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Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

Indians are so far behind the trend :tdown:. Indian sentiment follows European sentiment but with a lag of about 10 years in order to observe what the Euros do. Quite Indian, quite odd to see such ignorance I must say.

keep running , road runner don't stop trolling...
if trolling means pointing out posts that resemble a bollywood hallucination then i suppose that's what i'm doing.
Indians are so far behind the trend :tdown:. Indian sentiment follows European sentiment but with a lag of about 10 years in order to observe what the Euros do. Quite Indian, quite odd to see such ignorance though I must say. It appears to be a cling to the hope that such things are a regular occurence in foreign lands.

Any country that doesn't want its local culture, societal norms and traditions destroyed, follows this. It is a non-negotiable factor NO country on earth would be willing to barter. Tolerance is a two-way traffic.

Is that too difficult to understand? Seriously? :blink:

How dare you come to a muslim area ? :disagree:

---------- Post added at 09:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:40 PM ----------

British Pakistani - anjem chaudhary . The Uk embraced him and look how he pays back .

M-I-6 guys :)
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if trolling means pointing out posts that resemble a bollywood hallucination then i suppose that's what i'm doing.

you are not pointing individual rather than you are showing hatred on all Indian's....
I am sure that Arabs, Iranians, Turks and Pakistanis won't be hugging and kissing Buddhist bhikshus if they started imposing Buddhism on you lot. Same logic.
Originally posted by Tshering

The Taleban bombed thousands of years old Buddhist Statues at Bamiyan ( Afghanistan) . They made Afghani Hindus wear yellow stars in the most shocking display of WW2 era discrimination --to point out their status as K.... or inferior.
Same happened with the Copts in Egypt , in many countries around the Islamic world.

When Islamists don't consider giving equal rights to other communities in their dominated countries , why they would be surprised at any harsh treatment in the West is surprising .

Going to Europe and enjoying their superior living conditions is not a right , its a privilege . They can refuse it to any one whom they see fit . Much like Arabs , Turks etc do in their respective countries.
Seriously, how old are you? Did your parents take you to Uganda? Just because a guy claims something in court, a country should start making declaration? No one has found these cells. There is no evidence they even exist. And even if they do, unless they actually DO SOMETHING, they cannot be called terror group. Why is it so hard for you understand something even a 10 year old can?

why do some indians like you are hypocrites. when hadlee was saying to americans in their custody about pakistan and ISI people like you were crowing and saying that it was established that pak and isi were llinked to bombs in bombay? but then JDME i have wonderd how people like you try to justify these double standards

---------- Post added at 07:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:46 PM ----------

ISI has a long history of allegedly helping terrorists. It piles up. And no, just saying something doesn't cut it.

just admit it when you hear bad things about pakistan you evil JDME you want to belive it but when its regardfing white man of course you will not accept bad things about them. We will accept you as neigbours they the whites will never really accept you as equals so get a life

---------- Post added at 07:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:49 PM ----------

all because foa a country called pakistan...Pakistani terrorists/ISI made life of Muslims hell all over the world

you deserve a pink sahri. back on topic racism is on the increase in the west

Cant believe that you are so off topic. the threads about ant islam on the rise in europe and you bring this craxx up. Why do you spread this crax you want us pakistanis to start? If you have so much hatred why you come on our forum. But anyway i see a lot of indians agreed with you and happy to see you go off topic. Do you want me to show you about hindus doing bad things? are you suggesting muslims have a monoply on evil. You are evil with your cheap pithy worthless comments like this that serve no purpose but sow discourse between muslims and hindus shame on you

---------- Post added at 07:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:56 PM ----------

Why has the West not label these anti-Islam cells as "Terrorist Group" ???

Anti Islam does not mean terrorism....

For example, I dont beleive in any religion (Islam included) so when I see something wrong with this religion, I try to discuss in various forums, and thus I am perceived to be a islamophobe, but such is not the case.

Every religion has flaws - they are man made. Period

No you are wrong certain people in religions interpret them in a bad way the fault lies with a small number of evil people whether they be hindu, muslim christian back to topic anti islamic intolerance increasing in west

---------- Post added at 08:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:58 PM ----------

Brilliant comeback...

you are as usual off topic and sick go away back to your hole. We should all condemn intolerance of others

---------- Post added at 08:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:00 PM ----------

Egypt military takes over inquiry of Coptic unrest - Yahoo! News


(CNN) – The possible hanging of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani for converting from Islam to Christianity has exposed a division among Islamic jurists on whether Iran would be violating Islamic law by carrying out the execution.


India: After fatwa, Muslims demand name change of Bollywood movie -- or else

"If the state government fails to respond within the next 24 hours, over 10,000 Muslims along with muftis and maulanas shall stage demonstrations after the Friday afternoon namaaz all over Mumbai." Islamic Tolerance Alert: "'Azaan' Movie Name Hurts Muslims

i could say som much to you but i know not all indians are like you and would not want to offend them by reminding you of a few home truths about hindu fanatics

---------- Post added at 08:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:02 PM ----------

in some program hassan nisar asked that can any muslim from subcontinent go in arab land and do these things
#1 set up his own mosque
#2 marry a local girl & convert her faith & have a family
#3 set up his own buiness easily
#4 ask for same rights as a local guy
now compare these to so called Anti-Islam or Christian Europe & western world

you can not mitigate intolerance of islam in west by intolerance against others in other places. Some of you indians have no shame when it comes to defending whites what is the problem with you?

---------- Post added at 08:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:04 PM ----------

read carefully seneor i had said arab land means middle east kindly do respond thanks

by the tonee of your posts you think you are clever. all i can say is :rofl:

---------- Post added at 08:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:05 PM ----------

create a topic for this

here is islamophobia in europe: you are two times not into the subject

i cant understand soem indian guys they want to suck up to white guys? why? white men we know what they think of incredible india with scummy dog millionaire films etc

---------- Post added at 08:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 PM ----------

It may sound strange, but I like rising Islamophobia in the West. The fact is that the West(Europe/USA) has always acted against the interests of the Islamic world. However, before they used to do it secretly, and present a gentle face to the world. This caused many problems in the Islamic world, because many pro-Western groups arose, and Muslims had started to believe that the West was basically good. However, now that Westerners, due to many reasons, have decided to remove their gentle mask, they will just lose all of their soft power in Islamic lands. Already with the rise of groups like Hizbut Tahrir we can see that anti-US, anti-Western sentiment is also on the rise in Islamic countries. So they can talk all they want, they only shoot themselves in the foot and strengthen their opponents. As I see it the West has already lost its ideological dominance in Islamic countries. As time goes on we will see greater cooperation amongst Muslim countries.

yea you are right it was subliminal and subtle now their true feelings are coming out
Assalam alaikum

hhhhhhhhhhhhh now i know why everybody when came as invader lasted for many centuries bcoz of chaploos indians they r good at it actually real good

no doubt the west feel threatened by the muslims coz it is spreading and will be a major force. they can blame ur for terrorism etc but still it is not gonna work

The anti-Muslim whites started this first, so they shouldn't expect to receive a peaceful response.
okay tell me had english not helped arabs in deafting turks what would arabs had done about it,secondly as for slavery everybody knows about arab track record with it camel races are not part of our culture and more so i was talking about positive things about western world

why you want to talk about wests positives here. is it cos you think you are going to get kicked by your neighbours? let ne tell you your neighbours are peaceful. go to sleep knowing they will not kick you. you dont need west to defend you not that they would they just want to use you

---------- Post added at 08:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:13 PM ----------

Why are you blaming the Europeans? They made an ultra modern society and welcomed inhabitants of islamic countries .

listen they wanted workers to fund their pensions. tell me why you have so much hatred for people with brown skin. You hate yourself?

---------- Post added at 08:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:15 PM ----------

Europe is not becoming anti-islam by large, however it is becoming anti-immigrant. Muslims are the largest group so islam is bearing the brunt of the anti immigrant movements

exactly they dont really have a high opinion deep down of indians either or to be honest anyone thats not white.
why you want to talk about wests positives here. is it cos you think you are going to get kicked by your neighbours? let ne tell you your neighbours are peaceful. go to sleep knowing they will not kick you. you dont need west to defend you not that they would they just want to use you

Well said bro, i really admire the Muslim courage and willingness to fight against anyone who tries to oppress them.

The oversea Chinese are sometimes too chicken and too afraid of stirring up the troubles. That's the main reason why the whites can keep exploited them and treat them like dirt.
when most muslims will hate the rest of the world with the passion that they do , how is it possible that there was going to be no backlash ?

It takes to hands to clap.

yea you should talk with your second largest political party in incredible india having members that thought hitler was a good bloke

---------- Post added at 08:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:18 PM ----------

problem is muslims like this are giving everyone bad names thats why some are racist to all asians

---------- Post added at 05:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:28 PM ----------

when you got people with boards up saying Islam will dominate the world and want sharia law in Uk it does not help the image of muslims being a peacefull religion

how would you feel if we said that some nutter hindus today said they believed in wife burning etc as representative of all hindus eh?

---------- Post added at 08:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:20 PM ----------

7/7 and Madrid bombing and the failed liquid bomb plot did no favours to Muslims in west

my wife is spanish national of pakistani origin we prob face the least racism in europe because the spanish are darker for europeans and hardly see any difference in us. Its more to do with colour than religion

---------- Post added at 08:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 PM ----------

this question is NON sense because YOU said how english helped
but they didn't
Of course like In Iran with the first revolution constitutional a century ago in any countries things would have been towards democracy if there was not some oil interest somewhere ;)

anyway i never said that Western culture didn't give something positive
I believe it gives something to the world
But still it has nothing to do with the British neo colonial strategy

On the contarary they steal resources from east. look at what uk did to indian textiles they destroyed it to benefit their textile industry etc
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