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Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

Indians are taking sides with West its understandable because in India minorities are facing same problems so to hide their act they are trying to justify West's act ..............
Gujrat killings ....and anti Islam , anti Christianity is at its peak in India ...... lot of Hindu Extremists are involved in it....
thousands of Kashmiri Muslims killed by your armed forces.....

Again stating the obvious... militant strain in Islam is strangling the the moderate voice of the majority.. unless the moderate majority who dont yearn for the blood of kaffirs is strengthned... radical islam will bring chaos to the multicultural secular world
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i knew this was coming but seneor this thread was & is about Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe ! now when are you bringing plight of dalits,toilets & oppression of indian women :hitwall:
this came because your fellow countrymen brought Pakistan in this thread so told them first :wave:
i knew this was coming but seneor this thread was & is about Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe ! now when are you bringing plight of dalits,toilets & oppression of indian women :hitwall:
you are one of the first one to be off topic
so don't blame the other ;) senoor lol
Originally posted by Tshering

The Taleban bombed thousands of years old Buddhist Statues at Bamiyan ( Afghanistan) .

Agreed. Will never forget that pain the Taliban vermin gave us. I'd say the US is being very humane on the losers. If it were to be properly avenged, the entire rabid group should be wiped clean wherever and in whosoever's territory they are hiding.

They made Afghani Hindus wear yellow stars in the most shocking display of WW2 era discrimination --to point out their status as K.... or inferior.Same happened with the Copts in Egypt , in many countries around the Islamic world.

And funny enough, they got the audacity to demand "freedoms" in other countries on top of what they get.

When Islamists don't consider giving equal rights to other communities in their dominated countries , why they would be surprised at any harsh treatment in the West is surprising . Going to Europe and enjoying their superior living conditions is not a right , its a privilege . They can refuse it to any one whom they see fit . Much like Arabs , Turks etc do in their respective countries.

This is why I said, tolerance is a two way street; it doesn't get anywhere one way.

---------- Post added at 04:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:51 PM ----------

Indians are taking sides with West its understandable because in India minorities are facing same problems so to hide their act they are trying to justify West's act ..............
Gujrat killings ....and anti Islam , anti Christianity is at its peak in India ...... lot of Hindu Extremists are involved in it....
thousands of Kashmiri Muslims killed by your armed forces.....

One has to learn to respect the host culture. If it crosses lines, there will be retribution. Simple as that. Whether it is Europe or Africa or Asia or South America, this law is valid everywhere. Don't think that you're the only one having right to practise it and others can't. :coffee:
Agreed. Will never forget that pain the Taliban vermin gave us. I'd say the US is being very humane on the losers. If it were to be properly avenged, the entire rabid group should be wiped clean wherever and in whosoever's territory they are hiding.

And funny enough, they got the audacity to demand "freedoms" in other countries on top of what they get.

This is why I said, tolerance is a two way street; it doesn't get anywhere one way.

---------- Post added at 04:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:51 PM ----------

One has to learn to respect the host culture. If it crosses lines, there will be retribution. Simple as that. Whether it is Europe or Africa or Asia or South America, this law is valid everywhere. Don't think that you're the only one having right to practise it and others can't. :coffee:

this is what the whole thread is about great reply seneor this if they honestly do might change western attitude towards muslims & more importantly pakistanies hope they can get their act together thanks for such a good post
Lmao. If all Muslims left Europe, then Indians would become honorary whites and nobody would ever discriminate against them.

Some of you guys are pathetic.

Well you'd actually be doing them a favor if you're going to say on those lines. How conveniently you equate this rising tide with white-supremacy. See this is what. Except for skinheads, no one has issue with us. But you lot are having issues with everyone. If you're going to be self-righteous about it, be my guest and continue claiming "we are being kicked out because we're innocent".

There are dozens of reports that express more than just inability to integrate with the mainstream. Forget that, it points to worst cases far far more grave than non-integration.

You lot are so self-righteous that you're blinded by this emotion. Even when so many have problems with some groups within your community, you choose to blame all of them rather than once introspect yourself. This is called delusion.

And cursing west sitting in a western country is call hypocrisy.
Some of the posters here need to venture out of their burrowing cave once in a while.

What people see in Europe is politics. No one is gonig to get hurt for not wearing a hijab. If is indeed a violation of the the agreed EU priciples. But thats how the population are lead to belive, its wrong but its the view of the majority for better or worse.
Stop sharia laws in Britain.

Patrick Condell is an English writer, comedian, and atheist internet personality. He performed alternative comedy shows during the 1980s and 1990s in the United Kingdom, and won a Time Out Comedy Award in 1991. He was also a regular panellist on BBC Radio 1's "Loose Talk".
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Well you'd actually be doing them a favor if you're going to say on those lines. How conveniently you equate this rising tide with white-supremacy. See this is what. Except for skinheads, no one has issue with us. But you lot are having issues with everyone. If you're going to be self-righteous about it, be my guest and continue claiming "we are being kicked out because we're innocent".

There are dozens of reports that express more than just inability to integrate with the mainstream. Forget that, it points to worst cases far far more grave than non-integration.

You lot are so self-righteous that you're blinded by this emotion. Even when so many have problems with some groups within your community, you choose to blame all of them rather than once introspect yourself. This is called delusion.

And cursing west sitting in a western country is call hypocrisy.
I'm introspecting and I can say that I have assimilated to the culture in America very well. You just have hate for Muslims.

The first step to recovery is to admit that you have a problem. Then maybe you can get counseling.

If I google the links and past here like an a$$ on India "Country famous on raping Minorities and tourists" thn I can easily make a thousand posts in a day but since I am not such an a$$ like you are SO I WONT

I'm introspecting and I can say that I have assimilated to the culture in America very well. You just have hate for Muslims.

The first step to recovery is to admit that you have a problem. Then maybe you can get counseling.

Apparently, some Indians wannabe Americans is not a new phenomenon in PDF.

Careful, they might envy you since you live int the US :D
Update on Oklahoma Anti Sharia Law Case:


Federal judges in Oklahoma tasked with deciding on the constitutionality of a ban on Sharia law have asked lawyers why the ban singles out Islam, framing a larger question of a hot-button issue regarding the influence of Islam in American public life.

“The intent here was to exclude Sharia law and international law,” Oklahoma Solicitor General Patrick Wyrick, who argued in defense of the ban becoming part of the state’s constitution, told judges on Monday.

Judge Scott Matheson asked, “Why is there any need to mention Sharia law?”

Wyrick replied, “To avoid confusion,” according to Reuters.

The controversial ban, entitled State Question 775 (SQ 775) and also known as the “Save Our State” amendment, would prevent judges from using Sharia law and international law as a basis for their court decisions.

Extremely popular among Oklahoma residents, the ban was approved by 70.8 percent of voters.

Former Republican State Rep. Rex Duncan, the main driving force behind SQ 775, argues the ban is a necessary “pre-emptive strike” against the threat of Islamic law taking over the state.

The Los Angeles Times reports that supporters of the ban did not know of a single case of Sharia being used in Oklahoma, home to about 15,000 Muslims.

“It’s not an imminent threat in Oklahoma yet,” Duncan said. “But it’s a storm on the horizon in other states.”

Opponents of the ban say it is nothing but a baseless attack against Muslims as well as an attack on religion as a whole.

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) attorney Michael Salem, arguing against the ban, said that if the law were upheld, it would “condemn every person of Islamic belief in the state of Oklahoma. They will no longer be welcome.”

Salem told judges Monday, “It would only take 50 percent plus one to ban the next religion.”

The ACLU filed a lawsuit against the ban on behalf of Muneer Awad, director of the Oklahoma chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

A U.S. district judge in Oklahoma City issued a court order last November barring the measure from becoming effective while Awad’s case was under review.

The Oklahoma Elections Board then petitioned the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver to set aside the injunction, and a three-judge panel of the 10th Circuit heard arguments from the two sides on Monday.

According to ABC News, the ban comes on the heels of Sharia law being implemented to a limited extent in Great Britain for marriage and contract disputes among Muslims.

Supporters of the Sharia ban also fear liberal judges might use foreign laws to shape thier opinions.

“It should not matter what France might do, what Great Britain might do, or what the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia might do,” Duncan said. “Court decisions ought to be based on federal law, or state law.”

However, some commentators, such as the National Journal’s Marc Ambinder, have said the Sharia ban in a state with few Muslims and no cases of Sharia being used in courts is simply an attempt to create a new “wedge issue,” such as abortion or gay marriage, which tend to drive conservative voters to the polls.

Aside from the various allegations that the ban is an attack on Islam or a political wedge issue, legal experts believe that the technicalities of the law are what deem it unconstitutional.

Norman Dorsen, a constitutional law professor at New York University, says the language the ban presents interferes with the separation of powers, a core aspect of the U.S. Constitution.

SQ 775 would “interfere with the independence of the judiciary,” Dorsen told The Christian Post. “If a judge thinks a law in Germany or Argentina is relevant to his decision, that’s his choice. The legislature can’t interfere with how he makes a decision.”

Federal Court Weighs Legality of Oklahoma Ban on Sharia Law, Christian News
the last article is from evangelist group guy
we all know what evangelists do : give a bad picture of all our religions and countries to convince the people to change their faith
this is a sectarian and dangerous group

i would not appreciate that a djihadist group in france would say "hey catholicism is bad come convert to islam"

we have to look for a respect
did you know that even in Israel they believe that the Jews will convert to christianity

salafist groups here or evangelists : they are not tolerance groups
so why to blame countries that they protect their security and "good life of respect together"
Apparently, some Indians wannabe Americans is not a new phenomenon in PDF.

Careful, they might envy you since you live int the US :D

Indians are just pointing out the obvious . You guys just are living in denial .

Islamophobia has risen because islamic extremism and terrorism also has risen .

And you being a Bangladeshi living in Thailand should be the last person to mock Indians who 'allegedly' wish to migrate abroad that too with a Pakistani who lives in the US .:hang2:
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