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Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

Why are you blaming the Europeans? They made an ultra modern society and welcomed inhabitants of islamic countries where Muslims itself are killing Muslims, into their countries with open arms. Education, government benefits, citizenship, employment... they gave everything to these Muslims. And what did these migrants give them in return?

Demand for sharia zones, demand for benefits additionally, demanding implementation of their own teaching, their own societies and misused the freedoms given to them, conducted open acts of hatred and vandalism just because of a different cultural perspective... always demanding and demanding and being aggressive.

What do you expect Europeans to do? They welcomed these migrants to start a new life, forget the old harsh violence, but no.. these people wanted to transform the continent into an "Islamic continent" as well.

Well here's news for you mate; indigenous population will NEVER ACCEPT any external culture implemented on them. This is the ground reality why Islamic communities have problems in adjusting in Europe. Not just in Europe but anywhere.

As a simple example, If someone comes to my locality and starts being violent with us Buddhists and mainstream Hindus, we will equally retaliate with double the fury.
This is natural for ANY country. Why is everyone so exasperated over it? Won't you do it if someone imposes some other religion or culture in your countries? Surely you will. It is natural.

Now before anyone rains fire on my post, I'd recommend a search online itself for dozens of religiously-targeted activities in European countries in the last 10-15 years. Use keywords and you'll find dozens of them. Take my word and search before refuting this point. It's a request.

The so-called Islamophobia is simply a result of the behavior these communities have committed after migrating to their host country.
when most muslims will hate the rest of the world with the passion that they do , how is it possible that there was going to be no backlash ?

It takes to hands to clap.
Why are you blaming the Europeans? They made an ultra modern society and welcomed inhabitants of islamic countries where Muslims itself are killing Muslims, into their countries with open arms. Education, government benefits, citizenship, employment... they gave everything to these Muslims. And what did these migrants give them in return?

Demand for sharia zones, demand for benefits additionally, demanding implementation of their own teaching, their own societies and misused the freedoms given to them, conducted open acts of hatred and vandalism just because of a different cultural perspective... always demanding and demanding and being aggressive.

What do you expect Europeans to do? They welcomed these migrants to start a new life, forget the old harsh violence, but no.. these people wanted to transform the continent into an "Islamic continent" as well.

Well here's news for you mate; indigenous population will NEVER ACCEPT any external culture implemented on them. This is the ground reality why Islamic communities have problems in adjusting in Europe. Not just in Europe but anywhere.

As a simple example, If someone comes to my locality and starts being violent with us Buddhists and mainstream Hindus, we will equally retaliate with double the fury.
This is natural for ANY country. Why is everyone so exasperated over it? Won't you do it if someone imposes some other religion or culture in your countries? Surely you will. It is natural.

Now before anyone rains fire on my post, I'd recommend a search online itself for dozens of religiously-targeted activities in European countries in the last 10-15 years. Use keywords and you'll find dozens of them. Take my word and search before refuting this point. It's a request.

The so-called Islamophobia is simply a result of the behavior these communities have committed after migrating to their host country.

Demand for sharia zones ?

They are not demanding it , they are forcibly enforcing it already .no demands or requests atleast in britain .

I am not against muslims or anything but this absolute lack of introspection and blaming everythign on others particularly by muslims in the sub-continent is very off-putting.
Europe is not becoming anti-islam by large, however it is becoming anti-immigrant. Muslims are the largest group so islam is bearing the brunt of the anti immigrant movements
Europe is not becoming anti-islam by large, however it is becoming anti-immigrant. Muslims are the largest group so islam is bearing the brunt of the anti immigrant movements

Not quite. Anti-immigration is only a post-2008 phenomenon. I've got relatives living in Europe and they mention they never ever saw the sentiments that have come out recently. Don't link this phenomenon with the "anti-islamic" sentiments that are going on. They are two different situations and little to do with either.
problem is muslims like this are giving everyone bad names thats why some are racist to all asians

---------- Post added at 05:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:28 PM ----------

when you got people with boards up saying Islam will dominate the world and want sharia law in Uk it does not help the image of muslims being a peacefull religion
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Why are you blaming the Europeans? They made an ultra modern society and welcomed inhabitants of islamic countries where Muslims itself are killing Muslims, into their countries with open arms. Education, government benefits, citizenship, employment... they gave everything to these Muslims. And what did these migrants give them in return?

Demand for sharia zones, demand for benefits additionally, demanding implementation of their own teaching, their own societies and misused the freedoms given to them, conducted open acts of hatred and vandalism just because of a different cultural perspective... always demanding and demanding and being aggressive.

What do you expect Europeans to do? They welcomed these migrants to start a new life, forget the old harsh violence, but no.. these people wanted to transform the continent into an "Islamic continent" as well.

Well here's news for you mate; indigenous population will NEVER ACCEPT any external culture implemented on them. This is the ground reality why Islamic communities have problems in adjusting in Europe. Not just in Europe but anywhere.

As a simple example, If someone comes to my locality and starts being violent with us Buddhists and mainstream Hindus, we will equally retaliate with double the fury.
This is natural for ANY country. Why is everyone so exasperated over it? Won't you do it if someone imposes some other religion or culture in your countries? Surely you will. It is natural.

Now before anyone rains fire on my post, I'd recommend a search online itself for dozens of religiously-targeted activities in European countries in the last 10-15 years. Use keywords and you'll find dozens of them. Take my word and search before refuting this point. It's a request.

The so-called Islamophobia is simply a result of the behavior these communities have committed after migrating to their host country.

stupid post. If someone comes to "your community and starts acting to change the culture", you would gang up on them about 100:1 and physically massacre them one by one like in Gujarat.

as for your nonsense about europe. Muslims are not enforcing anything. the civil authority is still well in control.. as the photos above show well. a bias media only excites those with an anti religious prejudice.
stupid post. If someone comes to "your community and starts acting to change the culture", you would gang up on them about 100:1 and physically massacre them one by one like in Gujarat.

I knew you'd bring Gujarat into the picture. Here's the deal:

Though I don't like to mention that, but those train-burners should have thought about the consequences for the whole society and not their own evil thinking before burning a bogie full of old, women and children pilgrims. In short, those train burning loonies were the reason behind the Gujarat situation because they didn't consider the wider consequences that would befall their community as a whole in a non-Muslim country by committing the horrifying act.

Do you know what happened in Nepal when 10 jihadis in Iraq beheaded Nepali workers? The Gurkhas went ballistic and did the same.

You see, it is usually that way whenever something from outside imposed discretely upon local people. That's how it is. Simple as it gets.

Whether it is ganging up or one on one, imposition of foreign culture is not tolerated. We'd find any solution to removing it if it is planned against us. Take it or leave it.

I am sure that Arabs, Iranians, Turks and Pakistanis won't be hugging and kissing Buddhist bhikshus if they started imposing Buddhism on you lot. Same logic.

as for your nonsense about europe. Muslims are not enforcing anything. the civil authority is still well in control.

As I said, before rambling against my comment, do a search without "its a jewish zionist conspiracy" mentality. That search would do you some good as an eye opener. If you're denying it, that's another matter. Then simply I cannot help you.

Here's your interim answer as posted by nick:

7/7 and Madrid bombing and the failed liquid bomb plot did no favours to Muslims in west

How dare you come to a muslim area ? :disagree:

---------- Post added at 09:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:40 PM ----------

British Pakistani - anjem chaudhary . The Uk embraced him and look how he pays back .
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denying what? that the civil authorities are well in control? indeed. you're absolutely clueless if you believe europe is overrun by the same gang of 40 muslims. there's bigger threats from non muslims, it is only the media focus is on one set of firebrand muslims.

that is obvious. even a person in denial like yourself cannot deny this.
Hey Roadrunner, someone seems to be doing your homework here for you. Check it out if you don't want to search and see for yourself at least.
okay tell me had english not helped arabs in deafting turks what would arabs had done about it,secondly as for slavery everybody knows about arab track record with it camel races are not part of our culture and more so i was talking about positive things about western world
this question is NON sense because YOU said how english helped
but they didn't
Of course like In Iran with the first revolution constitutional a century ago in any countries things would have been towards democracy if there was not some oil interest somewhere ;)

anyway i never said that Western culture didn't give something positive
I believe it gives something to the world
But still it has nothing to do with the British neo colonial strategy
Indians are so far behind the trend :tdown:. Indian sentiment follows European sentiment but with a lag of about 10 years in order to observe what the Euros do. Quite Indian, quite odd to see such ignorance though I must say. It appears to be a cling to the hope that such things are a regular occurence in foreign lands.
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