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Any questions regarding Pakistan.

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Why muslims aren’t peacefully coexisting with other religions like hindus ,christians or jews and buddhists?. Even in muslim’s nation they killing each other like shia and sunni conflicts or discriminating own people eg: Ahemediyaas. Actually whats your people (muslims) problem? What they trying to achieve?.

when shias were killed there was no other than sunnis who felt for them, infact protecting shias getting target killed, sunnis came under fire

muslims and non muslims in pakistan infact coexist much better than as compared to your country, there had been no traces of temples getting burned or the christian population getting mass targetted...

some people want to incite hatred against us in our communities and its not from the common pakistani
I think you are being thoroughly immature about this incident. So you met an arsehole. Did you read anyone anywhere claiming there are no Indian arseholes, that Pakistan has a monopoly in this precious commodity? Even his wife seems to know, otherwise she wouldn't have so obviously over-ruled him and asked you again. It was bigotry, you were right to get offended, and you should have told him so to his face, AND FORGOTTEN THE DAMN THING.

You are really giving too much mind space to this prick you met.

I am young, but a very nice guy. If someone insults me, I will give it back to them. I believe I have very good manners, because I was taught by my parents. I hate India as a country, but not the people. An indian member asked me what I thought about ex pat Indians. I told a recent account. Nowhere did I say all Indians are like this, nor did I insult them up until they started calling me a terrorist. You have eyes. Read the thread for yourself. I answered a question and that is all. Most of your posts, you insult me directly or indirectly. Have you ever considered why I never responded? I don't like to sling mud. It is beneath me. I respond only to people that attack my country or religion. This man not renting to me did not bother me at all. What did bother me was the mentality of some people.
Is a non muslim allowed to worship in the mosques of Pakistan ??
Is a non muslim allowed to worship in the mosques of Pakistan ??

Why cant you guys stop trolling?

anyway why would a Non-Muslim want to go to pray at a Mosque in the first place?

Mosque is meant for praying of Muslims as much as a Mandir/temple is meant for Hindus' prayers not otherway round

In Pakistan , winning elections and running the country are not synonymous - one is not necessary for the other.

Pakistan is not Mumbai i think you are implying your own situational reality here
Case in point - it invited a UN delegation on missing persons to visit Pak - the CJ does not meet him, today I read the IG of the FC too is ' busy' so he too cannot meet a delegation invited into the nation by GOP ( Islamabad).

i deleted the BS from your post above.

Now for the remaining points.

1. Chief Justice is head of the independent judiciary and is not bound to follow Govt's orders wrgt to something that is subjudice .

2. IG police has more important tasks to carry and if he is busy then UN delegation can wait and meet other players in the meanwhile thats not a big issue.

Most of your posts, you insult me directly or indirectly. Have you ever considered why I never responded?

Are you referring to me?
can everyone in pakistan buy rifles?
or what kind of license do you need if you want to buy a AK47 in pakistan?

in china, you can get big trouble even if you only want to buy a air pistol.
i am very jealous that many pakistani have real rifles at home.

and what is the quality of the hand made AK47 form pakistan? and how much cost it?
where can I buy a handmade rifle (or decoration rifle) from pakistan? is there any online shop?
i deleted the BS from your post above.

Now for the remaining points.

1. Chief Justice is head of the independent judiciary and is not bound to follow Govt's orders wrgt to something that is subjudice .

2. IG police has more important tasks to carry and if he is busy then UN delegation can wait and meet other players in the meanwhile thats not a big issue.

No need to get defensive or try to justify. On this thread we need not go at each others throats.

Even a Darban would have more important things to do if it comes to it. The point I can see has been understood.

The CJ too is the CJ of the same country GOP is expected to govern. Coordination.. perhaps ??

Lets leave it at that.
okay, my question to my fellow citizens :

1) Y U NO grow Trees instead of Ego?
can everyone in pakistan buy rifles?

Yes, legally or illegally is another question.

or what kind of license do you need if you want to buy a AK47 in pakistan?

A special license that is signed by the Prime Minister. Again, not many people bother with that as gun control in Pakistan is non-existent.

in china, you can get big trouble even if you only want to buy a air pistol.

Which is exactly how it should be everywhere.

i am very jealous that many pakistani have real rifles at home.

It has it's ups and downs, it's good boasting but it also translates into higher gun crime rates.

and what is the quality of the hand made AK47 form pakistan?

Cheap yet sturdy make, shorter service life than the machine made models but so accurately crafted that even Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov himself would have a tough time telling the two apart.
can everyone in pakistan buy rifles?
or what kind of license do you need if you want to buy a AK47 in pakistan?

in china, you can get big trouble even if you only want to buy a air pistol.
i am very jealous that many pakistani have real rifles at home.

pakistan has guns rules like any other country

you can't buy automatic gun else you have to face 8 to 15 years jail

air guns - pistols -rifles no auto - and others are allowed . you ahev to apply local district authority for it.its give you license then you can buy gun from gunshop and register on your name. on that license you can get limited ammo from weapons shops .every state has own NBP licence for guns .you can't use it out of state. police can call you and can check your gun anytime.you have to register you gun police station .

1) Write a letter to the secretary of interior requesting him to approve your request for grant of an arms licence
2) If approval is given, you will be issued with a demand note by the ministry (or just ask someone you know to get you a demand note which is the way most people do it). After the issuance of demand note, you have only 6 months to complete the rest of the stages.
3) Deposit Rs. 5000 challan with NPB.
4) Buy a gun from a licenced gun dealer. Get him to put the weapon number on your demand note with his stamp.
5) Go to the concerned DCO with the demand note to get his endorsement and stamp. For Islamabad, this is the DC Islamabad and here you also have to register the weapon with the arms branch in the Katcheri before the DC will sign.
6) Fill out the licence application form. Attach 2 photographs, copy of ID card, original challan form and original demand note. Submit the application at the ministry of interior's arms branch.
7) Now wait for 4-8 months for them to issue you with a card as there is a massive backlog.


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