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Angola Bans Islam, Destroys Mosques

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Soviet Union was destroyed by Islamic Insurgent Forces with the help of Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and U.S. Six new Muslim countries appeared on the world map, entire central Asia became Muslim-majority region Mashallah and Islam added millions of followers and 4,000,000 km land area.

What revolt?


Iraq is still a Muslim-majority region Mashallah AND at the same time

Mashallah again...


They didn't 'destroy' Hamas. And what did they achieve by murdering innocent children?

Soviet union was destroyed by internal corruption of the elite and CIA . Not by some islamic force.And strange thing most of central asians voted for retaining USSR in 1991 referendum. If Soviets were intent on extermination of Afghanistan and pakistan,it would have been achieved much fast .But they were trying to create communism in afghanistan,but then islam is an imperialistic capitalistic religion and thus incompatible with socialism unlike buddhism,christianity(russian orthodoxy)
Soviet Union referendum, 1991 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Second ,most central asians are part of CSTO and strong friends of Russia ,rather than pakistan or saudi arabia and prefer russia over wahabbis any day. Uzbekistan regularly tortures wahabbis to death.

Third,in iraq sunnis and shias are destroying each other .

central Asia became Muslim-majority region Mashallah and Islam added millions of followers and 4,000,000 km land area.

Yet in Uzbekistan ,muslim wahabbis are regularly tortured and killed.
India is the land from where Hindu, Sikh, Buddh & Jain religions were sprang, its the heart of the these religion. So If India take the same decision to ban Islam on the pretext of Saudi Arabia, Then that must be OK and acceptable for all muslims???? or you are just hypocrite????

India claims to be a 'secular', 'democratic' nation...so it can't do that.

India is multi-religious.

Saudi Arabia doesn't "claim" to be anything. Saudis have a very rigid definition of their religious interpretation. Forget other religions, even many approaches to Islam itself is banned in KSA. Many of Muslims are as restricted in KSA and non-Muslims.

Islam is a 'civilizational force'.

It "civilizes" people and helps in human progress...

And Soviet Union was the invader on Islamic Lands of Central Asia, not the other way around.

Learn something
civilizational force does not mean civilizing people. the mongols and berbers were a barbaric civilization. that does not mean that they were civilized.
islam has so far only helped in regressing human mind and society.
Islamic lands in itself were invaded from Arabia. so they have no claims to any land except mecca and medina.

Islam is a 'civilizational force'.

It "civilizes" people and helps in human progress...

And Soviet Union was the invader on Islamic Lands of Central Asia, not the other way around.

Learn something

Islam is an imperialist force. Soviet union brought civilisation to central asian islamic barbarians .Not a wonder they voted in favor of retaining USSR in the 1991 referendum(though the elite were corrupt and wanted to split USSR like Yeltsin)
India claims to be a 'secular', 'democratic' nation...so it can't do that.

India is multi-religious.

Saudi Arabia doesn't "claim" to be anything. Saudis have a very rigid definition of their religious interpretation. Forget other religions, even many approaches to Islam itself is banned in KSA. Many of Muslims are as restricted in KSA and non-Muslims.

Saudi Arabia is not a country its just a tribe and a kingdom, a vassal state of US who have their boots and booties in the holy lands.
well every state has their own rules.are temples and churches allowed in saudi??
civilizational force does not mean civilizing people. the mongols and berbers were a barbaric civilization. that does not mean that they were civilized.
islam has so far only helped in regressing human mind and society.
Islamic lands in itself were invaded from Arabia. so they have no claims to any land except mecca and medina.

I said 'civilizational force' ...Mongols were savage peoples, they didn't have any historical force behind them.

PS, Islam has uplifted humanity tremendously. But thats another topic and educated people already know what I'm talking about..only idiots will cry..like you're doing...

religion of peace,...
Saudi Arabia is not a country its just a tribe and a kingdom, a vassal state of US who have their boots and booties in the holy lands.


India is the land from where Hindu, Sikh, Buddh & Jain religions were sprang, its the heart of the these religion. So If India take the same decision to ban Islam on the pretext of Saudi Arabia, Then that must be OK and acceptable for all muslims???? or you are just hypocrite????

Son, improve your knowledge....that was "Hind" "Hindostan" or Indo-Pak subcontinent the rising place/heart of religions you mentioned but not INDIA.
Islam is an imperialist force. Soviet union brought civilisation to central asian islamic barbarians .Not a wonder they voted in favor of retaining USSR in the 1991 referendum(though the elite were corrupt and wanted to split USSR like Yeltsin)

lol, soviets didn't even survive a century, talk about 'bringing civilization' :rofl:

You're just another idiot...probably christian :woot:
I said 'civilizational force' ...Mongols were savage peoples, they didn't have any historical force behind them.

PS, Islam has uplifted humanity tremendously. But thats another topic and educated people already know what I'm talking about..only idiots will cry..like you're doing...

Okay, how many nobel/wolfgang/milner prizes does islam have? How many men has islam sent to space? How many nuclear weapons does islam have? Does islam have chimera type biological weapons or underground cities like Yamantau?
While I don't support this decision from Angola and I believe in religious freedom for all, it is amusing to see Saudi slaves defending their master.
Son, improve your knowledge....that was "Hind" "Hindostan" or Indo-Pak subcontinent the rising place/heart of religions you mentioned but not INDIA.
no such thing as indo pak subcontinent.
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