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Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

^^^ Instead of debating Members on this thread have decided to simply troll and lebel people anti-islamic because we dont entirely agree with them . sorry but this intolerance to other's opinion is one of the reasons why anti-islamic sentiment is also on the rise . i have made my point , those with a cool mind would understand before labelling me anti-islamic .
There is religion and there is insaniyatt. If muslims do not conform to the rules set by foreigners, does that make us less insan?
The hate towards muslims did not just start from nowhere . .
the smoke and the fire. already explained by an exemple how this was non sense.

ok let me speak of France again. if i read the political books and listen to the programs on tv:
it was not starting at all with Islam. No. It was starting with two conditions.
First one is that after France lost war against Algeria , the fascist parti (who was linked to the OAS movment in Algeria: a terrible fascist organization) already complained about these algerians coming in France
The north african people came here for some jobs that French didn't want to do and it is all because there was no unemployment at that time.
But when it started unemployment they said that these people were taking the jobs of the real French guys.

After 11/9 , the fascist parti was using more the Islam part to show they are not accepted in the society
Less than in USA where many Iranians complain that life is harder since 9/11. But the arguments are used by nationalists partis.

In Iran when 9/11 occured , most of the Iranians said they were sad. ANd many many of us went to the street and put a light for showing our sadness at this event.
But still you can read truthseeker in another thread who says "ah the bad Iranian guys"

In any side they are bad people. it doesn't reflect at all our all countries and culture.

Yeah most people are atheists here, not even catholics
they have as well not especially good opinion about the pope . most of them think he was nazi and he didn't condemn the priests who rape the children. they don't like he didn't authorize the condom and so and so.
the church is as well complaining about the "bad picture"

getting emotional is when instead of trying to understand you prefer to see one event , a bad one, a bad experience, a terrorist , a bad guy, that is the smoke of the fire
There are two evils on the same coin. One is extremist Islam, and on the other side is Western propaganda against Islam. We moderate Muslims,(Although I pray 5 times a day and have no feelings to kill a non-believer) are being isolated. Why are peaceful people which are in fact the majority being persecuted on the basis of religion because of some bad apples? Statistics can even prove that Muslims are non-violent people.

You can be a moderate muslim while praying 5 times a day . don't worry about that .

The point is that there are extremists in the west as well who will label every muslim with the same brush because it becomes difficult for them to differentiate between the moderates and extremists from a distance .

People of all different religions must confront their extremist minority otherwise it is a vicious cycle that will continue . This is the point that i made very early on in tihs thread . Pinning the blame on just one is wrong . It takes two hands to clap.

---------- Post added at 03:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:12 AM ----------

There is religion and there is insaniyatt. If muslims do not conform to the rules set by foreigners, does that make us less insan?

don't get your point . If you mean following rules of the country that you migrate to . Yes you have to do that if you want tour community to be respected otherwise you have the option not to go there at all . That is what a lot of British muslims asking for shariah law zones in UK should have done ( not talking about all Brit muslims)
Simply, Indians have been targeted in Australia and it had nothing with them being Muslim. The problem is not about religion, but of discrimination.
the smoke and the fire. already explained by an exemple how this was non sense.

ok let me speak of France again. if i read the political books and listen to the programs on tv:
it was not starting at all with Islam. No. It was starting with two conditions.
First one is that after France lost war against Algeria , the fascist parti (who was linked to the OAS movment in Algeria: a terrible fascist organization) already complained about these algerians coming in France
The north african people came here for some jobs that French didn't want to do and it is all because there was no unemployment at that time.
But when it started unemployment they said that these people were taking the jobs of the real French guys.

After 11/9 , the fascist parti was using more the Islam part to show they are not accepted in the society
Less than in USA where many Iranians complain that life is harder since 9/11. But the arguments are used by nationalists partis.

In Iran when 9/11 occured , most of the Iranians said they were sad. ANd many many of us went to the street and put a light for showing our sadness at this event.But still you can read truthseeker in another thread who says "ah the bad Iranian guys"

In any side they are bad people. it doesn't reflect at all our all countries and culture.

Yeah most people are atheists here, not even catholics
they have as well not especially good opinion about the pope . most of them think he was nazi and he didn't condemn the priests who rape the children. they don't like he didn't authorize the condom and so and so.
the church is as well complaining about the "bad picture"

getting emotional is when instead of trying to understand you prefer to see one event , a bad one, a bad experience, a terrorist , a bad guy, that is the smoke of the fire

Firstly there is no smoke without fire is a saying that you seem to have taken at heart . it just means that there must be wrong that both sides must have done that a fire started in the first place .

As you said about the bolded part , Yes there must have been many mnay sad iranians when 9/11 happened , i am not denying that but then there are muslims who expressed happiness as well . do you know that there is a section of population in the muslim world that treats osama like a hero ?

do you know there are sections in the muslim world who don't even admit that 9/11 was done by muslims but say that it was a staged attack by americans themselves ?

It is these muslims who give other muslims a bad name . These are the ones who also cause conflict with the rest of the world and moderates like you get squeezed in between . They need to be confronted by you . If you don't do it and choose to remain in denial then you also would partly be at fault .
You can be a moderate muslim while praying 5 times a day . don't worry about that .

The point is that there are extremists in the west as well who will label every muslim with the same brush because it becomes difficult for them to differentiate between the moderates and extremists from a distance .

People of all different religions must confront their extremist minority otherwise it is a vicious cycle that will continue . This is the point that i made very early on in tihs thread . Pinning the blame on just one is wrong . It takes two hands to clap.

---------- Post added at 03:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:12 AM ----------

don't get your point . If you mean following rules of the country that you migrate to . Yes you have to do that if you want tour community to be respected otherwise you have the option not to go there at all . That is what a lot of British muslims asking for shariah law zones in UK should have done ( not talking about all Brit muslims)

The british can ban Muslims emigrating to their country if they feel that all Muslims want Sharia Law, when most Muslim countries don't implement this themselves.
Simply, Indians have been targeted in Australia and it had nothing with them being Muslim. The problem is not about religion, but ofdiscrimination.

That is racial discrimination , that is a separate issue altogether . don'tmix the two .

Btw , it has been found and verified that 'most'(not all) attacks on indians in Australia were for the purpose of mugging/robbery and were not racially motivated.
The british can ban Muslims emigrating to their country if they feel that all Muslims want Sharia Law, when most Muslim countries don't implement this themselves.

i meantioned it very clearly in my post that not all Brit muslims want it but some do and that is a problem . you still choose to misquote me . It becomes very difficult like this bro .

And why should Brits ban muslims from emigrating ? all muslims are not like this . That is no solution . Britian is not anti-muslim that is why they won't do it i believe . I am saddened that a moderate muslim like you would simply ask countries to ban muslim migration instead of asking your extremist compatriots to mend their ways .
That is racial discrimination , that is a separate issue altogether . don'tmix the two .

Btw , it has been found and verified that 'most'(not all) attacks on indians in Australia were for the purpose of mugging/robbery and were not racially motivated.

What do racial and religious distinctions have to do with hate towards people that are different? Indians can act like whites, but this no way means that the local populous will accept them. This is the case.
Firstly there is no smoke without fire is a saying that you seem to have taken at heart . it just means that there must be wrong that both sides must have done that a fire started in the first place .
so you say it applies for the poor Jews who were genocided? or the girl raped by a sick guy? they deserved it?
you never thought that some actions are over exagerated or some people when an arab kills a white, some white guys wanted to take revenge on the arabs (that happened in Algeria for exemple).

As you said about the bolded part , Yes there must have been many mnay sad iranians when 9/11 happened , i am not denying that but then there are muslims who expressed happiness as well . do you know that there is a section of population in the muslim world that treats osama like a hero ?
do you know there are sections in the muslim world who don't even admit that 9/11 was done by muslims but say that it was a staged attack by americans themselves ?
they are minority if i am listening people here: most muslims let's say 99% hate Ben Laden
maybe some groups love him and make noise. but they are how to say .... a big lol

hmmm no the story of 9/11 attack by americans started with americans and europeans themselves
they are some "scientists" or self designed experts who say it is wrong, and among them christians
especially i am thinking about this guy i France: Messian very famous who wrote the first bullshit book about it:
he is not muslim. he is near the fascist parti of France. so lol again.
i think as well about this guy with the theory of bombs put inside i forgot his name but he was christian extremist

It is these muslims who give other muslims a bad name . These are the ones who also cause conflict with the rest of the world and moderates like you get squeezed in between . They need to be confronted by you . If you don't do it and choose to remain in denial then you also would partly be at fault .
i agree with what you say
we are between the stupid "muslims" (they are not muslims for me) and these people who believe that we are all the same.
we can try thousands times explain that we are peaceful, we need to explain it all the time
like we need to explain all the time Islam is not killing christians or Jews , and not stoning the women.
i guess you can guess how pain it gives and that's why most muslims just .... shut up... they are so much tired of all this.

let's hope all our countries become more democratic, especially mine. then we can give a better picture ;)
Being hated is not too bad for Muslims...if we look at Islamic history,the more we were hated the stronger we emerged.....and we were warned in Quran and Hadith about such times when all non Muslim people will stand united against Muslims...
From what I have read well Educated Muslim Turks are leaving Germany and returning to Turkey will the ones on welfare are staying. I think it's a good thing, Well Educated Muslims in Europe should return to our native countries where we can be alot more beneficial in creating a future rather then staying in Europe.
Islamic extremism has been there throughout the ages (120 million Africans, 60 million Christians, 80 million Hindus, 10 million Buddhists) This gives a rough estimate of 270 million killed by jihad. But the question is why is the west afraid of islam in this day and age.

HOw dare you !!!! Last time someone said that Islamic Jihad killed 300 million people and now you are saying 270 million? OMG , how dare you to take away the credit of 30 million people killed by Jihad? :disagree: (sarcasm)

On a serious note : Are you a Christian? lol Because only Christians are the ones that are so damn insecure about Islam..Some of them even couldn't forget the destruction, of one of the two arms of Christianity,at the hands of Islam in 7th century ! Look,your numbers are more bullshittier than your brain so please stop this baseless propaganda of yours ! If you are gonna talk like this then there is NO religion in human history that has killed more people than Christianity did... So please don't be a brainwashed lunatic ....Welcome to planet earth !
Islamic extremism has been there throughout the ages (120 million Africans, 60 million Christians, 80 million Hindus, 10 million Buddhists) This gives a rough estimate of 270 million killed by jihad. But the question is why is the west afraid of islam in this day and age.

It is actually 2700 million, you are missing a zero.

Be afraid, be very afraid. Islam might be knocking on your door tonight !!
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