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Doctors and health experts strongly advise a healthy breakfast because it is like the fuel needed by the body’s engine to work and face the day. Breakfast time should be the most relaxed time and the best meal of the day.

The basic, everyday breakfast in most hotels in the city is continental or oriental and American breakfast with milk, tea, coffee, cornflakes, eggs and bread.
However, to get the best taste of Arabic food, particularly Saudi breakfast, one needs to visit the Habsburg restaurant Rosewood Corniche which serves Saudi-style breakfast which is both nourishing and characteristic of Arab cuisine.
Maurizio, the executive Chef at Rosewood explained that they are inviting guests to have breakfast with a touch of Arabia; to start with very simple but important dishes of breakfast including foul, balila, flatbreads prepared in a saj oven and served with Zater, white goat cheese and labneh, grape leaves, falafel, fresh honeycomb, homemade dates jam, eggs (boiled, fried, poached, etc.), pancakes, waffles, pastries and fresh fruits, green and black olives, a thick cream cheese made by draining yoghurt through cheese cloth and then drizzled with olive oil, to eat with pieces of bread from hot loaves between sips of Arabic coffee or sweet tea in an Arabic atmosphere with music in the background.
The flatbreads with Zater which is a mixture of thyme, salt, sumac and sesame seeds and eggs was especially prepared in front of the guests by Saudi Chef Adel Ateeq and Lebanese Chef Hassan Ahmed Fakeeh on request which enhanced the whole experience of an Arabic breakfast.
Arabic breakfast is different in many ways from the European or continental cuisines as it includes a number of healthy dishes such as plain bread with labneh and Zater, foul mudumas, homemade jams, Hummus, dahl, halawa (traditional soft Saudi sweet), falafel, scrambled eggs or Shashukah – which is a Saudi variation of scrambled eggs with traditional yellow tea with mint or Turkish Coffee or Ahwe Sada or traditional Arabic coffee.
Hummus is equally popular for breakfast as it is an excellent appetizer and full of nutrition being made of olive oil and chopped chickpeas with salt, lemon and Tahini.
Foul is also a very popular breakfast food among both Arabs and expatriates who love to eat it with labneh, foul and bread with Zater. The unique combination of Arab and continental breakfast at Habsburg restaurant Rosewood Corniche made for a memorable morning by the sea.

I tasted the homemade date jam with bread and Chef Adel made fresh saj bread with a Zater topping. I also enjoyed scrambled eggs and fresh labneh with a glass of orange juice.
The chef told Arab News about the special Arabic long-leafed aromatic tea served in a special tea bag with the breakfast. The presentation of the food was of superior quality and the beautiful morning view of the sea from the restaurant’s window gave the appetite a sharp edge.
Sherif El Mansoury, director of sales and marketing of Rosewood Corniche told Arab news that they started the daily Arabic breakfast cuisine to give more variety to the customers and that it will be available all the year round.
He also explained that the Rosewood hotel is always trying to give something better to its clientele. Last year they introduced two different themes in sea food. “People love to come here on weekends and international customers who are staying in the hotel can also have a taste of Saudi Arabia,” he said.
In Jeddah it is the custom for people to queue up to buy breakfast at the several restaurants in the city so Rosewood also wants to give its customers the full experience of the Arabic breakfast on their premises.
Saud Iqbal, assistant marketing manager told Arab News that Rosewood Corniche had two more restaurants dealing in Chinese and Japanese cuisine. The Chinese restaurant named Noodles and Ginza, the Japanese restaurant is open for business everyday. “We are trying to bring more variety to our customers and guests by providing them with a taste of different countries,” he said.
Rosewood is open for breakfast from 6-9:30 a.m. every morning on all days of the week.

Maurizio, the executive Chef at Rosewood explained that they are inviting guests to have breakfast with a touch of Arabia; to start with very simple but important dishes of breakfast including foul, balila, flatbreads prepared in a saj oven and served with Zater, white goat cheese and labneh, grape leaves, falafel, fresh honeycomb, homemade dates jam, eggs (boiled, fried, poached, etc.), pancakes, waffles, pastries and fresh fruits, green and black olives, a thick cream cheese made by draining yoghurt through cheese cloth and then drizzled with olive oil, to eat with pieces of bread from hot loaves between sips of Turkish coffee or sweet tea in an Arabic atmosphere with music in the background.


Some Saudi Arabian breakfast dishes live from Riyadh:

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This mercenary clown like most of the Palestinians he was with the Shia but after he was kicked out from Kuwait he started his obsession with the Shias :lol:

why are you tagging full moon he is an obsessed,angry and hateful individual :lol:View attachment 447730

I like him by large. He speaks a lot of sense when it comes to the Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah's and their agenda in the Arab world. As well as other topics. What do you mean "he was with the Shia"? I don't think that he was ever a Shia. Not that it matters as there are millions of Shias who are critical of the Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah regime.

Some of his videos are absolutely hilarious regardless of anything.

That's not the @Full Moon that I know and that is Khalid al-Mihdar. Nice mustache.
I like him by large. He speaks a lot of sense when it comes to the Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah's and their agenda in the Arab world. As well as other topics. What do you mean "he was with the Shia"? I don't think that he was ever a Shia. Not that it matters as there are millions of Shias who are critical of the Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah regime.

Some of his videos are absolutely hilarious regardless of anything.

That's not the @Full Moon that I know and that is Khalid al-Mihdar. Nice mustache.
He was working with the Shias when he was in Kuwait and his filthy clown doesn't know how to talk without insulting people

He attack the Shias as whole and not just wilayat al faqih or the iranian government
Also he is mutabbil to al saud more than the Saudis before the problem with Qatar he was glorifying erdogan

Doesn't Matter if that was khalid al mihdhar he is an obsessed and hateful creature with angry look and silly mustache like full moon:lol:
He was working with the Shias when he was in Kuwait and his filthy clown doesn't know how to talk without insulting people

He attack the Shias as whole and not just wilayat al faqih or the iranian government
Also he is mutabbil to al saud more than the Saudis before the problem with Qatar he was glorifying erdogan

Doesn't Matter if that was khalid al mihdhar he is an obsessed and hateful creature with angry look and silly mustache like full moon:lol:

I don't know his history well. Just watched a few videos before. He is a good comedian though and some of his points are spot on although they come across rather undiplomatically at times. No problem for me though.

Well, at least now he is anti-Qatar and MB so that is always something, lol.

I think that Khalid has a determined look. It must have been a Jew that took the photo.:lol:

Did you notice Taha al-Dulaimi as well? He appeared out of nowhere. He must live in exile in Jordan right now. Another comedian at times.
I don't know his history well. Just watched a few videos before. He is a good comedian though and some of his points are spot on although they come across rather undiplomatically at times. No problem for me though.

Well, at least now he is anti-Qatar and MB so that is always something, lol.

I think that Khalid has a determined look. It must have been a Jew that took the photo.:lol:

Did you notice Taha al-Dulaimi as well? He appeared out of nowhere. He must live in exile in Jordan right now. Another comedian at times.
He is like most Palestinians who always change sides

Taha al dulaimi doesn't appear on tv anymore he is active on youtube he is the most hateful scumbag on earth like yasser al habib

Anyway I tagged you in this thread I think you were banned at the time take a look


About khalid that's why I compare him to full moon I just imagine he looks like him:lol:
He is like most Palestinians who always change sides

Taha al dulaimi doesn't appear on tv anymore he is active on youtube he is the most hateful scumbag on earth like yasser al habib

Anyway I tagged you in this thread I think you were banned at the time take a look


About khalid that's why I compare him to full moon I just imagine he looks like him:lol:

Taha al-Dulaimi is too radical. While I mostly agree with his criticism aimed at you know who and what, I do not like his generalizations. If I recall when things were at their ugliest 3-4 years ago, his plans was to flood Southern Iraq by destroying the Mosul dam. I think Daesh were inspired by his blabbering.

Him and Yasser al-Habib should make a show together.:lol:

What a joke thread that states the obvious with the same 4-5 trolls foaming and wanting their few seconds of "fame" on PDF. Just a joke. Glad that I was not present back then as I would have been banned after dealing successfully with such creatures as usual.:rofl:

I don't think so.

I picture this stereotypical Saudi Arabian look (modern look)


Salman this unhealthy obsession about the looks of dear Full Moon is not good.

Or do you picture something like this?

(our current minister of justice):D

Let us end it here.:lol:





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Omanis are the sons of the noble and powerful azd tribe one of the tribes to establish arab kingdoms like the lakhmids and ghassanids and also they supported the prophet (pbuh) the awos and khazraj they were glorified by the prophet and imam Ali

The Omanis played important rule in defeating the Safavid navy when the ottoman tasked them in the liberation of Basra with the reward of giving yearly salary from the wealth of Basra

Oman was one of the greatest naval empires they ruled the area from the Indian Ocean the Tanzania and Zanzibar in the Horn of Africa they had relations with all the influential naval empires and states like Spain,portagal, Ottoman Empire, british empire, Iran, india, china, Russia,the Americas, Africa and Southeast Asia


They also sent the first arab emissary to visit the US

Great post brother. I did not know about Al-Kaabi. Very interesting.

Ahmad bin Na'aman Al Kaabi (Arabic: أحمد بن نعمان الكعبي‎; born between 1784-1790) was the first Arab emissary to visit the United States.[2]To open trade with New York, Sayyid Said bin Sultan, Ruler of Muscat and Oman selected his new Bombay-built ship, al-Sultanah, to carry out the voyage and settled on his confidential private secretary, Ahmad bin Na'aman, as his emissary.[3]

Ahmad bin Na'aman Al Kaabi

Portrait of Ahmad bin Na'aman in Peabody Essex Museum


Also the first US war with a foreign nation (outside of the Brits) was with the Barbary States. One can say that they have continued the trend in recent years too unfortunately. A love-hate relationship.:lol:

BTW you should really visit Oman. A wonderful and unique country with some very friendly and welcoming people. I like them and the country a lot. It is a bit ignored country. Also Ibadis are cool people. Also misunderstood people by many.

حمد الله ع السلامة


@Gomig-21 I am not a big NFL fan (only followed the sport sporadically over the years - somehow it never drew my attention as much as football did from a VERY young age or later the NBA) but given your location in the US (if I remember correctly) you are by no means a Patriots fan are you?:cheesy:

Most people were probably rooting for the Eagles in the US and outside of it (but maybe less so as most people tend to be bandwagon fans)

Congratulations @KAL-EL as I recall you were from the Philadelphia area.

When will the Sixers win another ring (NBA)? Or is the "project" still in its infancy? Ben Simmons and Joel Embid are quite good players with a big potential. "My" Lakers have one of the youngest roosters but not performing as consistent as expected. "We" probably won't make the playoffs yet again.:(
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He is like most Palestinians who always change sides

He is a political analyst, nationality has no factor here. I don't like his biases but nevertheless he is still an analyst who mostly attempts analyzing current events. It's his career and there is not a problem with him formulating his own views. Part of society, just accept it and respect it. Don't attack someone because he is not aligned with your views. Me personally I would counter some of his views with mine or encourage him to avoid some biases or give him suggestions but not try to guilt trip him into anything.
He is a political analyst, nationality has no factor here. I don't like his biases but nevertheless he is still an analyst who mostly attempts analyzing current events. It's his career and there is not a problem with him formulating his own views. Part of society, just accept it and respect it. Don't attack someone because he is not aligned with your views. Me personally I would counter some of his views with mine or encourage him to avoid some biases or give him suggestions but not try to guilt trip him into anything.

Bro, watch this below 42.00 minutes into the video until 45.30.

While I always disagreed with this in theory I have become more convinced. MB should not be seen as a threat or enemy but rather as a potential ally. Here I am talking about the non-hostile branches, not those that necessarily want to gain power in every single Arab country by all means. Branches that could be constructive partners. However in general a revaluation between Arab monarchies and MB as a political party and movement should start. It is unnecessarily dividing Arab societies. If both can be included and play a constructive role (remains to be seen) and not see each other as a threat but rather as a potential partner, that would be much more preferable. How to do this in practice I do not know.

What is your take on this? I believe that we need to discuss this as a people and as societies. I believe that Arab monarchies (those that are not constitutional) should become constitutional and thus give rise to political parties.

However it is a complicated thing as this can fragment societies. Look at the system in Kuwait where political parties are allowed. This has made the government much less efficient due to political consensus often being difficult to reach. We see similar things in Iraq. Corruption is also sky-high despite democracy on paper.

I am not necessarily convinced that the democracy that we see in the West (not a perfect system either) is the best for our societies and the Arab world today.

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