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And now Buffet is not allowed - Suadi Fatwa

I never understood the "all you can eat buffets" offers :mad: seriously these are waste of money and above all the food. Believe me I have seen people ruining food items just because they paid a lot to have the deal. Instead hotels should offer deals such as finish your complete food items and get some discount otherwise you will have to pay double ;) Then you will see how much careful people will be when making orders :lol:

lead by an example. . . Open your dhaba . . set a trend. . let the people follow you ;)
Religion and government want to control every aspect of your life.
lead by an example. . . Open your dhaba . . set a trend. . let the people follow you ;)
World is full of people with constructive ideas, just go ahead and do some Googling you will find such examples. I will surely attempt something If I ever made into food business.
Who cares for Fakwa.
Stay away from the topic if you don't know about it. Islam have clears guidelines about what is necessary and whats not. If you spend on something more then your needs its not good.
Fatwa prohibits ‘All You Can Eat’ offers

Staff writer, Al Arabiya News
Thursday, 13 March 2014

The cleric, Saleh al-Fawzan, recently issued a fatwa through a kingdom-based Quranic TV station prohibiting open buffets, saying that the value and quantity of what is sold should be pre-determined before it is purchased.

Last Update: Thursday, 13 March 2014 KSA 12:02 - GMT 09:02


Good move.

Everything needs to be converted into money per grams and milli litres to make it easier.
I never understood the "all you can eat buffets" offers :mad: seriously these are waste of money and above all the food. Believe me I have seen people ruining food items just because they paid a lot to have the deal. Instead hotels should offer deals such as finish your complete food items and get some discount otherwise you will have to pay double ;) Then you will see how much careful people will be when making orders :lol:
Yes, you are right. But than it is moral and cultural issue, not religious. We can or should educate people on how to behave like a responsible citizen rather than slapping them with fatawa. We should stop bothering religion to teach us just about everything. How to hold the pen, how to sneeze, how to yawn, does one really need religious intervention here? Why cant we grow up?
Stay away from the topic if you don't know about it. Islam have clears guidelines about what is necessary and whats not. If you spend on something more then your needs its not good.


Please open you Knowledge Classroom some where else... I am not interested....I am atheist... FAK with religion.
Yes, you are right. But than it is moral and cultural issue, not religious. We can or should educate people on how to behave like a responsible citizen rather than slapping them with fatawa. We should stop bothering religion to teach us just about everything. How to hold the pen, how to sneeze, how to yawn, does one really need religious intervention here? Why cant we grow up?
I think it will come under إسرَاف which is explained in religion.
Yes, you are right. But than it is moral and cultural issue, not religious. We can or should educate people on how to behave like a responsible citizen rather than slapping them with fatawa. We should stop bothering religion to teach us just about everything. How to hold the pen, how to sneeze, how to yawn, does one really need religious intervention here? Why cant we grow up?

The General Presidency of Scholarly Research and Ifta is the only authorized institute for issuing Fatwas. You should get that. Saudi Arabia is not a jungle where even one can issue fatwas out of his own will. However the scholar laid very valid point from an Islamic point of view. Read my previous post.

It is Saudi btw not Suadi….Edit the typo in your title.

Please open you Knowledge Classroom some where else... I am not interested....I am atheist... FAK with religion.
Yes that's why I said topic doesn't concerns you so go some where else. It concerns Muslims, if you are not one then its not related to you.
I think it will come under إسرَاف which is explained in religion.
I know that, and I believe its a common understanding and knowledge among Muslims. When its a common understanding with no disputes, there is no need for a fatwa. It is the matter of education and training, which can be done easily through media, at schools etc.
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