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Arab League denounces Turkish troop deployment in Iraq

Turkey is already withdrawing its troops after United States ordered Turkey to do so.

This emergency meeting was just a formality to show Arab unity against Turkey.

huh...........but i thought according to many people on here the Arabs were all in bed with the Turks in some sort of conspiracy theory backed by western power in Syria and Iraq against Russia(and its small allies like Iran, Hezbollah , Assad)?
Now i'm confused by this news.:undecided::blink:
Iraqis can defend their country without even thinking of whom they fight if the nato that tough then they should watch their members otherwise when your dog bite someone then don't blame that one when he punch you in the face.

Remember the wet one don't care about the rain.

Good joke..so Are you fighting Daesh??

we are not in the 60s alot has changed since then and if erdogan have some kind of ottoman dreams it is up to us to turn them into nightmares the whole nato could not make iraq or afganstan submit what chance does the turks have even with their IS allies they wont be able to hold their ground if kurds work with iraq government

The script is good for a fine desert set Egyptian movie with some legendary Egyptian actors and a few sexy babes :D
I doubt a mediatic Iranian showmen with numb glances leading a flip flop peasant army is equal to ALL the things Iraq needs nor is it enough to pull Iraq out of the neck deep crap they are in since one third of Iraq's territory is already under the occupation of AK wielding terrorists. Even a Western colation of dozens of countries despite its superior technology and despite its coordination and cooperation with local ground forces haven't been able to make a huge impact against ISIS.

So this bravado of yours is ridiculous. You should save it to the facebook fan pages and realize the very obvious fact; dealing with ISIS requires an international effort and cooperation. Turkey's, Iran's or Russia's individual efforts won't be enough to make any difference worth mentioning. So cut the BS and stop prentending like as if you care Iraq or Iraqis more than Iran's interests.

Don't be silly and keep cool. The truth is, from the point of view of Turkey, the geostrategic goals of Turkey are collapsing. Turkey has been booted out of Syria and now it is being booted out of Iraq. In short, Turkey is losing all its influence south of its border, and in north you have Russia which Turkey managed to turn it from a strategic partner to an enemy. Turkey's new mission as dictated by America is go absorb as many refugees as it can and hold on to them for decades and possibly forever by naturalizing them as citizens of Turkey.

The Turkish dream of building an empire has come to an end. And no one, not Iraqis, not Syrians, not Russians and not Americans believe that you can be part of a serious coalition against Isis. Since all believe it is Turkey that has been supporting Isis. Iraqi government officially has been saying this, forget about Russians and others. As for Kurds, you can have all the tactical relations with them. But at the end of the day, the strategic goal of Kurds is very much different that of Turkey. Kurds in north Iraq or in Syria do not want a stronger Turkey. If you think they do, then you don't know what you are talking about.

Tactical alliances with Kurds are just that. It is what strategy dictates that will shape the future. Unfortunately for Turkey, due to short-sighted policies of Erdogan, Turkey has gone from being one of the most influential nations in the region to the most irrelevant, so much so that even Arab League is condemning it. Actually kind of like ridiculing it. Saudi Arabia "includes" Turkey in its "Sunni Alliance" and then the next week, condemns Turkey as part of Arab League. This is what Turkey has come to. A pat in the back and a slap in the face by its Arab "allies".

huh...........but i thought according to many people on here the Arabs were all in bed with the Turks in some sort of conspiracy theory backed by western power in Syria and Iraq against Russia(and its small allies like Iran, Hezbollah , Assad)?
Now i'm confused by this news.:undecided::blink:

You are really a very confused person. Your comments often sketch out a personality who has been watching too much TV and BELIEVING it.

Try to learn. United States is back tracking on Syria. Still it is calling for "Assad must go", but it has ordered its cronies to back off. Obama picked up the phone and directly called Erdogan, ordering him to bring the Turkish army out of Iraq. Erdogan complied immediately. There is no conspiracy in this.
how did Isıs get big money and heavy weapons?Remember Irak army escaped from isis and left to them all the weapons and money without any clashes.Are they so funky?Or an order given to them.I can say two country which has enough power over Irak to do this.USA and Iran.We all know isis used for destabilisation of middleast and which countries got benefits.Russia and Iran.Common answer is Iran.You can see Iranian soldiers Irak,Syria,Yemen.Their movements are very clever.They now uses russia. Russians use jets,boms,helicopters and spends money but Iranians get the benefits.If assad or regime goes to rule Syria İsraelies can say hello to their new neighbour Iran.Iranian soldiers wont left the Irak ı am sure.But if Assad stays they wont left Syria too and this will effect all the region. They will get base for their proxy wars against Turkey and Israel.
let us call it iran leage of arabs :D

I give a shit about that leage :close_tema:

Come on. That is not fair. Iran never cared about Arab League.

Erdogan on the other hand begged to be given an Observer Status in Arab League. He was refused by the Arabs (instead India was given the honor of Observer Status) but Erdogan was offered to be an unofficial "Permanent Guest" in Arab League.

At least Turkey is a "Permanent Guest" of Arab League: Erdogan to Attend Arab League Summit

A "Permanent Guest" that gets condemned by the hosts.
we are not in the 60s alot has changed since then and if erdogan have some kind of ottoman dreams it is up to us to turn them into nightmares the whole nato could not make iraq or afganstan submit what chance does the turks have even with their IS allies they wont be able to hold their ground if kurds work with iraq government


if only you knew Turkish troops are stationed in Iraqi Kurdish part and train Peshmerga to fight against ISIS.

if only you knew Turkish troops are stationed in Iraqi Kurdish part and train Peshmerga to fight against ISIS.
literally failed to understand reality of regional powers role. All chess master changing there horse and soldiers time after time. Is it self destruction mode or what...
literally failed to understand reality of regional powers role. All chess master changing there horse and soldiers time after time. Is it self destruction mode or what...

That's true. Creating facts in geopolitics to serve strategic interests of one and one's allies in a long term fashion, is no easy task. Few can play this game, and still fewer have the ability to come out a winner out of it.
how did Isıs get big money and heavy weapons?Remember Irak army escaped from isis and left to them all the weapons and money without any clashes.Are they so funky?Or an order given to them.I can say two country which has enough power over Irak to do this.USA and Iran.We all know isis used for destabilisation of middleast and which countries got benefits.Russia and Iran.Common answer is Iran.You can see Iranian soldiers Irak,Syria,Yemen.Their movements are very clever.They now uses russia. Russians use jets,boms,helicopters and spends money but Iranians get the benefits.If assad or regime goes to rule Syria İsraelies can say hello to their new neighbour Iran.Iranian soldiers wont left the Irak ı am sure.But if Assad stays they wont left Syria too and this will effect all the region. They will get base for their proxy wars against Turkey and Israel.

Tin foil conspiracy. Lol.
Turkey should look at this as an opportunity. They learned they weren't white enough to be included in the EU and let them learn now that they are not Arab enough for the Arabs to unconditionally support them.

Erdogan needs to takehis country a step back and re-evaluate its policies. Turkey reestablishing relationships with Israel is actually a good thing. Turkey, friends with East & west, is better for the world than Turkey, cowboy of the middle east.

A decade ago, Turkey was helping bridging the gap between countries that were culturally far from each other. It should go back to that.
Turkey should look at this as an opportunity. They learned they weren't white enough to be included in the EU and let them learn now that they are not Arab enough for the Arabs to unconditionally support them.

Erdogan needs to takehis country a step back and re-evaluate its policies. Turkey reestablishing relationships with Israel is actually a good thing. Turkey, friends with East & west, is better for the world than Turkey, cowboy of the middle east.

A decade ago, Turkey was helping bridging the gap between countries that were culturally far from each other. It should go back to that.

That's a wise advice. But too much has happened. With Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Israel, Russia and others with Turkey having been involved in all. Going back to those days might not be easy. For instance, Turkey used to have pretty strong influence over Syria with trade booming. But Erdogan wanted more, so.... he shot himself in the foot.

That's true. Creating facts in geopolitics to serve strategic interests of one and one's allies in a long term fashion, is no easy task. Few can play this game, and still fewer have the ability to come out a winner out of it.
Seem paid mercenaries working remotely from safe houses.
Don't be silly and keep cool. The truth is, from the point of view of Turkey, the geostrategic goals of Turkey are collapsing. Turkey has been booted out of Syria and now it is being booted out of Iraq. In short, Turkey is losing all its influence south of its border, and in north you have Russia which Turkey managed to turn it from a strategic partner to an enemy. Turkey's new mission as dictated by America is go absorb as many refugees as it can and hold on to them for decades and possibly forever by naturalizing them as citizens of Turkey.

The Turkish dream of building an empire has come to an end. And no one, not Iraqis, not Syrians, not Russians and not Americans believe that you can be part of a serious coalition against Isis. Since all believe it is Turkey that has been supporting Isis. Iraqi government officially has been saying this, forget about Russians and others. As for Kurds, you can have all the tactical relations with them. But at the end of the day, the strategic goal of Kurds is very much different that of Turkey. Kurds in north Iraq or in Syria do not want a stronger Turkey. If you think they do, then you don't know what you are talking about.

Tactical alliances with Kurds are just that. It is what strategy dictates that will shape the future. Unfortunately for Turkey, due to short-sighted policies of Erdogan, Turkey has gone from being one of the most influential nations in the region to the most irrelevant, so much so that even Arab League is condemning it. Actually kind of like ridiculing it. Saudi Arabia "includes" Turkey in its "Sunni Alliance" and then the next week, condemns Turkey as part of Arab League. This is what Turkey has come to. A pat in the back and a slap in the face by its Arab "allies".

Hey, I was talking about the famous Iranian celebrity in Iraq. Why did you think it would be a good idea to share your silly prophecies and wet dreams which are the reflections of your indoctrinated hatred and jealousy towards Turkey?

Turkey has more than 1100km land border with Syria and Iraq, both of whom are war torn countries while their neighbor, Turkey, happen to possess the second largest construction industry in the World. Who do you think is gonna rebuild the cities and the infrastructure in Syria and Iraq? Who do you think is going to dominate their markets once and when they get back on their feet? What can Iran offer to them other than pulling them into the secterian swamp of isolation once they start to rebuild their economy? Iran can only muster some influence from Shias in those countries with its medieval secterian agenda which hasn't bring anything but misery for both Iran, Iraq and Syria.

Given the fact that it is absolutely impossible for Assad to control Syria anymore in its current internationaly accepted borders, and given Turkey's relationship with KRG along with Iraq's and Syria's economic and technological needs, it is beyond ridiculous to even have wet dreams about leaving Turkey out of the game in Iraq and Syria. It is nothing but the most delusional kind of wishful thinking.

Turkey managed to turn Russia into enemy? Last time I checked, it was Russia who were undermining the operations of Turkey in its backyard despite Turkey's countless protests. Russia asked for it, and Turkey obliged.

Turkey's NEW mission? I wonder who gave such a clueless dude like yourself the title of Think Tank? Since the very beginning of this mess in 2011 Turkey has been hosting MILLIONS of Syrian and Iraqi refugees, spending BILLIONS of dollars on them out of nothing but good will while Iran has been doing absolutely NOTHING other than contributing to the numbers of displaced Syrians and Iraqis by doing things like deploying its celebrity with emotional glances to lead the Shia peasantry.

Without troops on the ground ISIS cannot be defeated, and without Turkey, the troops cannot be on the ground. You see, it is beyond me how can you say something like Turkey can't be a part of the colation against ISIS...

I don't see how Turkey being at odds with one of the worst murderous psychopaths in World's history and Iraq's puppet regime makes it an "irrelevant" country. I mean let alone a Think Tank, even the most delusional fanboys and haters would think twice before saying such a thing.

Turkey has been enjoying billions of dollars worth annual investment by those Arab countries for the past couple of years. That's what really matters especially since their League carries little weight. Then again, I admit we should have seen this reaction from the Iraq's ungrateful puppet regime coming before deploying the reinforcements. Needless to say, Turkish forces will remain in Iraq and Turkish airforces will continue conducting operations in Iraq whenever they deem it necessary like how it has been for over a decade.
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