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Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

Anyone here with some readings about Pat Buchanans writings on white race being a shrinking one?
Anyone here with some readings about Pat Buchanans writings on white race being a shrinking one?

Those people get into too many one-night stands and not work enough on raising a family.

Enough said...
just wanted to show you all a page running on facebook ... that's actually complete hatred ...


Although I do not endorse such far right movements, these do not pop out of the blue.

If you look at some statistics, you can imagine why such political fonts emerge.

Forty percent of the sexual assaults that happen in Oslo are perpetuated by non-Western immigrants, mainly Muslim immigrants.

Yet non-Western immigrants do not even constitute 10 percent of the population of Oslo.

In Norway, they are barely 1500 Jews, yet one of every three Jewish kid gets harrased by a Muslim child for being a Jew.

A previous Oslo Education Agency report suggests that one in three Jewish children have experienced racism. Social commentator, Sara Azmeh Rasmussen believes that the increase in harassment of Jews is a mixture of old ideas and anti-Semitism amongst some immigrant communities.

“It becomes difficult to use the right words about the problem since the prejudices against Jews often come from Muslims,. Many are afraid to contribute to increased scepticism towards Islam”, she told NRK.

Rasmussen stated that hatred had no place in Norwegian society and that this must be met with information and transparency.

Scientist Øivind Kopperud is working on a project to map the Norwegian attitude towards Jews, but says that it is very difficult to determine how big the anti-Semitic problem is.

“It is, unfortunately, so that many Jewish children say that they are subjected to scorn from Muslim school children in connection with the situation in the Middle East. We have also had major demonstrations against the Israeli embassy, where slogans have largely been directed against Jews, and not the Israeli government”, he stated.

Kopperud says that the anti-Semitic experience of Jews must be taken seriously, informing the broadcaster that he is working on anumber of projects to address the issue.

Describing Norway anti-Semitism problematic / News in brief / The Foreigner — Norwegian News in English.

Of course people will resist these developments, however some go too far and say things like "100% of the violent sexual crimes are done by Muslims in Norway' and stuff like that.
Forty percent of the sexual assaults that happen in Oslo are perpetuated by non-Western immigrants, mainly Muslim immigrants.
Force them to assimilate and integrate(within humane limits ofc), close down overly religious schools (of ALL religions) and take measures to monitor antisocial behavious. Need I say more? Religion has nothing to do with this it's more about psychology and education - it's a problem nations should tackle, or do you expect other muslims to start telling each other "hey bruh, i think, like, rape is, like, uncool or something"
In Norway, they are barely 1500 Jews, yet one of every three Jewish kid gets harrased by a Muslim child for being a Jew.
That's blown out of proportion compared to what happens in the jewish 'homeland' to muslims, (and unlike europe they arent secular so stories barely get reported)
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