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Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

when religious faith traverse the boundary, it becomes extremism...and that is the root cause of many issue prevailing in our so called civil society these days.....I am a Christian, why the hell I will bother about what is happening with people whose faith is Christian in other part of the world….just only because our faith is same…??..what about other people…what about their sufferings???.does it concern me???? I believe, faith is only for our eternal peace of mind…you should keep it up to you ….this should be applicable to people of all religion…don’t make religion faith so important…. peace, love, prosperity, respect for everyone should be the pillars of successful civilian society and not hatred, extremism etc….
And yet most of our "victimized" muslim brothers on here continue to live in western countries :rofl: hypocrisy at its best

I have yet to face discrimination "just because i'm of muslim background"
Why has the West not label these anti-Islam cells as "Terrorist Group" ???

1. How can they label when they don't know the cell's names?

2. How can they declare when they don't know a cell's crimes?

3. Anti-islam doesn't equal terrorist like Anti-American doesn't equal terrorist.

4. If Anti-Islam doesn't equal terrorism, and there has been no large scale attacks targeting specifically Muslims (such as bombing or taking over a mosque), how can you say there has been anti-muslim terrorism?

5. If there have been no attacks committed, and there has been no anti-muslim terrorism how are these groups terrorist groups?

Basically to answer your question, they haven't been labelled terrorist cells because they aren't.





These people are jerks and scums low classes, these make Islam looking horrible and terrorists themselves. These are not good role models for billions Muslims. :disagree:
And yet most of our "victimized" muslim brothers on here continue to live in western countries :rofl: hypocrisy at its best

I have yet to face discrimination "just because i'm of muslim background"

yea ok get real we put up with the **** because we are economic migrants. Watched any recent movies chinese arabs and pakistanis and iranians are portraid as evil whitees as goodees and indians as cannon fodder divide the east and rule the roost but indians cant see it they actually think west thinks they are incredible
Well said bro, i really admire the Muslim courage and willingness to fight against anyone who tries to oppress them.

The oversea Chinese are sometimes too chicken and too afraid of stirring up the troubles. That's the main reason why the whites can keep exploited them and treat them like dirt.

tsk tsk.. you understand that you're living in a predominant white country right? Therefore you indirectly called yourself a chicken :lol:
These anti-Muslim and anti-nonwhite groups were funded by the Western government.

The West needs the labor force from the nonwhites, meanwhile they have to use these racist groups as a tool to keep oppress the non-white people and letting them living under fear.

At least in some Communist countries like China, you won't see such radical organization exists.

---------- Post added at 03:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:38 PM ----------

tsk tsk.. you understand that you're living in a predominant white country right? Therefore you indirectly called yourself a chicken :lol:

Who cares? Canada wasn't originally belong to whites.

Meanwhile i live in Quebec, those French speaking population generally despise Anglophones far more than a Chinese guy like me. :lol:
tsk tsk.. you understand that you're living in a predominant white country right? Therefore you indirectly called yourself a chicken :lol:

I know exactly what he is talking about. He didnt call himself chicken. He said his people dont stick up for themselves the reason for that is that unlike pakistanis say in bradford manchester or sikhs in southall we have areas where we have significant minorities. its very difficult if its one or two family in an area, but if its 100 plus etc its easier to fight. btw are you a false flag?
yea ok get real we put up with the **** because we are economic migrants. Watched any recent movies chinese arabs and pakistanis and iranians are portraid as evil whitees as goodees and indians as cannon fodder divide the east and rule the roost but indians cant see it they actually think west thinks they are incredible

Why not go to Dubai? They're a muslim dominant country? Or China/Hong Kong? Excellent economic growth and not anti islamic from what I hear on here. No because you chose a western country despite knowing you were colonized by them more than 6 decades ago
Yea but western press play on propaganda and say all muslims and coloureds are like this

Because they see all common muslims are suicide bombers and want to blow themselves up, no other religions or groups can do this.

This promote easy to remember Muslims =suicide bombers. Yes, it happened alot in Pakistan, all of them are Muslims origin and names. Muslims killed own Muslims today. :cry:
I know exactly what he is talking about. He didnt call himself chicken. He said his people dont stick up for themselves the reason for that is that unlike pakistanis say in bradford manchester or sikhs in southall we have areas where we have significant minorities. its very difficult if its one or two family in an area, but if its 100 plus etc its easier to fight. btw are you a false flag?

A thick false flagger mate. Not even a clever one like good old Venkat :azn:
Why not go to Dubai? They're a muslim dominant country? Or China/Hong Kong? Excellent economic growth and not anti islamic from what I hear on here. No because you chose a western country despite knowing you were colonized by them more than 6 decades ago

I didnt choose i am third generation british of pakistani origin. Why should i leave? i went to school, uni here I have biz here i employ significan number of whitees whose ancesters colonised india etc. But in my heart i have a great love country where my grand parents were born.
I know exactly what he is talking about. He didnt call himself chicken. He said his people dont stick up for themselves the reason for that is that unlike pakistanis say in bradford manchester or sikhs in southall we have areas where we have significant minorities. its very difficult if its one or two family in an area, but if its 100 plus etc its easier to fight. btw are you a false flag?

Yeah sure but claiming Shariah in a democratic country and wishing for the demise of the country that feeds, protects and offers you what no other country could is real timid :rolleyes:

what the heck is "a false flag"
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