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Arab League denounces Turkish troop deployment in Iraq

The real question why dont they bomb oil-wells which are under DAESH control?
This is independent Egyptian stance they made without consulting other Arab nations.

@Frogman @Mahmoud_EGY

Why you guys embarrassing the rest of your Arab allies? How can you support such childish government like this? If Sisi regime has something Erdogan do it on his own not in name of whole Arab world.
They are getting rid of mountain ape PKK I support them that's main reason Iraqi military ignores them so I support Turkish military
This is independent Egyptian stance they made without consulting other Arab nations.

@Frogman @Mahmoud_EGY

Why you guys embarrassing the rest of your Arab allies? How can you support such childish government like this? If Sisi regime has something Erdogan do it on his own not in name of whole Arab world.

How is it even possible for Egypt to speak on behalf of all the Arab countries alone in such a matter. Surely there must be more to it. But then again, it is highly unlikely for Qatar and many others to support such a decison against Turkey. How does its decison making process work anyway? Is there even a voting of some sort or what?
How is it even possible for Egypt to speak on behalf of all the Arab countries alone in such a matter. Surely there must be more to it. But then again, it is highly unlikely for Qatar and many others to support such a decison against Turkey. How does its decison making process work anyway? Is there even a voting of some sort or what?

I am not sure exactly how it is structured. But UAE chaired the meeting, and Egyptian deputy chief or whatever made the statement at a press conference in Egypt. No other Arab nation was involved. Qatar and Saudi Arabia are allies with Turkey. The general headquarters is in Egypt and president will always be Egyptian for some reason. There is no vote or consultation done prior. Usually they schedule meeting prior by weeks and decide to meet. In this case it was surprise announcement. I wouldn't take it with seriousness if I were you. I know I am not.
lol,at these countries can't even deciding at a proper statement."Saudi Arabia establishes a 34 state coalition"...other states mention later that they have no ideea of being included..."The Arab league says..."....-oh no,it's only the Egyptians speaking for everybody =))))))) For God's sake and humanity,just send the US to take the oil/gas fields from these clowns and than let them drift to their extinction.
I am not sure exactly how it is structured. But UAE chaired the meeting, and Egyptian deputy chief or whatever made the statement at a press conference in Egypt. No other Arab nation was involved. Qatar and Saudi Arabia are allies with Turkey. The general headquarters is in Egypt and president will always be Egyptian for some reason. There is no vote or consultation done prior. Usually they schedule meeting prior by weeks and decide to meet. In this case it was surprise announcement. I wouldn't take it with seriousness if I were you. I know I am not.

Let alone Turkey I doubt anyone in the World took it seriously. It was just surprising; a group of Arab countries most of which are partners and even allies of Turkey making such a decleration against us in support of Iraq's mullah butler even though he is an Arab.
Let alone Turkey I doubt anyone in the World took it seriously. It was just surprising; a group of Arab countries most of which are partners and even allies of Turkey making such a decleration against us in support of Iraq's mullah butler even though he is an Arab.

That only reeks of amateurism.It's like Romania hosting a EU summit,than declaring a 20 years sanction on China on behalf on the EU ........without acknowledgement of the other 27 EU countries.:rofl:
Our foreign policy is the worst I've seen in a long time. Active foreign policy doesn't not = trying to punch above your weight.

I remember in 2008-2011 when we were looked upon as future of middle east, a 'model' for middle easy countries etc. Things were going nicely, economy wasn't bad.

1. Worsening ties with Israel - - - why, why, why?? Against our interests.

2. Not being tough enough on isis, now all the stupid people in the world believe we support them, because of media power.

3. Shooting down Russian jet. We should have escorted it or waited to see if it's going further in territory then shoot if needed.

4. Going into Iraq without their will. - making us look bad in international arena


İran is losing soldiers and money day by day on top of their bad economy. Syria in shambles. Iraq is too. Egypt just came out of civil war. From this we can see that only Turkey and Israel are normal and stable,but why jump into this mess????

Our aim should of been just these
1. Support Türkmens in Iraq with as much weapons as possible
2. Support Türkmens in Syria with weapons.
3. Don't allow an broken up Iraq
4. Don't allow a kurdish semi independent state in Syria.
The real question why dont they bomb oil-wells which are under DAESH control?

Appearing on PBS’s “Charlie Rose” on Tuesday, Rose pointed out that before the terrorist attacks in Paris, the U.S. had not bombed ISIS-controlled oil tankers.

Morell explained, “Prior to Paris, there seemed to be a judgment that … look, we don’t want to destroy these oil tankers because that’s infrastructure that’s going to be necessary to support the people when ISIS isn’t there anymore, and it’s going to create environmental damage. And we didn’t go after oil wells — actually hitting oil wells that ISIS controls because we didn’t want to do environmental damage and we didn’t want to destroy that infrastructure, right.
The Bizarre Explanation For Why The U.S. Has Avoided Bombing ISIS Oil Wells » Infowars Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
I am not sure exactly how it is structured. But UAE chaired the meeting, and Egyptian deputy chief or whatever made the statement at a press conference in Egypt. No other Arab nation was involved. Qatar and Saudi Arabia are allies with Turkey. The general headquarters is in Egypt and president will always be Egyptian for some reason. There is no vote or consultation done prior. Usually they schedule meeting prior by weeks and decide to meet. In this case it was surprise announcement. I wouldn't take it with seriousness if I were you. I know I am not.

All Arab representatives were there, and the Jordanians, Kuwaitis and others were at the forefront of issuing the statement: UAE chairs Arab League meet on Turkey's Iraq military incursion - Khaleej Times

The person chairing the League meeting was Gargash, who is known to be a point-man for the Saudis in the region. He might be the minster of UAE, but he punches for the Saudis. Just ask Pakistanis here, who are well acquainted with Gargash and whom he is in the ring for. Only Qatar days later, after the Arab League meeting was over, issued a statement in favor of Turkey because of their support for MB (but even Qatar did not protest Arab League statement). Everyone else from Egypt to Saudi Arabia stuck with Arab League statement, condemning Turkey.

They also issued a statement showing their 'concern' over "Iran's interference" in Arab matters. :lol:

But they condemned Turkey. Their own very "ally" and a "permanent guest" of Arab League.

lol,at these countries can't even deciding at a proper statement."Saudi Arabia establishes a 34 state coalition"...other states mention later that they have no ideea of being included..."The Arab league says..."....-oh no,it's only the Egyptians speaking for everybody =))))))) For God's sake and humanity,just send the US to take the oil/gas fields from these clowns and than let them drift to their extinction.

Egypt and Turkey are both members of the fictional 34 nation alliance. Egypt even got paid by Saudi Arabia billions of dollars for being allied with Turkey, just two weeks ago.
This is independent Egyptian stance they made without consulting other Arab nations.

@Frogman @Mahmoud_EGY

Why you guys embarrassing the rest of your Arab allies? How can you support such childish government like this? If Sisi regime has something Erdogan do it on his own not in name of whole Arab world.
first of all it is not only Egypt we have iraq syria uae libya
second what is having allies is for ??and i remeber erdogan whenever he feel a threat he run to NATO
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