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Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

we come here to debate , learn, and to tell our side of the story and listen to yours also .. it's is not that we are obsessed with Pakistan but we are confident enough to debate with out home support and that is what you are lacking.
so true ......you stole my words thanks .
Muslims in Europe playing the "victim card" :rofl::rofl:

I think you are being unfair here. Discrimination and bad attitude exist everywhere. I am sure our lives are much much better in Europe than our home countries, but that doesnt mean we have a problem free life. And i am glad that Europe is the place where there is rule of law, and laws of europe gives full protection to all its citizens no matter, the system is fair to us, laws are not discriminatory, but to claim that we play the victim cardd is not true.
we come here to debate , learn, and to tell our side of the story and listen to yours also .. it's is not that we are obsessed with Pakistan but we are confident enough to debate with out home support and that is what you are lacking.

Speak for yourself. Please don't generalize about all Indians. There are good and bad in all cultures. Lately several Indians have been coming on here specifically to troll and to screw the quality of the site. This has been evident with the number of bans that have occurred. Have you and Guru had your head buried in the sand? You not notice?

We too feel this site is better with having quality input from our Indian friends. It wouldn't be the same without you guys. There is certain Indians who are obsessed but lets leave it their.

On topic - The problem lies with extremes in Islam. They, as we are all aware, are a minority and making the majority noise. There is good reasons that the west have to have these emotions and feelings towards Muslims. It will take time to remove this fear but Rome wasn't built in a day and i am confident we will gain the respect of all. The problem sometimes is education about a culture. When you see Islam the way most Muslims see it then i am sure this will eradicate the fear with time.
Rise of Europe seems like a derivative game - borrowing three factions from Chinese Three Kingdoms, fighting animation from Batheo or Epicx and the rest from Evony.
Islamophobia in europe/west is on the rise since 9/11 and 7/7 and they are using placard of "Islamic terrorism" for political motives
Yes they go and kill 77 kids on an island.

Ok, you're right. Islamophobia has resulted in loss of innocent life.

I hate muslim terrorists for creating white terrorists, then..
I hope their example won't be followed by too many more white violent nutcases (who try their utmost to appear sane, like muslim terrorists do as well).
I hope western intelligence agencies are now keeping a close eye on all white nutcases who embrace bombs and bullets and knives as a solution to their quite childish fears about having a very different culture so nearby them.

Me, I embrace all moderate and peaceful faiths. Just don't expect me to agree with your bible.

Hell, even the Krishna bible advocates war because of pride. :( :( :(
The Muslim Quran and the Christian Bible I understand even less.
But I remain respectful of moderate Krishnas, Muslims and Christians alike. I hope you'll follow me in that thinking..
Ok, you're right. Islamophobia has resulted in loss of innocent life.

I hate muslim terrorists for creating white terrorists, then..
I hope their example won't be followed by too many more white violent nutcases (who try their utmost to appear sane, like muslim terrorists do as well).
I hope western intelligence agencies are now keeping a close eye on all white nutcases who embrace bombs and bullets and knives as a solution to their quite childish fears about having a very different culture so nearby them.

Me, I embrace all moderate and peaceful faiths. Just don't expect me to agree with your bible.

Hell, even the Krishna bible advocates war because of pride. :( :( :(
The Muslim Quran and the Christian Bible I understand even less.
But I remain respectful of moderate Krishnas, Muslims and Christians alike. I hope you'll follow me in that thinking..

How many countries have seen Muslims being massacred since the creation of the United Nations? - Kashmir, Palestine, Bosnia, Kosvo, Daghistan, Chechniya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Afghanistan again, Iraq again, Burma... We are at the receiving end not at the trigger side of the gun for last 6 decades. The day world admits that, it would be the first step towards peace. Muslims are seen as aggressors because they can be portrayed as such by the corporate mass media. Our countries can be invaded based on complete lies, they can be bombed with depleted uranium rounds, they can be occupied by those who claim that you need to **** off because we lived here 2000 years ago and no one complains.

Our resources can be occupied, our lands can be occupied, our waters are patrolled by foreign navies, our countries have military bases belonging to foreign superpowers, our leaders [puppets --- H.Mubarik, Kings of Mideast, Shah of Iran, Sohartu of Indonesia, Pakistani generals, Saddam and so on] are installed by other countries and are consistently armed by them to suppress us that they can serve foreign business interests. Imagine living in such a world and bet your life if you would feel free regardless of how much your media would project your freedom to you... Bet your life that one day you would have enough and stand up and blow something up--- voila you become a terrorist.

Not one of whom was muslim.

Ignorance indeed is a gift.

Several Muslims among 69 killed in Norway
Published Monday, August 01, 2011

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