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Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

i don't . so does it mean i am not muslim?

You are one among 1.2 billion Muslims - a drop in the ocean.

Look at the bigger picture.
i don't . so does it mean i am not muslim?

it seems you didn't learn so much about religions of the books: all of our religions contain some part that are not so tolerant to the other. all of them.
with all deu respects senior he is not talking about you but muslim clergy & unfortunetly most of so called modrate muslims also thanks
i don't . so does it mean i am not muslim?

You are one among 1.2 billion Muslims - a drop in the ocean.

Look at the bigger picture.
a drop in the ocean
the hatreful muslims are a drop in the ocean but you are focused on this drop. wonder why :D

it is funny that around me, in the "muslim communauty", that 's so different that what you describe

if you think you live better thinking how bad are muslims and how happy you are to be superior to us,
why not... what to say. it is your problem.
Countering Islamophobia: A Political Action Plan
November 8, 2010
Meinhaj Hussain

This is a more radical edition. See the less radical edition here. We intend to maintain both versions.

Note: This plan is being constantly updated. Last updated: 01/8/2011

Muslims in the West are facing a rising tide of Islamophobia. This backlash is fueled by tragic recent events and sustained propaganda from the Zionist press. Our response has been fragmented and erratic, rather than coherent and systematic. This paper outlines a plan of action that can overcome the shortcomings of our responses.

Defining the Enemy

Our persecutors and opponents are numerous, yet there is a clearly identifiable source of the propaganda and action against us. Of our many opponents, the Zionists are the main source of Islamophobia and act as the primary instigators. All other efforts, branch from this source. The Zionist challenge can broadly be divided into Zionist media and political organizations. Let us consider each in turn.

Media Organizations

The mass media is the central component of raising hysteria and creating propaganda against Muslims. Virtually all mass media outlets have been taken over and / or severely infected by Zionists. Rupert Murdoch and News Corp. is a central concern.

Political Organizations

While the mass media generates Islamophobia and sets the tone for oppressing Muslims, other organizations use this hysteria to support political actions against Muslims. Some major Zionist organizations playing this role include: American-Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC), Jewish Defence League (JDL), Anti Defamation League (ADL) and B’nai B’rith.

Political Organizations

While the mass media generates Islamophobia and sets the tone for oppressing Muslims, other organizations use this hysteria to support political actions against Muslims. Some major Zionist organizations playing this role include American-Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC), Jewish Defense League (JDL), Anti Defamation League (ADL) and B’nai B’rith.

Within the US government, a group of Zionists manage the White House led by Chief-of-Staff Rahm Emmanuel. Most departments have been infiltrated, although occasionally the Department of State civil servants show some resistance. The FBI has its hands tied as The Department of Justice (DOJ) will not take any action against Zionists apprehended by them. The DOJ has been compromised thanks to the Sayanims within. As a result, the FBI has simply stopped taking action - even against Israeli agents caught posing as the FBI (Philip Giraldi, former CIA officer).

Homeland Security is a key vehicle for institutional oppression of Muslims and this role can only expand in the future. AIPAC is bankrolling the legislature by utilizing funds from Zionist international bankers and grassroots funding from B’nai B’rith. The CIA has been affected through career-end funding of retiring officers for business opportunities by Zionist venture capitalists and other Zionist investment organizations (See End Note 1). There are reports of the NSA being affected. However, these last reports are less substantiated.

What Do They Want?

What are these Zionist and allied organizations trying to achieve? Firstly, they wish to continue the war against Palestinians, seeking to eventually eliminate them from Palestine. They also seek to further the cause of Greater Israel, from the banks of the Euphrates to the Nile as taught to this day in Israeli school textbooks. A large, vibrant and politically organized Muslim community in the West can be a direct threat to their plans. At present, the conventional military balance already allows them to attempt such a state in the Middle East, but the political and asymmetric warfare balance does not.

More defensively, the Zionists are reacting to us as they feel threatened by a community that they perceive as an existential enemy on the shores of a nation that they have spent considerable time and resources hijacking.

The following appears to be some of their more specific objectives:

Stemming migration and where possible, removing Muslims from the West.
Stop non-Muslims from converting to Islam, by make Islam less accessible through:
Propaganda & political marginalization
Restricting Muslim interaction
Banning Muslim organizations
Banning & making forbidden online Islamic content
Holocaust of Muslims: Building political support from the far right and preparing concentration camps under the guise of FEMA.
Dealing with the Main Stream Media

Muslims in the West have failed systematically in dealing with the mass media. Any attempt to communicate in order to clarify our views or denounce terrorism have faced a selective blind eye, with the selective portion scanning for any opportunity to twist meanings or hone in on the isolated few extremist views. These latter are then used to cause further damage through propaganda. Any attempt to deal with this situation requires us to understand the key methods of propaganda as created by Zionist organizations after WWI (and not for instance by the Nazis, who were copying from them rather than the other way around as they claim).

How Propaganda Works: Pavlovian Response Mechanism

The fundamental aim is to repeat a pattern of connecting words in the subconscious mind of the reader. For instance, terms such as “terrorism”, “extremism” and “anti-Semitism” are consistently placed near words such as “Muslims” and “Islam”. This Pavlovian method has shown to produce consistently effective results. An important point to remember is that this mechanism works even when Muslims are not directly being blamed; a statement such as “Muslims are not terrorists” or “Many Muslims condemn terrorism” can still be used to effectively build a psychological connection in the mind of the populace.

This is a powerful tool and is not to be underestimated. If one has doubts about how effective this tool is further reading of the relevant literature and a closer look at past research and studies will remove all such doubts.

Responding to the Media can be Counterproductive

It is therefore, highly undesirable for inexperienced Muslims to talk to the mass media outlets. The media will turn a blind eye where convenient and select responses that suit their purpose. They will pick the worst responses and heavily edit, to give the exact impression that they want. They are, and will continue to attempt to trick inexperienced and unwary Muslims who are trying to talk to the media

Counter Propaganda
Who should speak to the media?
Only seasoned media spokespersons should speak to the media.

We have discussed what not to do. Let us now consider what we can do to counter propaganda. Seasoned media representatives need to deal with the mass media directly. Muslims seeking to speak out need to channel their work through Muslim media organizations, alternative news networks or those allied to us. Building and networking with alternative media outlets is an important undertaking. We discuss outreach efforts in a different section.

Using Keywords Effectively
The Zionist propaganda machine uses propagandized words as vehicles for their purpose. “Anti-Semitism” “Holocaust”, “Holocaust Denial”, “Hate Speech”, “Islamic terrorism” and “Islamic Fundamentalism” are some examples. We should attempt to counter these with our own set of keywords. These keywords may include “Islamophobia”, “War Criminals”, “Judeo-Fascists”, “Zionists”, "House Arabs" and “Racists” as some possible terms. These keywords are critical vehicles that allow either side to influence the collective conscious.

Truth as the Central Strategy against Propaganda

While coming up with counter propaganda and finding keywords is important, we must not return in kind, we must not lie and spread disinformation. The best way to fight Zionist propaganda is to give something better: the truth. This general strategy of positive asymmetry is given in the Quran:

The good deed and the evil deed are not alike. Repel the evil deed with one which is better, then lo! he, between whom and thee there was enmity (will become) as though he was a bosom friend. (34)
Al Quran, 41:34

We cannot hope to compete with the financial, organizational and entrenchment advantages of the Zionists. Our advantage lies in rehearsing the truth. When even remotely unbiased, human reason has an innate ability to distinguish between right and wrong, truth and falsehood, and this quality represents our core advantage. The problem fundamentally, is that the sheer quantity of the propaganda against us means that most Americans only get falsehood and thus cannot distinguish it from the (absent) truth.

The American people are being exploited and taken for a ride. Their banks, media, Ivy League education, entertainment, politics and even down to their pornography are being controlled by this same group of people. Allah willing, once they know what the truth is, Muslims will be the least of the problems in comparison the Zionists, infact Muslims won’t be perceived as a problem at all.

Talking about "truth" can perhaps lead the reader to be confused. To clarify, let us consider an example. When the media comes up with an accusation, we are trying to deny these accusations. These are often issues were we do not have hard evidence to put forth our viewpoints. In any case, our viewpoint will merely be lost to the massive propaganda of the mass media. We cannot out-shout them by any stretch of our imagination. Instead, perhaps we can focus our response by pointing to the structure, organization, ownership, past indiscretions, present dishonesty of the mass media. Instead of responding and playing to their game, we respond asymmetrically in rehearsing the truth based on hard facts, serious research and knowledge that the populace can already recognize. This is but one example of how the principle of "truth" and positive asymmetry can work. It is up to the reader to be imaginative and come up with solutions.
Best Practices

Running a media campaign in support of Muslims is not a new phenomenon and organizations that have blazed a path can provide useful examples for others to emulate. We need to find and reproduce best practices from those that have successfully dealt with the mass media.

One of the best examples has been the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Their National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper is the most competent media spokesman for Muslim in the United States. CAIR has effectively utilized grassroots organization, press releases, internet social networking and direct targeting of business, government and political organizations. However, this remains one lone under-resourced effort and cannot effectively represent the US Muslim community. A wider strategy is needed involving the existing leadership and the community as a whole.

In the United Kingdom, the main organization tackling Islamophobia is Muslim Public Affairs Committee (MPAC UK). Other groups such as Muslim Association of Britain (MAB), Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), and Islamic Society of Britain (ISB) do little to fight Islamophobia. On the whole, masjids do nothing. Newer groups such as Muslim Defence League (MDL) and United Against Fascism (UAF) are mainly targeted against the English Defence League (EDL). Both these groups are largely involved in demonstrations and petitions.


Political outreach, networking and alliance building efforts can focus on a number of fronts:

Anti-war movement
Muslim Governments / International Organizations
Community Grassroots Action
Friendly Jewish Groups

We need to effectively target each of these fronts without getting embroiled in unnecessary partisan politics. A case in point is reaching out to the constitutional Republicans and Ron Paul supporters on the one hand, and left wing anti-war activists on the other. One resource in reaching out to this constituency may be Will Coley, a political activist and talented young Muslim leader actively engaged in grassroots activism and who is also a Ron Paul supporter and constitutionalist. The anti-war group is perhaps our most natural ally and bosom friend. Reaching out to this community may be far easier. We must not forget that a large number of Muslims in the US belonged to the 1970s "original" peace and anti-war movements and later converted to Islam. These Muslims are largely based in the West Coast and can be activated to help build bridges with the peace and anti-war movements.

There are a large number of anti-war and pro-Palestine groups that target Zionism. As a start to a political outreach, the following are the top 10 anti-Israel groups, as identified by ADL:

Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER)
Council on American-Islamic Relations
Friends of Sabeel-North America
If Americans Knew
International Solidarity Movement
Jewish Voice for Peace
Muslim American Society
Students for Justice in Palestine Berkeley Hampshire
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation

These organizations must be doing something right to be on ADL’s hit list.

Utilizing Entertainment

Attempting direct methods of grassroots political outreach can often be ineffective. Few Americans are willing to go and visit the library, to have someone drawl on about how peaceful Islam is. Reaching out to Americans through entertainment events is one effective method. For instance, an example would be organizing a Yusuf Islam concert to communicate the message, and in addition have somebody like Baba Ali, for a standup comedy break.

Organizing entertainment is critical in getting face-time. It is significantly harder to feel scared about a people you have become familiar with. Getting face-time in whatever way possible, should be an important aspect of our counter propaganda strategy.

An example is the ongoing organization of the FUNatical Comedy of interfaith comedians. We must not become "Coca Cola Muslims" diluting and selling our religion short to bend over backwards into the fantastic world of over-pluralism, denigrating the message. At the same time, all interfaith events do not fall into this category. While some of the religiously or politically-focused interfaith activities may be questionable on religious grounds, there is nothing in this author's opinion that is heretical about organizing events such as the Funatical Comedy series to help combat Islamophobia.

Sending Ambassadors to Communities

There is little that is more effective than reaching out to communities directly. At the grassroots level, we need Muslims to represent Islam and themselves to communities around the United States. Anything from town hall meetings to high school Islam Awareness events are welcome.

We must not be passive in waiting for such opportunities, but should actively seek them. We must also not shy away from hard ball questions and instead, answer them truthfully and honestly. For instance, pretending that Islam does not condone military jihad in set circumstances can only hurt our public credibility and create divisions within our community.

Determining Friend or Foe

In our outreach efforts, it may be important to determine what organizations to befriend and what others will end up a liability or sabotage our effort. Three questions can be used to judge whether an individual or an organization is a friend or a foe:
1. Do they talk about Zionism?
2. How do they deal with Palestine?
3. What is the source of funding?

Leadership Alignment

There is an urgent need to recognize that we need to work together. We cannot ignore each other anymore. Consensus is not created by everyone agreeing with each other. Real consensus is created when everyone disagrees and then, after considerable and stressful discourse, come to a compromise that all can accept.

Our efforts need to be organized within a layered structure. This structure can work at the community, state and national levels. We can also have an independent online effort and have a fully developed Internet strategy. Some leaders that need to be part of our anti-Islamophobia effort include the following:

US: Hamza Yusuf, Yusuf Estes, Nuh Ha Mim Keller, Ibrahim Hooper (CAIR), Yusha Evans, Nouman Ali Khan, Ali Ardekani, Warith Deen Muhammed.

UK: Abdul Hakim Murad, Abdur Raheem Green, Yusuf Islam
This list needs to be expanded exponentially to be of relevance.

Emergency, Exit & Long-term Relocation Plan

In the event that there is another 911-type crisis (Allah forbid), each community needs a fully developed emergency plan. Every Muslim should know where he or she can seek safety. This can typically be the masjid. Food provisions should be stockpiled by each community for anywhere between 1-2 days at such locations.

Muslims can also consider having an exit strategy from the United States. This is an individual responsibility. Converts with nowhere else to go, and some of whom are already roaming the world in de facto exile, need to be supported and helped. These are the Muhajireen and it is incumbent on all Muslims to help them.

Long-term choice of residency is an important consideration. Muslims need to consciously plan their housing arrangements to be closer to the parts of the city with a high Muslim population concentration.

The author gratefully acknowledges the invaluable help from Sister Aisha Sarwar of MPAC UK in drafting this paper.

End Notes

1. The author has studied at George Mason, a university closely linked to the CIA and has participated as part of his coursework in venture capital forums linked to various technology startups run in close connection to the retiring intelligence and military community. He has sat in venture capital forums. The statement is based on these experiences.
Actually Muslims call others Kaffers - others dont.

---------- Post added at 05:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 PM ----------

Actual spelling is senior....

According to muslim literature there is a difference between Kafir, or kafr. People of the book namely Christians and Jews(i.e. The bible and Tanakh) can be tolerated if they pay the dhimmy (Tax). The others namely us Hindus and Buddhists or any other sect are idol worshippers are not to be tolerated. This is a controversial subject and i probably will get a lot of heat for this but this what is written and followed to an extent.
Yup. The fav sites are Daniel Pipes, Jihad Wath, any right wing site. All the videos been shown so many times that one loses count. These guys hate Muslims, they hang out in those sites, and then come back here to troll PDF. Well it takes all kinds to make the world go around.

Peace to my troll borthers. Troll like there is no tomorrow. Troll baby troll !!!

They do. What they're saying is incorrect though. If they think there's more acceptance of Indians against Muslims in Europe then they would be dreaming. The media is one thing, popular sentiment is entirely something else.

the Indian mind is one that is hallucinatory to the extent they cannot grasp situations, but worse still and like packs of hyenas, they outnumber their prey only when others have started rounding up on the prey (but would never lift a finger when alone).
They do. What they're saying is incorrect though. If they think there's more acceptance of Indians against Muslims in Europe then they would be dreaming. The media is one thing, popular sentiment is entirely something else.

the Indian mind is one that is hallucinatory to the extent they cannot grasp situations, but worse still and like packs of hyenas, they outnumber their prey only when others have started rounding up on the prey (but would never lift a finger when alone).

If it does the job, it gets rid of our apprehensions, gets the nation benefit, then why not?
it just seems a little cowardly and hollow to me. but everyone has their own behaviour.
Indians are just pointing out the obvious . You guys just are living in denial .Islamophobia has risen because islamic extremism and terrorism also has risen .

And you being a Bangladeshi living in Thailand should be the last person to mock Indians who 'allegedly' wish to migrate abroad that too with a Pakistani who lives in the US .:hang2:

A big LOL :lol: :lol:
Whats there to dare, i was mentioning the massacres done by the muslim barbaric hordes in the distant past. Figures are a rough estimate. And talking of brainwashed, do u think anyone brainwashes people more than islam does.

---------- Post added at 05:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:22 PM ----------

Yeah i'll be afraid, thanks for the warning.

Rough estimates of . . . . Some JW site? :rofl: Or M.A Khan's book? :lol::lol: Who's that BTW? I don't even know him by face..Just saw his book on internet :lol: Oh by the way honey, are you a Christian? ;-) Your hate of Islam will only burn you more.Nothing's gonna change ...Stop your propaganda against Islam. Only one brainwashed here is YOU and ANYBODY can see it ...270 million :laugh:

Do have a "rough estimate" of killings by the followers of other religions too? After all , most bloody wars were fought by your religion's retards ...oh sorry I thought your a evangelical insecure Christian extremist lols..may be you are one ...Just clear it in your reply :D
i don't . so does it mean i am not muslim?

You are one among 1.2 billion Muslims - a drop in the ocean.

Look at the bigger picture.

First its 1.6-1.8 billion Muslims ..So go and **** your pants because there are 400 to 600 million MORE boogeymen.. oh I mean Muslims...on the planet.Heck ! if you have SOOOOOOOOO much information about Muslims and what they think..atleast know their population jaani ...

What bigger picture? Do you think 1.8 billion muslims go to their home and sit and plot "how to kill kufars?" :lol: More than 99% of people don't even give s sh!t about these issues. Vast majority of Muslims are normal people living their life with their family worrying about education and marriages of their children.Throw off your hate,buddy :cheers:
First its Vast majority of Muslims are normal people living their life with their family worrying about education and marriages of their children.Throw off your hate,buddy :cheers:

and you know what we are pakistanis coming to a pakistani site lol. We are not obsessed that we go onto an indian site. we love our country we come on here. If we gavce a damn about them we would go on their sites.

Racism against muslims and non whites is on the increase in the west. In a time when economy is poor maijority always looks for scapegoats
and you know what we are pakistanis coming to a pakistani site lol. We are not obsessed that we go onto an indian site. we love our country we come on here. If we gavce a damn about them we would go on their sites.

Racism against muslims and non whites is on the increase in the west. In a time when economy is poor maijority always looks for scapegoats

we come here to debate , learn, and to tell our side of the story and listen to yours also .. it's is not that we are obsessed with Pakistan but we are confident enough to debate with out home support and that is what you are lacking.
Muslims in Europe playing the "victim card" :rofl::rofl:
Council on American-Islamic Relations and University of California (Berkeley's Center for Race and Gender)

In Switzerland:
The federal commission against racism
Incidents racistes dans la pratique de consultation - humanrights.ch
In 7 centers for register the cases for a study in 2009 they were 162 cases of violence against muslims and black people, in 2010 178 cases that means increase of 10%

In France:
convention cadre CFCM - Le site officiel du ministre de l'Intrieur, de l'Outre-mer, des Collectivits Territoriales et de l'Immigration
Minister of Interior worrying of increase of acts against muslims
143 acts of violence lead to court
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