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Any questions regarding Pakistan.

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Why Pakistan hates isreal?? What has isreal to do with Pakistan????Why zaid hamid is not sent to mental asylum???:smokin:
What can I say..probably that guy just wanted to play it safe and stay out of trouble.He will have no problem in getting another tenant,but he may get into a lot of trouble if you turn up to be a terrorist.Nothing personal there..

Just as well his other tenant could be a child molester. They do background checks in the US for applicants.

Btw Indians like you are retards.
Just as well his other tenant could be a child molester. They do background checks in the US for applicants.

Btw Indians like you are retards.

Whats the point of being so rude to Indians. No matter what you say Indians are the richest community in USA with per capita double than average americans. Pakistanis like you always think of Indians are enemies. Your idoelogy is "yeh hindu, sikh hamare dushman hain", If you go to buy home with that ideology I think the guy did right to you.
Just as well his other tenant could be a child molester. They do background checks in the US for applicants.

Btw Indians like you are retards.

I will ignore the personal remark.I know that you are angry and frustrated for being typecasted as outlaws and terrorists,it is understandable.
See,people type-casting you does not mean that they are right.Its just that they apprehensive and want to avoid trouble.
His other tenant can be a child molestor.But he can be a terrorist and a child molestor at the same time.So one would naturally try to minimize the chances of his tenant being an anti-social.Probably a Pakistani living in NY may refuse you for the very same reasons.You are not the person to blame here,so dont take it personally.
Now After facing War on TERRRor,How many paksitanis think sending terrorist and killing people in india was bad decision?

Just as well his other tenant could be a child molester. They do background checks in the US for applicants.

Btw Indians like you are retards.

So from now on you wont say that i never faced discrimination for being pakistani.
Fav south Indian food?
Don't know if this is south indian but i love dhokla :smitten:

What do you think of Rajni Kanth?
no clue who that is :undecided:

Any good relatively new Pak movie you can subject?
here are a few trailers.
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Palestine problem and Israel is a close ally of India, can't say much about Zaid Hamid.
If i was the leader of Pakistan I wont waste time in this useless hate. Dude Isreal is today 16th most advanced nation in industry ahead of china and India. How can you let such a country get away loll. Learn to be selfish for your nations development. Pakistan wants to be a leader of muslim world by fighting with Isreal. Not a good idea.
Palestine problem and Israel is a close ally of India, can't say much about Zaid Hamid.

funny fact is India denounces Israel,for their bullying attitude in handling the Palestinians.BTW,are you saying that Pakistanis partially hate Israel because of its relations with India?Well,that way,you will end up hating more than half of the World...

Anyways.. controversies aside.. next question.. What are the main economic hubs of Pakistan and what are the main economic activities ?
Indians are ghattiya people. One can see their ghattiya low class mentality on this thread. I just got an awesome apartment from some white Americans. Only discrimination i've ever faced here in the US was by this bharti.
I have one question.

Why are Pakistanis more concerned about others than themselves?

I mean,sometimes they pretend to be Arabs,and send men to fight alongside the Arabs,against Israel,sometimes they pretend to be Palestnians,sometimes Kashmiris,sometimes Afghans.Also,the overall picture is like Pakistan wants to be the front-runner,the leader of the Muslim world.Why dont the Pakistanis concentrate more on the development of their own home instead?I ask this not to mock,but it has actually been so over the years....Awaiting answer..

1. You should have asked this same question from your own Indians as why dont concentrate their energies more on development of own home instead of hoisting flags for giving citizenship to Pakistanis Hindus , Funding terrorists for making Nepal a Hindu Republic, funding Bangladeshi Hindus to create problems there, funding LTTE terrorists to kill innocent Sri Lankans and oh well coming up with multipal false flags on PDF for spreading trash .

2. We dont pretend we go with our own identity and bang the tryrant state terrorists in those territories which you mentioned including INDIA
what if we give indipendence to kashmir and u sell it to china just like u did to ***?

We didnt sell it you dumbass. We traded land for ours. They gave us land, we gave them land. And you have no business what we do with our own land
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