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Angola Bans Islam, Destroys Mosques

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Your mom probably drank too much cow piss, eh ?

Did you drink too much camel piss like how your prophet recommended.I am not hindu either.

No, you lonely loser. Proof is so over-whelming that is an accepted truth in academia. American President stands and delivers a speech sanction this fact. Jewish professor writes paper about how Islam saved Judaism from extinction..and so on..

Is that proof of technological progress and economic development? Seems you are clutching at straws.
Your mom probably drank too much cow piss, eh ? :rofl:

No, you lonely loser. Proof is so over-whelming that is an accepted truth in academia. American President stands and delivers a speech sanctioning this fact. Jewish professor writes paper about how Islam saved Judaism from extinction..and so on..

The problem is that this is not the thread for this..Go, open another thread and you'll be educated.

Till then, **** off and talk on topic..

You dead-god worshipper :lol:
the above is the proof of civilizational upliftment done by islam.. lol.
Are you crazy do you demolish mosques along with neighbourhoods? What kind of a person are you? I have not said why they demolished it and my point wasn't about the demolishing of a mosque my point was about how it occured and how the neighbourhoods got affected.

sorry to say this but many kabzebaaz do this,they build masjid on government land and when asked to vacate,they ll make it a political issue and demand compensation,what not?

Please dont under estimate UP muslims,u know them very well and how they have done kabzaa of karachi.
wake up India...Russia...UK...USA...China. we can wipe them out too.

majority of them make proud of covering their face with caps and holding ak47.
India claims to be a 'secular', 'democratic' nation...so it can't do that.

India is multi-religious.

Saudi Arabia doesn't "claim" to be anything. Saudis have a very rigid definition of their religious interpretation. Forget other religions, even many approaches to Islam itself is banned in KSA. Many of Muslims are as restricted in KSA and non-Muslims.

India have not given any 'Affidavit' of remaining secular to anyone!!!!! Let the Mody come, he will cancel every claim of India being secular. Then banning Islam will be OKEY to you?????

Secondly, Are you sure that many Muslims are as restricted as non-muslims???? They are restricted, because Saudia did not consider them Muslims!!!!
The great western media war continues against Islam and Muslims !!every other faith have millions of gulliable people who fall for it, This war is the extension of Big Game Concieved,Planned,and Executed by "' Great satan"" (The USA) and his Apostles "" UK and Isreal""...
Hold your breath More to come !!!
The great western media war continues against Islam and Muslims !!every other faith have millions of gulliable people who fall for it, This war is the extension of Big Game Concieved,Planned,and Executed by "' Great satan"" (The USA) and his Apostles "" UK and Isreal""...
Hold your breath More to come !!!
I think the muslims are better than the west
only a small angola has managed to ban islam with all the billions spent by western countries.
but illitereate muslims madrassas have successfully suppressed ALL minorities from evry muslim country. not even one muslim majority country is secular or liberal.
really its hard to believe looking at the Islamic people.

Thats because you are uneducated.

Look at 'Islamic People' in historical context, not in just today's context.

Also, even at their WORST, 'Islamic People' are ahead of indians in every single measure of human progress.

Be it GDP, GDP per capita, exports, creation of science, exports, population, human development level what ever may be the case, generally, Muslims fare way better than indians...

Some "basic" education..

In historical perspective

Islamic Superpowers remained global leaders for 1000+ years...

Islamic Civilization arguably holds the best success ratio among ALL human civilizations in recorded history...Lets look at last 2000 years..

Out of 1400 years of its history, Islamic Civilization remained global dominant civilization for 1000+ years...that is, 70%+ time of its entire existence! NO other civilization even comes close to this! In last 2000 years, Christian West, the only competitor, remained dominant civilization for barely 600 years (1st to 3rd century AD, 1600's onwards)...this is merely 30% time of its existence in last 2000 years...

There have been thousands of cultures, civilizations, and religions...but only TWO of them can be called as 'global civilizations'...Islamic Civilization and Christian-Western one...

Muslims created first 'global' civilization of history (with respect to their era)...

Islamic Superpowers/Muslims remained global leaders of humanity from 7th to 18th century! Islamic Superpowers and Great powers like Early Islamic Caliphate, Ummayad Empire, Abbasid Empire, Ottoman Empire, Mughal Empire, Timurid Empire, Safavid Empire etc dominated much of known globe during this time era..just like British, Germans, French dominated much of globe after 18th century....

Muslims laid the foundations of global spread of science, culture, arts, technology for the first time in human history..Thats why Islam is often called as 'The First Global Civilization' of human history. (Google the words "First global civilization" and see what comes up ;) ) Before that, civilizations remained regional. Muslims brought knowledge of Mathematics, Science, technology, culture, Arts from India..and passed it on to Europe. They brought gun power from China and innovated it in their weapons..Got Western works, translated them, and caused them to spread in Europe...Islamdom remained the center of known world for centuries..Islamic Civilization had massive physical and cultural presence on every single continent of the known world..a feat NO other civilization was able to achieve prior to rise of Islam...All of this activity and global expansion laid the foundations of global spread of arts, science, technology, culture, and innovation...West took it to new level after industrialization in 18th century...

Even by mid 18th century, Muslims were economic super powers of the world. Afsharid Persian Empire alone held 24% of global GDP..not to mention Ottomans and other Muslim lands...

Mongol destruction of the most superior civilizations of that era (Islamic World)...and even Chinese' great civilization faced Mongol destruction. Mongols invasions changed Islamic World from a vast, tolerant, multi-aspect super power (Abbasids etc) to a highly expansive, militaristic super power (The Ottoman Empire, Mughal Empire, Safavids, Timurid empire etc were all very brutal militaristic powers).... Europe was saved from Mongols, found Americas, and started to rise in 16th century onwards...while at the same time, Islamic World was slowing down when it came to scientific advance and became highly dogmatic, strict militaristic super power...and ultimately lost its superiority in/around mid 18th century...

And here is just a glimpse of how Islam civilized the humanity with its ideals of tolerance and acceptance..

A Jewish professor of Jewish studies discusses how Islam 'saved' the very existence of Jews and Judaism as historical people (which would have become extinct had the civilizational force of Islam not risen)

So, what did the Muslims do for the Jews? | The Jewish Chronicle
Thats because you are uneducated.

Look at 'Islamic People' in historical context, not in just today's context.

Also, even at their WORST, 'Islamic People' are ahead of indians in every single measure of human progress.

Be it GDP, GDP per capita, exports, creation of science, exports, population, human development level what ever may be the case, generally, Muslims fare way better than indians...

Some "basic" education..

In historical perspective

Islamic Superpowers remained global leaders for 1000+ years...

Islamic Civilization arguably holds the best success ratio among ALL human civilizations in recorded history...Lets look at last 2000 years..

Out of 1400 years of its history, Islamic Civilization remained global dominant civilization for 1000+ years...that is, 70%+ time of its entire existence! NO other civilization even comes close to this! In last 2000 years, Christian West, the only competitor, remained dominant civilization for barely 600 years (1st to 3rd century AD, 1600's onwards)...this is merely 30% time of its existence in last 2000 years...

There have been thousands of cultures, civilizations, and religions...but only TWO of them can be called as 'global civilizations'...Islamic Civilization and Christian-Western one...

Muslims created first 'global' civilization of history (with respect to their era)...

Islamic Superpowers/Muslims remained global leaders of humanity from 7th to 18th century! Islamic Superpowers and Great powers like Early Islamic Caliphate, Ummayad Empire, Abbasid Empire, Ottoman Empire, Mughal Empire, Timurid Empire, Safavid Empire etc dominated much of known globe during this time era..just like British, Germans, French dominated much of globe after 18th century....

Muslims laid the foundations of global spread of science, culture, arts, technology for the first time in human history..Thats why Islam is often called as 'The First Global Civilization' of human history. (Google the words "First global civilization" and see what comes up ;) ) Before that, civilizations remained regional. Muslims brought knowledge of Mathematics, Science, technology, culture, Arts from India..and passed it on to Europe. They brought gun power from China and innovated it in their weapons..Got Western works, translated them, and caused them to spread in Europe...Islamdom remained the center of known world for centuries..Islamic Civilization had massive physical and cultural presence on every single continent of the known world..a feat NO other civilization was able to achieve prior to rise of Islam...All of this activity and global expansion laid the foundations of global spread of arts, science, technology, culture, and innovation...West took it to new level after industrialization in 18th century...

Even by mid 18th century, Muslims were economic super powers of the world. Afsharid Persian Empire alone held 24% of global GDP..not to mention Ottomans and other Muslim lands...

Mongol destruction of the most superior civilizations of that era (Islamic World)...and even Chinese' great civilization faced Mongol destruction. Mongols invasions changed Islamic World from a vast, tolerant, multi-aspect super power (Abbasids etc) to a highly expansive, militaristic super power (The Ottoman Empire, Mughal Empire, Safavids, Timurid empire etc were all very brutal militaristic powers).... Europe was saved from Mongols, found Americas, and started to rise in 16th century onwards...while at the same time, Islamic World was slowing down when it came to scientific advance and became highly dogmatic, strict militaristic super power...and ultimately lost its superiority in/around mid 18th century...

And here is just a glimpse of how Islam civilized the humanity with its ideals of tolerance and acceptance..

A Jewish professor of Jewish studies discusses how Islam 'saved' the very existence of Jews and Judaism as historical people (which would have become extinct had the civilizational force of Islam not risen)

So, what did the Muslims do for the Jews? | The Jewish Chronicle

ok. first high per capita income of muslim countries has to do with oil and not human capital. be it Malaysia or Indonesia or Arabia its all oil. the countries without oil are like Pakistan.

Indian civilazation was the greatest because civilized people had no use of weaponry. that's why the Islamic forces could easily destroy nalanda and taxila. its only now that the hindus of Hindustan have forged their own country free of stupid muslim rule which was interested only in sex and buildings.
within 70 years we have better advancement in sciences and art compared to entire muslim world.

Lastly, so you are saying the greatness of the Islamic world was before the mogul period and the Islamic world today are not the same as in the past. I agree. the arabs before the mongols may have done great things. but then the mongols destroyed them and seeded their barbaric genes in all the muslims from turkey to iran. that's why the Mughals like babar look Chinese.
So the current day muslims have no greatness in them.
you are proud to say that hindus are lowly. lets assume its true. so tomorrow if all hindus convert to islam, will they become a super race. no. you converts are like that only.
No need for that I think. Let all the Muslim world cut ties with Angola. Let's see how long an insignificant country like Angola can live with all the ties cut with 2 billion people around the world.

About the Indians trying to defend or present excuses for this act. Well don't worry guys. I don't know about Angola but Islam would definitely grow in India. So you don't need to worry. :)

By 2030, Muslims will make up 16 pc of India's population - Rediff.com News

Because India and Indians are not hyprocrite like you. Because we respect every religion as our own. India is a vast country and there might be inter-religious tensions, but every religion flourished in India. But don't expect that It would not change, hatred preached by 'Sir Syed Zaid Zaman' and some people like you is pushing many in India to the extreme.
Ban on a religion in 21th century? :crazy:

Its unfair to ban a Religion no matter which one...
Beta Ji, I am mentioning the birth placee of these religions, which is located in present India. Also, We have no problem, If Pakistan/BanglaDesh being a part of ancient 'Hindostan' too bans Muslims. Similarly, It was 'Arab' the rising place/heart of Muslims he mentioned but not 'Saudi Arabia'.

Many of key pad warriors just know how to express immature emotions but they didn't dare to get historical facts, concerned point is not you have problem or not but the fact you used to mold. Will come to topic; you couldn't get the theme of all this conversation because you lived in environment where state religion starts from Rajhistan and ends in Asam.
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