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Allah akbar what for peace of scums.

Hypocracy at it's ugly level. Ignorance.

Let's not fall into that level brother. Their cause is not any different to the righteous cause of our Iraqi Shia Arab brothers who resisted the oppressor Saddam. I am not talking about Al-Nusra here obviously or ISIS. But the Syrian people who have taken up arms to defend themselves from the barbarism of Al-Assad and his regime. Please understand where they are coming from. If your honor was violated, your town destroyed, your family carpet bombed you would fight too or at least do something to change status quo.

Anyway what did you think about my conversation with @f1000n ? How much of KSA did you visit? After all it is a huge country.

Please visit this thread about the Arabian Peninsula and Arab world in photos and contribute if you want to and have some good photos to post.

The Arabian Peninsula and Arab world in photos

I think that we dealt with those Farsi trolls very well in the Yemen thread.:lol:

So much butthurt that it even hurts my eyes. Luckily they won't be able to change history.


It's known that people have no problems with each other, it's all politicians mainly led by Islamists ideologies which are a cancer to the world.

I believe Abadi should side with the US, get allied with them, let them have their permanent bases in Iraq which they've been seeking for all I care to prevent a proxy war and Islamists using the country to fight neighbors, better for Iraq better for the region.

I agree and you know that I have always been of this opinion.
Let's not fall into that level brother. Their cause is not any different to the righteous cause of our Iraqi Shia Arab brothers who resisted the oppressor Saddam. I am not talking about Al-Nusra here obviously or ISIS. But the Syrian people who have taken up arms to defend themselves from the barbarism of Al-Assad and his regime. Please understand where they are coming from. If your honor was violated, your town destroyed, your family carpet bombed you would fight too or at least do something to change status quo.

Anyway what did you think about my conversation with @f1000n ? How much of KSA did you visit? After all it is a huge country.

Please visit this thread about the Arabian Peninsula and Arab world in photos and contribute if you want to and have some good photos to post.

The Arabian Peninsula and Arab world in photos

I think that we dealt with those Farsi trolls very well in the Yemen thread.:lol:

So much butthurt that it even hurts my eyes. Luckily they won't be able to change history.

Let me ask you this?

Why al saud attacked Yemen.

What would the rule of the Houthis to their country in cooperation with the Yemenis hurt al saud.

How come the poor Yemen would be a chalenge to the " arab national security"?.
Let me ask you this?

Why al saud attacked Yemen.

What would the rule of the Houthis to their country in cooperation with the Yemenis hurt al saud.

How come the poor Yemen would be a chalenge to the " arab national security"?.

Why not answer my questions?:lazy:

I am not a ruler or part of the House of Saud.

Firstly there has not been any ground invasion yet. Nor do we know if there will be one although it points to that.

Secondly nobody is attacking Yemen but the Houthi's in mostly Northern Yemen.

Thirdly the president of Yemen (Hadi) was elected by the Yemeni people (7 million of them from all layers of the Yemeni society) in 2012 in the first real democratic election in Yemen. He was removed by force from a militant group/terrorist group/cult/call it what you want. The UN and international community considered what occurred in September last year as a Coup d'état.

UN Security Council condemns Al Houthi takeover | GulfNews.com

It's really not difficult to understand why KSA is against the Houthi's as the Houthi's are a hostile organization that has attacked KSA before and wants to attack it. Moreover they want to become a proxy of the Mullah's in Iran which we cannot tolerate. We have enough of their proxies in Southern Lebanon and Southern Iraq. We don't need more in the Arab world.

This is not a fight against Yemen but Houthi's. Most Yemenis are against the Houthi's.

Bro, how come can you support a terrorist organization/cult/call it what you like which chants death to the West, USA, Jews etc. while you live in the West? Are those people really the answer to Yemen? They are just a slightly more progressive and less extreme version of other lunatics such as AQAP.

Hadi was/is not a dictator and is a patriot. He tried to establish close ties to the West AND EAST to improve the situation in Yemen. Even gave autonomy to all regional people in Yemen last year.

Yemen agrees to become federation of six regions, south gets more autonomy| Reuters

Listen to Hadi's speech at the Arab League Summit this weekend in Sharm el-Sheikh.

Why do you support all this? Do you just support everything that the House of Saud are against?:o:

Also I was seriously hoping that we could have non-political discussions here in this thread mostly. There are already several threads about Yemen, 2 main ones in fact, where about 3500 or so posts have been written in the span of 4-5 days!:crazy:

I hope that you will answer my initial questions as I am curious. I am a bit tired of discussing politics.o_O:cheesy::coffee:


Stop attacking fellow Arabs. Return to your fold. We lost Hazzy the Glorious earlier today already.
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Let me ask you this?

Why al saud attacked Yemen.

What would the rule of the Houthis to their country in cooperation with the Yemenis hurt al saud.

How come the poor Yemen would be a chalenge to the " arab national security"?.

من الصعب معرفة القصة كاملة، ولكن يبدو إنه ثبت للقيادة عندنا إنه من دون التدخل في اليمن سيتحول اليمن إلى قاعد فارسية تهدد أمن البلد على المدى المتوسط والطويل
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how come can you support a terrorist organization/cult/call it what you like which chants death to the West, USA, Jews etc.
Why not answer my questions?:lazy:

I am not a ruler or part of the House of Saud.

Firstly there has not been any ground invasion yet. Nor do we know if there will be one although it points to that.

Secondly nobody is attacking Yemen but the Houthi's in mostly Northern Yemen.

Thirdly the president of Yemen (Hadi) was elected by the Yemeni people (7 million of them from all layers of the Yemeni society) in 2012 in the first real democratic election in Yemen. He was removed by force from a militant group/terrorist group/cult/call it what you want. The UN and international community considered what occurred in September last year as a Coup d'état.

UN Security Council condemns Al Houthi takeover | GulfNews.com

It's really not difficult to understand why KSA is against the Houthi's as the Houthi's are a hostile organization that has attacked KSA before and wants to attack it. Moreover they want to become a proxy of the Mullah's in Iran which we cannot tolerate. We have enough of their proxies in Southern Lebanon and Southern Iraq. We don't need more in the Arab world.

This is not a fight against Yemen but Houthi's. Most Yemenis are against the Houthi's.

Bro, how come can you support a terrorist organization/cult/call it what you like which chants death to the West, USA, Jews etc. while you live in the West? Are those people really the answer to Yemen? They are just a slightly more progressive and less extreme version of other lunatics such as AQAP.

Hadi was/is not a dictator and is a patriot. He tried to establish close ties to the West AND EAST to improve the situation in Yemen. Even gave autonomy to all regional people in Yemen.

Yemen agrees to become federation of six regions, south gets more autonomy| Reuters

Listen to Hadi's speech at the Arab League Summit this weekend in Sharm el-Sheikh.

Why do you support all this? Do you just support everything that the House of Saud are against?:o:

Also I was seriously hoping that we could have non-political discussions here in this thread mostly. There are already several threads about Yemen, 2 main ones in fact, where about 3500 or so posts have been written in the span of 4-5 days!:crazy:

I hope that you will answer my initial questions as I am curious. I am a bit tired of discussing politics.o_O:cheesy::coffee:


Stop attacking fellow Arabs. Return to your fold. We lost Hazzy the Glorious earlier today.
I'm not supporting Houthis but I'm against Saudi attacking a poor country.

Then I said what's wrong with Hothis rule their country in coopration with other yemenis. Now Hadi was with them do you think Hadi terrorist too how about Ali the one that you support for decades was he a terrorist too.

Do you know many kids already burried a live.

Yes I'm against those death to America why death to America it's a nation of 300 millions that just so stupid.

But attaking Yemen wont solve no problem at all.

Using violance to solve problem is a problem by itself.
It's good to see this thread open after it was closed

I wonder what took this long and why it was closed to begin with? Most chill thread on the forum IMO.

Interesting article. KSA doing better than all Muslim countries and most developing countries.


BTW turns out that "French Montana" is an Moroccan from Rabat. I would never have known that.


As if Saad Lamjarred was not enough!

More Arab musicians having success abroad is a good thing. @Falcon29 DJ Khaled is no longer on his own in the US.:lol:

Samosa confirmed as Arab in origin. Always knew.

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I'm not supporting Houthis but I'm against Saudi attacking a poor country.

Then I said what's wrong with Hothis rule their country in coopration with other yemenis. Now Hadi was with them do you think Hadi terrorist too how about Ali the one that you support for decades was he a terrorist too.

Do you know many kids already burried a live.

Yes I'm against those death to America why death to America it's a nation of 300 millions that just so stupid.

But attaking Yemen wont solve no problem at all.

Using violance to solve problem is a problem by itself.
﴿وَإِن طَآئِفَتَانِ مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ اقْتَتَلُواْ فَأَصْلِحُواْ بَيْنَهُمَا﴾

﴿فَإِن بَغَتْ إِحْدَاهُمَا عَلَى الأُخْرَى فَقَـتِلُواْ الَّتِى تَبْغِى حَتَّى تَفِىءَ إِلَى أَمْرِ اللَّهِ﴾


First recorded poem in the world.





Who remembers let alone still watches occasionally?


@SALMAN F @Malik Alashter



@Kuwaiti Girl

Another legend gone.:( He was always very popular in KSA.

Arabian pearl trader Moqbil Al-Thukair (from Najd) and French jewler Cartier! - c1900
#MyArabia #Cartier #ArabianExcellence

@SALMAN F @Malik Alashter @Sharif al-Hijaz

I was watching godfather 3 again . at middle of film there was scene from sicily or palermo (Italy)
with place named "BAGHERIA"
it was funny moment to see that name in middle of godfather film

is this place related to Imam bagher (as) ?
Doesn't matter bro,

You have tagged a Shia and a wahabi and then asked them about Imam Bagher (AS) that wahabis in peninsula have destroyed his holy tomb. No one has permission to approach it, especially we Rawafids.

You made trouble for Arab brothers, don't annoy dear.
Doesn't matter bro,

You have tagged a Shia and a wahabi and then asked them about Imam Bagher (AS) that wahabis in peninsula have destroyed his holy tomb. No one has permission to approach it, especially we Rawafids.

You made trouble for Arab brothers, don't annoy dear.

you guys are funny too sometimes . is this the guy that destroyed your holy tomb ?:o:

there are some extra ordinary cases these days on PDF . first someone walked on sea now we have
time traveler wahabi too :woot: or amazingly old guy @Sharif al-Hijaz

I still dont know where this idiotic thinking coming from that you should turn every topic to shia-sunni fight

now we should just wait for other guy to show up with wall of videos of 9/11 and other stuff
you guys are funny too sometimes . is this the guy that destroyed your holy tomb ?:o:

there are some extra ordinary cases these days on PDF . first someone walked on sea now we have
time traveler wahabi too :woot: or amazingly old guy @Sharif al-Hijaz

I still dont know where this idiotic thinking coming from that you should turn every topic to shia-sunni fight

now we should just wait for other guy to show up with wall of videos of 9/11 and other stuff
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