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Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

Reason 3:
As per europeans..

they see this as a civil war which Europe is too timid even to acknowledge, let alone win. He says: "Islam has youth and will, Europe has age and welfare."

so basically....they seem to be afraid for their very existence.
Reason 4:

Just look at the development within Europe," said a triumphant Norwegian imam a few months ago, "where the number of Muslims is expanding like mosquitoes. Every Western woman in the EU is producing an average of 1.4 children. Every Muslim woman in the same countries is producing 3.5 children. Our way of thinking will prove more powerful than yours."

---------- Post added at 08:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:49 PM ----------

and now I request, close this religious thread and lets get back to defece related discussion...
nobody is advocating genocide here , stop giving wrong analogies .

There is a rise in anti-islam sentiment and that is a natural reaction to an increase in islamic extremism , there is no talk of genocide or massacres here.
I was using the worst exemple to show that the words were stupid

Anyway let me speak about France:
muslims in the society are more than a million. 95% of them have no problem with the French rules, i mean the laic system.

Why always depicting Islam with the few extremists?

You'd like that we believe India is depicted by one of your violent group or by a simple picture like "the guy who is dying in the street" <- a lot of people in Europe have for first picture of your country this

Islamophobia exists in Europe . Muslims do a lot of efforts and courage to still live normal.
It doesn't mean that:
1/ Europe is not a great culture. Because yes Europe gave a lot to science and arts. It is maybe the biggest evolution ever in this continent. thank you lumieres century and renaissance !
2/ USA is not a good democracy people like to live there because they are free:
not only free to express their thoughts but most important compared to Europe free for business making

I don't understand why we cannot talk peacefully about islamophobie subject without some people come to say
"but it is because muslims are worst"
"there is no fire without smoke"
you guys are still posting on this thread so let me put forth some facts from non-islam point of view...no offence to islam or any other religion...

Reason 1...Muslims are outbreeding non-Muslims throughout Europe...they are misusing social security benefits...and because of these people...counties like UK are forced to review their social benefit schemes..

According to European...
Islam may be a great religion. But in its fundamentalist version, some of its values are antipathetic to ours, and if they triumph in Europe, they will threaten our values such as freedom of thought and speech and the spirit of intellectual inquiry that made European civilisation great and prosperous

Thank you for reiterating it, the same points were made by me earlier.
Thank you for reiterating it, the same points were made by me earlier.

Sorry mate..I was not following this thread closely...not my area of interest...:-)
you guys are still posting on this thread so let me put forth some facts from non-islam point of view...no offence to islam or any other religion...

Reason 1...Muslims are outbreeding non-Muslims throughout Europe...they are misusing social security benefits...and because of these people...counties like UK are forced to review their social benefit schemes..

Sorry mate..I was not following this thread closely...not my area of interest...:-)

Whatever... thanks anyways
your islamophobia drives your life LOL

good point is that i know her.
in the green sites we already spoke about her. she self designed herself as the communist leader. lol.
her story is a lie because what she says about inside the jail is not at all matching with real stories.
But it is true that some girls are raped in Iranian jails and even boys.
The jails in Iran are a disaster.
Just one exemple: they can rape a virgin so she would be traumatized and feeling loosing her honor.
Even the fact to be arrested , some girls commited suicide .

It is nothing to do with Islam but a dictatorship.

A topic about Islamophobie becomes an anti Islam thread.

Wow very impressive work from the mods :(
Last edited by a moderator:
your islamophobia drives your life LOL

good point is that i know her.
in the green sites we already spoke about her. she self designed herself as the communist leader. lol.
her story is a lie because what she says about inside the jail is not at all matching with real stories.
But it is true that some girls are raped in Iranian jails and even boys.
The jails in Iran are a disaster.
Just one exemple: they can rape a virgin so she would be traumatized and feeling loosing her honor.
Even the fact to be arrested , some girls commited suicide .

It is nothing to do with Islam but a dictatorship.

A topic about Islamophobie becomes an anti Islam thread.

Wow very impressive work from the mods :(

Brother these Indians are anti-Islamic. Don't expect anything from them because their goal is to humiliate Muslims. They are simply racists and discriminatory people. There is no point in debating them logically since they come into a debate with biased preconceived arguments.
I disagree. The Indians on here are the ones in denial.

The Indians are spending too much time on racist websites, like fanboys are listening to all the anti islamic rants of far right racists. Due to Bollywood hallucinogenics, Indians don't realize that it applies more to them than to Muslims.

I think there is more anti-Indian hate than anti-Muslim hate in parts of the West where Indians are in equal quantities to Muslims. Non media brainwashing here.

Islamophobia is a media driven creation. It exists to the degree that the media created it, and some people follow it for various agendas. Racists for example hope to fish as many dark people into the net since denigrating Muslims has been made Kosher through the media. On the whole it is only racists and Indians that do this (the Indians do it out of blind political hatred and low IQ, the racists do it out of a blind racial hatred and low IQ).

So your statement is incorrect.

Yup. The fav sites are Daniel Pipes, Jihad Wath, any right wing site. All the videos been shown so many times that one loses count. These guys hate Muslims, they hang out in those sites, and then come back here to troll PDF. Well it takes all kinds to make the world go around.

Peace to my troll borthers. Troll like there is no tomorrow. Troll baby troll !!!
I was using the worst exemple to show that the words were stupid

Anyway let me speak about France:
muslims in the society are more than a million. 95% of them have no problem with the French rules, i mean the laic system.

Why always depicting Islam with the few extremists?

You'd like that we believe India is depicted by one of your violent group or by a simple picture like "the guy who is dying in the street" <- a lot of people in Europe have for first picture of your country this

Islamophobia exists in Europe . Muslims do a lot of efforts and courage to still live normal.
It doesn't mean that:
1/ Europe is not a great culture. Because yes Europe gave a lot to science and arts. It is maybe the biggest evolution ever in this continent. thank you lumieres century and renaissance !
2/ USA is not a good democracy people like to live there because they are free:
not only free to express their thoughts but most important compared to Europe free for business making

I don't understand why we cannot talk peacefully about islamophobie subject without some people come to say
"but it is because muslims are worst"
"there is no fire without smoke"

you are un-necessarily getting emotional .

The point Indians are simply making here is that hate begets hate .

The hate towards muslims did not just start from nowhere . Muslims too have to try and mend some things even if such muslims are in minority . so do people of other religions and even atheists .That is the point .Ever wondered what would happen in a muslim country if Christian immigrants start demanding Christian law zones for their localities and start blowing bombs and preach hatred for the majority religion ? This is what is happening in the UK . Even if a majority muslims are not doing it , it is the resposibility of the moderate majority to confront this extremist minority instead what we see here is that they remain in denial about the problem . Moderates who choose to remain in denial and continue blaming the west rather than confronting extremist islamists are as much to blame as the extremist muslims in my opinion.

---------- Post added at 02:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 AM ----------

Brother these Indians are anti-Islamic. Don't expect anything from them because their goal is to humiliate Muslims. They are simply racists and discriminatory people. There is no point is debating them logically since they come into a debate with biased preconceived arguments.

Can't debate any further so you start labelling people . you are too emotional to look at things objectively .
Can't debate any further so you start labelling people . you are too emotional to look at things objectively .

And you are too involved with Islam bashing to move past your bias. It's a shame too, because you seem like an intelligent individual.
And you are too involved with Islam bashing to move past your bias. It's a shame too, because you seem like an intelligent individual.

i am sorry you feel that way . i have grown up amongs many muslim friends and even have some now . the only thing i am saying is that moderate muslims instead of blaming the west for everything must confront the extremists in their religion as well who are part of causing this problem . I don't understand what wrong you see in that.
And you are too involved with Islam bashing to move past your bias. It's a shame too, because you seem like an intelligent individual.

He is a perfect candidate. Offer him a Dawat, so he can be enlightened.
i am sorry you feel that way . i have grown up amongs many muslim friends and even have some now . the only thing i am saying is that moderate muslims instead of blaming the west for everything must confront the extremists in their religion as well who are part of causing this problem . I don't understand what wrong you see in that.

There are two evils on the same coin. One is extremist Islam, and on the other side is Western propaganda against Islam. We moderate Muslims,(Although I pray 5 times a day and have no feelings to kill a non-believer) are being isolated. Why are peaceful people which are in fact the majority being persecuted on the basis of religion because of some bad apples? Statistics can even prove that Muslims are non-violent people.
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