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Arab League denounces Turkish troop deployment in Iraq

we are not in the 60s alot has changed since then and if erdogan have some kind of ottoman dreams it is up to us to turn them into nightmares the whole nato could not make iraq or afganstan submit what chance does the turks have even with their IS allies they wont be able to hold their ground if kurds work with iraq government
I am Egyptian when we lost part of our land we got it back by ourselves
and how exactly did guys achieved this miracle??
Not sure what propaganda they have been teaching you in Egypt but according to 1979 Peace Treaty. Egypt bend over backwards for Israelis and American to get their land back. As a result. Sadat got assassinated and Arab World call Egypt a back Stabber and suspended it's Arab league membership for 10 years.
Not sure what propaganda they have been teaching you in Egypt but according to 1979 Peace Treaty. Egypt bend over backwards for Israelis and American to get their land back. As a result. Sadat got assassinated and Arab World call Egypt a back Stabber and suspended it's Arab league membership for 10 years.
if you want to debate about the war events search here there are many threads about the war .about the peace treaty i dont see anything wrong with it no way we were going to war with isreal every 5 years it had to end but with Egyptian land under our control
Iraqis can defend their country without even thinking of whom they fight if the nato that tough then they should watch their members otherwise when your dog bite someone then don't blame that one when he punch you in the face.

Remember the wet one don't care about the rain.
Since fall of Saddam, there is no Iraq left. It's Iran's run Shia govt vs Sunni tribes vs ISIS vs Kurds looking for independence. If someone want to take over Iraq, all they have to do is to just ship weapons to any of the group and wait. Sooner or later no Iraqi will be left to fight.

if you want to debate about the war events search here there are many threads about the war .about the peace treaty i dont see anything wrong with it no way we were going to war with isreal every 5 years it had to end but with Egyptian land under our control
I don't and I actually don't care. But you were talking about fighting Turkey for a fracture country like Iraq that doesn't even concern you. When things gets tough, Arab countries don't mind back stabbing each other, like 79 peace treaty. Militarily, Turkey can make sandwich out of Israel in matter of day, if not hours. While Egypt had already lost two wars from Israel. I am failing to understand your logic.
If someone want to take over Iraq, all they have to do is to just ship weapons to any of the group and wait. Sooner or later no Iraqi will be left to fight.
Hey, your erdogan been supplying weapons to all you mentioned guess what Iraq still united.

If kurds want to split they are free to do so we don't want them at all but without kerkuk also your arab sunni if they want to split they are free to do so we don't want them actually a headache that we get rid of.

But guess what both kurds and sunnis cheap enough to do so because most of the wealth in the south where shea live the only place that wealthy enough is kerkuk we are glad to give it to both of them so they start killing each other.

Your erdogan actually eyeing kerkuk and it's oil while masaud think it's his well that will make him another fatty dictator like the arab in the gulf.

see, the trap that your greediness will push you into it.
Hey, your erdogan been supplying weapons to all you mentioned guess what Iraq still united.

If kurds want to split they are free to do so we don't want them at all but without kerkuk also your arab sunni if they want to split they are free to do so we don't want them actually a headache that we get rid of.

But guess what both kurds and sunnis cheap enough to do so because most of the wealth in the south where shea live the only place that wealthy enough is kerkuk we are glad to give it to both of them so they start killing each other.

Your erdogan actually eyeing kerkuk and it's oil while masaud think it's his well that will make him another fatty dictator like the arab in the gulf.

see, the trap that your greediness will push you into it.
That was my point. There is no united Iraq. Even if there was any united Iraq, it would have taken Iraq decades to build up its, infrastructure and Army to fight an invading force.
That was my point. There is no united Iraq. Even if there was any united Iraq, it would have taken Iraq decades to build up its, infrastructure and Army to fight an invading force.
I said what I said to state a fact that shea fed up with kurds and sunnis if they want to leave the door is open!!!.

But the deal is both have no balls to do so they know they will annihilate each other for resources something they are not ready for.

Turkey at the other hand use both for piece of Iraqi oil killing and ruining a neighbor for handful of dollars!!! and erdogan still go to mosque to pray what a joke.

Now the good news: Iraq and China entering a new level of cooperation some news said that China may invest more than 100 billion dollars in Iraq or the amount of trade between the two countries reach that level most if not all in infrastructures.
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