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Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

Because they see all common muslims are suicide bombers and want to blow themselves up, no other religions or groups can do this.

This promote easy to remember Muslims =suicide bombers. Yes, it happened alot in Pakistan, all of them are Muslims origin and names. Muslims killed own Muslims today. :cry:

yes brother you have your point but its just as easy to find a small number of christian or jewish or hindu nutters and give them prime time exposure and blame an entire community
Because they see all common muslims are suicide bombers and want to blow themselves up, no other religions or groups can do this.

This promote easy to remember Muslims =suicide bombers. Yes, it happened alot in Pakistan, all of them are Muslims origin and names. Muslims killed own Muslims today. :cry:
That is not true.
Yeah sure but claiming Shariah in a democratic country and wishing for the demise of the country that feeds, protects and offers you what no other country could is real timid :rolleyes:

what the heck is "a false flag"

Yea but why are you stating that these few nutters represent all muslims in west. There was no election to go and do what these guys do
I didnt choose i am third generation british of pakistani origin. Why should i leave? i went to school, uni here I have biz here i employ significan number of whitees whose ancesters colonised india etc. But in my heart i have a great love country where my grand parents were born.

Well all more the reason to love your homeland. It seems like you're doing significantly well, and much better off there than some third world country. Thanks for proving my point :tup:
Guys the Jamie has spoken and will now bless us by telling us the truth. Jmie please enlighten us and tell us what the truth is please. We are all waiting

cheers mate. please can you decipher what he said?
Because they see all common muslims are suicide bombers and want to blow themselves up, no other religions or groups can do this.

This promote easy to remember Muslims =suicide bombers. Yes, it happened alot in Pakistan, all of them are Muslims origin and names. Muslims killed own Muslims today. :cry:

All those cherry picking rhetorics are just another divide and conquer tactics, too bad some non-whites also fall into these propaganda.

Now they need to wake up and to see who is their real enemy.
Well all more the reason to love your homeland. It seems like you're doing significantly well, and much better off there than some third world country. Thanks for proving my point :tup:

I love uk too. I like many other whites in UK hate the govt the establishment and a small minority of liars and war criminals who manage to get elected like tony blair. Remember millions came on the streets against the iraqi war and many were non muslims and whites who have principles.

so my dear boy i prove fa for u
Yea but why are you stating that these few nutters represent all muslims in west. There was no election to go and do what these guys do

Could ask you the same. Why are stating that these few dumb @ss neo nazis represent all whites or better yet all western countries?
Could ask you the same. Why are stating that these few dumb @ss neo nazis represent all whites or better yet all western countries?

these dumb @sses in the west run the west like bush blair etc. Those nutters that you see prob do no more than run to the march

---------- Post added at 09:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:00 PM ----------

Sure, but most whites hate Muslims more than Neo-Nazis, nuff to say.

I would say it is prob fair to say most whites have historically shown a distaste for non whites
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