes indeed a great site to behold we destroyed the terrorists it's a pity you can't do the same
Shout out to this hero:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">ASHOKA CHAKRA for Late Havildar Hangpan Dada on <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/IndependenceDay?src=hash">#IndependenceDay</a>. Martyr eliminated three terrorists on LC <a href="https://twitter.com/adgpi">@adgpi</a> <a href="https://t.co/nzH7qUmdMD">pic.twitter.com/nzH7qUmdMD</a></p>&mdash; NorthernComd.IA (@NorthernComd_IA) <a href=" ">August 14, 2016</a></blockquote>
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You mean like this????????????

In Pakistan...


Destruction after PAF's carpet bombing


MBT roaming and shelling..



Some can mistake it as Syria..Thats why ISPR feared to publish pics of the operation.Its so peaceful,just like graveyard.

Meanwhile in India..





Pics are enough to show the differences. :lol:



You do know that people were evacuated before the operation started? That's why there were around a million IDPs

New Miranshah Bazar



14th Aug. Black day in Balochistan. So did you celebrate. Get off your moral high horse.

Truant children needn't be spared the rod.
:rofl: You ignorant fool Pakistans biggest celebration events took place in Baluchistan this year. Go to Facebook page of PDF as all the videos and pics have been uploaded. You indians are really so much disillusional that you have no grasp of reality.
Yes indeed a great site to behold we destroyed the terrorists it's a pity you can't do the same

Oh yes, you dd.
I'm sure the terrorists live in open neighborhoods one after the other.
They own and depend on shops and eateries for their livelihood.

Let me make a subtle correction to your statement.
"Yes indeed a great site to behold we destroyed it's a pity you can't do the same"
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Not Gilgit, because they opted to not be considered part of Kashmir anymore and instead want to be part of Pakistan officially. As for North Kashmir, I'm from there and I can tell you I'm not oppressed, and neither are any Pakistani Kashmiri's I have met.

When it comes to Baluchis, they are mistreated yes, but their independence movement is still controlled by tribals who just want more power. The average Baluchi just wants conditions to be improved.

Your mean to say, India needs to divide 5 parts of Jammu & Kashmir. Change four partition name and only remain one part as jammu & Kashmir.

So, rest four partitions will not be considered part of Kashmir....... Am i correct?
Not Gilgit, because they opted to not be considered part of Kashmir anymore and instead want to be part of Pakistan officially. As for North Kashmir, I'm from there and I can tell you I'm not oppressed, and neither are any Pakistani Kashmiri's I have met.

When it comes to Baluchis, they are mistreated yes, but their independence movement is still controlled by tribals who just want more power. The average Baluchi just wants conditions to be improved.
Was there any referendum held there in Gilgit region with freedom of choosing their liking??? And yes though I am not a Kashmiri neither I have been to there, but I have met my share of kashmiri local peoples and do you know what do they say. Many if them like us, many of them don't like us, but most of them don't like Pakistan. And yes neither you nor I have met all of kashmiri people. Are Indian kashmiris are any less than the few misguided souks searching for freedom from so called oppression.
That pic was when it just finished. Use some sense before you comment.
Then before posting things check why you are posting it. If picture is not intended for desired purpose there is no meaning of sharing it. Don't post nonsense things on open forum as we take photos for understanding and discussion.
Lol you completely changed the area. I've had enough of Indian media @Zibago can clear up anything about Azad Kashmir as he is Azad Kashmiri.
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