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Angola Bans Islam, Destroys Mosques

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lol, soviets didn't even survive a century, talk about 'bringing civilization' :rofl:

You're just another idiot...probably christian :woot:

what happened ,cat got your tongue?
Here I must stop for a little while for a laugh :lol:

The difference between KSA and Angola, is that the Saudis don't target specific religions, putting them on the ban list :lol:

Another thing is that the Saudis are okay with you practicing your faith. All what you have to do is to dash to any compound to see its residents practicing their faiths within the compound.

YZD If you are setting or toeing one line of bias, don't expect others to toe or set the same limit. There is every chance that the next implementation will be more extreme. I accept Angola's decision is a biased one, but as same with Saudia. You can see in other way too, Saudia has biased approach against every religion, but Angola has against just one!!!!!!! Can Muslim society also give a thought to the point, when Angola is allowing all other religions, why only Muslims are banned?? and Why for centuries Angola allowed Muslims to preach & practice as they do with all other religions, what happened now??
Okay, how many nobel/wolfgang/milner prizes does islam have? How many men has islam sent to space? How many nuclear weapons does islam have? Does islam have chimera type biological weapons or underground cities like Yamantau?

Retard, noble prizes just came in 20th century..at the time of Western pinnacle and Eastern demise. What an utter retarded trash you are :lol:
YZD If you are setting or toeing one line of bias, don't expect others to toe or set the same limit. There is every chance that the next implementation will be more extreme. I accept Angola's decision is a biased one, but as same with Saudia. You can see in other way too, Saudia has biased approach against every religion, but Angola has against just one!!!!!!! Can Muslim society also give a thought to the point, when Angola is allowing all other religions, why only Muslims are banned?? and Why for centuries Angola allowed Muslims to preach & practice as they do with all other religions, what happened now??

islam needs to remove its racial and genocidal quotes against kafirs in quran and hadiths.Or soon world will see islam like a nazi germany type threat and it will be dealt with like hiroshima and nagasaki were .

Retard, noble prizes just came in 20th century..at the time of Western pinnacle and Eastern demise. What an utter retarded trash you are :lol:

Its you who is retard. Like I said before there is no proof for your nonsense. Thats why you resort to insults.
While I don't support this decision from Angola and I believe in religious freedom for all, it is amusing to see Saudi slaves defending their master.

No, its more amusing to see Angolan slaves defending their mother's illegitimate lover o_O
What about Pakistanis persecuting Ahmadis? Why don't you let them practice their religion freely?

religion of peace,...

otherwise ...


And people says Islam is religion of peace..
Stupid rant. Angolans are banning Islam. Political or whatever. And you support it. That makes you anti Islam by any simple definition and definitely someone who hates 2 billion Muslims including muslims of Pakistan. Other rant. There are many who don't give fatwa that who would go to hell or heaven. But you hate them and want to ban the religion they follow. There are millions who don't abuse other religions but you hate them and want to ban their religion in Angola and other countries. There are millions again who don't generalize others because of someone's belief but you again want their religion to be banned. Millions of Muslims are on no divine missions but it is you who want them to be eliminated and their religion to be banned.

Again. There are countless many who don't support extremists and terrorists like me. But you hate us and want our religion to be banned in non Muslim majority country. I don't give any hate speech about any sect nor support someone's hate speech about someone, but you want my religion to be banned in different non Muslim countries. I don't sympathy with terrorists but you want my religion to be banned in different non Muslim countries. I don't consider Indian soldier dead in IOK as martyrs. Yes But I definitely consider soldier killed at the hands of TTP martyrs. But you hate my religion and want it to be banned. I don't justify suicide attacks and million others like me do the same. But you want our religion to banned. I didn't shower petals on any killer and neither did many muslims. But you want their religion to be banned. Shameless isn't it? Or you have already crossed limits of shame in your hate for Islam like your Bharati buddies.

The population of Muslim trouble makers is not ignorable neither it's limited to one town which can be ignored, these trouble makers are in every country wherever they are present - For a true follower religion can't be banned because it's in his/her heart, It's the yahoos who always think that religion is in danger.

And why you want me to toe your line, i am mature enough to have my own opinion, and why you stopped just on calling shameless, why not give fatwa of Kharaji or Jew? Why just bharati buddies? Why not directly label Zionist? I don't mind these personal attacks, you are not the first "Muslim" doing it.
I said 'civilizational force' ...Mongols were savage peoples, they didn't have any historical force behind them.

PS, Islam has uplifted humanity tremendously. But thats another topic and educated people already know what I'm talking about..only idiots will cry..like you're doing...
really its hard to believe looking at the Islamic people.
No, its more amusing to see Angolan slaves defending their mother's illegitimate lover o_O

Reading comprehension problem, I clearly said I don't support the Angolans on this.
islam needs to remove its racial and genocidal quotes against kafirs in quran and hadiths.Or soon world will see islam like a nazi germany type threat and it will be dealt with like hiroshima and nagasaki were .

Your mom probably drank too much cow piss, eh ? :rofl:

Its you who is retard. Like I said before there is no proof for your nonsense. Thats why you resort to insults.

No, you lonely loser. Proof is so over-whelming that is an accepted truth in academia. American President stands and delivers a speech sanctioning this fact. Jewish professor writes paper about how Islam saved Judaism from extinction..and so on..

The problem is that this is not the thread for this..Go, open another thread and you'll be educated.

Till then, **** off and talk on topic..

You dead-god worshipper :lol:
Son, improve your knowledge....that was "Hind" "Hindostan" or Indo-Pak subcontinent the rising place/heart of religions you mentioned but not INDIA.

Beta Ji, I am mentioning the birth placee of these religions, which is located in present India. Also, We have no problem, If Pakistan/BanglaDesh being a part of ancient 'Hindostan' too bans Muslims. Similarly, It was 'Arab' the rising place/heart of Muslims he mentioned but not 'Saudi Arabia'.
Reading comprehension problem, I clearly said I don't support the Angolans on this.

Yes, comprehension problem on your side..or probably just hasty generalization.

I didn't say anything to YOU...but others who are doing what I described. Many of them are from a particular sh!thole located East to Pakistan with billion people (640 million of whom sh!t in open air)
Not much, Angola will most like feature on the list of countries will very less religious freedom, along with these countries.

Maybe Pakistan can get China to put some pressre on Angola. Chinese after all are Angola's biggest trading partner, with almost 50% of Angola's export going to China.

So expats don't deserve religious freedom? Would you be ok if America and the UK and other European countries banned Mosque and Islam, since majority of Muslims in these countries are expats? Thats a poor cop out.

As for Angola,

So your expat excuse should be valid in this case as well.

There won't be any bloodbath in Angola. Angola is one of the most prosperous countries in that part of the world, and has one of the world's fastest growing economy, they ll manage just fine. There just won't be any religious freedom.
chinese will never help Pakistan. 100 % sure
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