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Arab League denounces Turkish troop deployment in Iraq

If we are a protectorate then what the hell is Iraq? A colony? I can't imagine some American General going around Amman with his militia..

We have allies that actually help protect us, nothing to be ashamed about you see (appearantly you don't).
There is no American soldiers in Iraq fighting for us second those who in Iraq their job is to train our soldiers and they accomplished their job.

But you once the spark start in your jordan then you'll be in two situation either the Israelis step in to save your king or your king flee so yes yours is a protectorate.

In Iraq we can't kill terrorists because they are sunnis protected by the sunni tribes and arabs and turkey that's why the country unstable so far we know exactly who behind those rats!. Iraq still weak for sure we are not in a position of war against north and south neighbors who will find big support from the west once the war become inevitable.

I think you should invade turkey first to teach them a lesson :lol:
We are not Saddam to invade countries but we can do defend our country for sure.
Fingering a NATO member would not be the wisest idea..last time it took six days for Israelis to throw the combined might of Arab invading forces.
Iraqis can defend their country without even thinking of whom they fight if the nato that tough then they should watch their members otherwise when your dog bite someone then don't blame that one when he punch you in the face.

Remember the wet one don't care about the rain.
Fingering a NATO member would not be the wisest idea..last time it took six days for Israelis to throw the combined might of Arab invading forces.
we are not in the 60s alot has changed since then and if erdogan have some kind of ottoman dreams it is up to us to turn them into nightmares the whole nato could not make iraq or afganstan submit what chance does the turks have even with their IS allies they wont be able to hold their ground if kurds work with iraq government

Like Arabs did during WW-I and get rewarded Israel for loyalty to Kafirs. :whistle:
if you think i should feel bad for fighting an invader you are wrong
It's actually Egypt not Arab league countries.

you r right..but no Arab public support and i think by that denounce Arab leage degraded a little bit more his prestige...

BTW, Why UAE princes and GCC waste tens billions dollar on Sisi??.....I actually wonder...what politic-economic benefits and advanteges UAE nd GCS got from Sisi regime by now? ......What werre the dangers for GCC if MB stayed in power ??..

condemning isnt enough we should come up with a plan to help iraq kick out the invaders

Which invaders?..Iran?...
Well, Do Baghdad Shiite government will accept your suggestion??...No longer Baghdad is an Arab government...Bagdad will be a big pain for Arab world in ahead...beacuse Iraq is a colony of Iran
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Which invaders?..Iran?...
Well, Do Baghdad Shiite government will accept your suggestion??...No longer Baghdad is an Arab government...Bagdad will be a big pain for Arab world in ahead...beacuse Iraq is a colony of Iran
what i want to see is all militias and political parties based on religion to be banned as history tell us there can be no happy ending there I only support the iraqi army and government
and how Iran
beacuse Iraq is a colony of Iran
And how Iran hurt you or your interest can you please tell me so I start hate Iran just like?.

I just don't get the hate an Phobia from Iran I wish I know how these Iranian keep ruining the world so I can start blaming them just like Turkey and the other nations.
Can you please explain to me what does Davot uglu means ( we can't withdrew our troops because of the turkish people wont allow us to do so ).

Mind posting the speech here? I don't know if he said that but that's right, Turkish army won't leave Iraq, nor will it stop air campaigns until Iraq stops being a safe haven for terrorists.

By economic interests, you mean the order had come from United States? Or you mean Turks do not pay your king enough?

As for Iraqis, they do not need your help. They have all the help they need. And if they need more, they know who to call.

The government of Iraq is a democratic government with a constitution. Unlike yours which was installed by British due to a shady deal with Sherif of Mecca. So the Iraqi government is much more legitimate than anything Jordan have had.

I doubt a mediatic Iranian showmen with numb glances leading a flip flop peasant army is equal to ALL the things Iraq needs nor is it enough to pull Iraq out of the neck deep crap they are in since one third of Iraq's territory is already under the occupation of AK wielding terrorists. Even a Western colation of dozens of countries despite its superior technology and despite its coordination and cooperation with local ground forces haven't been able to make a huge impact against ISIS.

So this bravado of yours is ridiculous. You should save it to the facebook fan pages and realize the very obvious fact; dealing with ISIS requires an international effort and cooperation. Turkey's, Iran's or Russia's individual efforts won't be enough to make any difference worth mentioning. So cut the BS and stop prentending like as if you care Iraq or Iraqis more than Iran's interests.

We are not Saddam to invade countries but we can do defend our country for sure.

Yeah, for sure.

We are discussing here how Iraqi army abandoned one of the most important city along with almost half of the country to a rag tag militia while you are still thumping your chest on how able you are :disagree:.
We are discussing here how Iraqi army abandoned one of the most important city along with almost half of the country to a rag tag militia while you are still thumping your chest on how able you are :disagree:.[/QUOTE]

Any way you'll leave in spite of you.
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