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And now Buffet is not allowed - Suadi Fatwa

He is a communist ;)

Anyway whats wrong with determining the quantity and value price of the food?

A scholar giving out his point of view and he is entitle to whatever he say since fatwas in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to be issued by individuals. I think the scholar have put out a very debatable point and a good one too.
I believe that I am a better Muslim than the so called Islamists and their apologists :)

who is better and who is not a better Muslim is determined by his her deeds :) so did i question your goodness or bad side ?

A scholar giving out his point of view and he is entitle to whatever he say since fatwas in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to be issued by individuals. I think the scholar have put out a very debatable point and a good one too.

i know dear. i was just amazed by members here who without understanding the main point are just blabbering just because they saw word "fatwa"
You asked for a source and I provided you one , I am not interested in your lame excuses now .

There is no excuse here

Saudi cleric denies he advocated gang rape of Syrian women

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If you want to insult your intelligence that is up to you but facts are facts.

Now take a hike.
:what: i was just telling he Aribian why the opinion of that particular person is like that
who is better and who is not a better Muslim is determined by his her deeds :) so did i question your goodness or bad side ?

Prove me wrong academically . Not using labels ; the only thing Islamists and their apologists are good at !!

There is no excuse here

Saudi cleric denies he advocated gang rape of Syrian women

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If you want to insult your intelligence that is up to you but facts are facts.

Now take a hike.

You are the one insulting yourself here . I told you that I am not interested in your lame excuses , but you wont give up !!
Now there are a lot of sites out there debunking your stupid claim . I am not interested in sectarian debates . period
Fatwa prohibits ‘All You Can Eat’ offers

Staff writer, Al Arabiya News
Thursday, 13 March 2014

A fatwa (religious edict) against “all you can eat” buffets by a Saudi cleric has stirred debate among users of social networking site Twitter.

The cleric, Saleh al-Fawzan, recently issued a fatwa through a kingdom-based Quranic TV station prohibiting open buffets, saying that the value and quantity of what is sold should be pre-determined before it is purchased.

“Whoever enters the buffet and eats for 10 or 50 riyals without deciding the quantity they will eat is violating Sharia (Islamic) law,” said Fawzan on al-Atheer channel.

Using the Twitter hashtag “prohibiting-open-buffet” (in Arabic), some of the site’s users criticized Fawzan’s fatwa.

“Restaurants will be ruined if they didn’t quantify the food they sold. This negates the sheikh’s premise that the quantity is unknown,” said on Twitter user.
Mere fatwa

“This is not Quran just a mere fatwa, if you want to follow it, you are a free man but you can not impose it on others,” wrote another.

One user sarcastically wrote: “Congratulations! Open buffets have made it in the list for what is forbidden for us.”

However, some comments were posted supporting the cleric.

“It is funny, those who call for discussions, they do not discuss evidence or what the sheikh has proposed but discuss his person.”

While another said: “The disaster is those who criticize the sheikh are ignorant, they do not know.”

The fatwa has also caught the attention of local and regional newspapers.

Saudi’s al-Madina newspaper published a headline on Wednesday that read: “Fatwa prohibits open buffets creates uproar on Twitter.”

Egyptian news outlets Sada el-Balad and Nawaret carried the story with accompanying videos of the interview where the cleric proclaimed the fatwa.
Last Update: Thursday, 13 March 2014 KSA 12:02 - GMT 09:02

Chuck the Saudi clerics and eat all u want ! No offence intended, relax guys. Those who want to follow the clerics are welcome to it we will enjoy our khabas
You are the one insulting yourself here . I told you that I am not interested in your lame excuses , but you wont give up !!
Now there are a lot of sites out there debunking your stupid claim . I am not interested in sectarian debates . period

You must have some comprehension issues. The guy in video is the cleric himself denying that accusation. what else you want beside that? Sectarianism !!!!! Where is it?
@Azlan Haider @syedali73

Although this might sound trollish, it's a serious question. Can a Fatwa be issued against a Fatwa?

Yes , In Pakistan you can get any kind of Fatwa from some authorized Mullah by paying him 5-10 thousand rupees . That Fatwa can be against any other Fatwa , it can be against Islam even .

You must have some comprehension issues. The guy in video is the cleric himself denying that accusation. what else you want beside that? Sectarianism !!!!! Where is it?

please stop embarrassing yourself
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Yes , In Pakistan you can get any kind of Fatwa from some authorized Mullah by paying him 5-10 thousand rupees . That Fatwa can be against any other Fatwa , it can be against Islam even .

But that was a sarcastic reply. I was looking for a straight answer.:(
So it is possible to challenge a fatwa if a cleric of equal standing decides to oppose it?

Fatwa is just an "opinion" . There are lot of highly contradicting Fatwas on same issue usually . But some fools take these Fatwas too seriously as if they were some decree from God himself
Fatwa is just an "opinion" . There are lot of highly contradicting Fatwas on same issue usually .

Oh! So why do people make a fuss over some of these Fatwas then? Can't some of the crazier ones be simply ignored as the ramblings of a senile mind?
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