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And now Buffet is not allowed - Suadi Fatwa



No racist
Buffet is haram , but pedophilia , rape of non sunni women etc etc. is Halal !!!
It can be "Saudi" Islam
But it surely isn`t the Islam of Muhammad (pbuh)

Pedophilia and rape is permissible? A reference to that claim please or you'r simply a lier. From the discussion I have had with you I came to the conclusion that your knowledge of Islam as whole and its jurisprudence is Zero.
Very good argumentative point. Value and Quantity must be predetermined as per Islamic procurement conditions.

not necessarily.
By that logic, every grain of rice must be counted, and every milligram of food must be measured.

You can not hire a worker to lift and move exactly N number of bricks, X feet from original location.

The contract is for a day's work. and the worker will move honestly as many bricks as he can.

In case food, what is being sold for X riyals, is an offer to eat as you wish.

now, this trade is true and it is fair. No one is discriminated and everyone who agrees to the bargain is allowed to have as many courses as possible.

Not every thing is measured in money -> quantity.
not necessarily.
By that logic, every grain of rice must be counted, and every milligram of food must be measured.

You can not hire a worker to lift and move exactly N number of bricks, X feet from original location.

The contract is for a day's work. and the worker will move honestly as many bricks as he can.

In case food, what is being sold for X riyals, is an offer to eat as you wish.

now, this trade is true and it is fair. No one is discriminated and everyone who agrees to the bargain is allowed to have as many courses as possible.

Not every thing is measured in money -> quantity.

Quantity means weight in this case, a kilo, pound and other measure units.
The General Presidency of Scholarly Research and Ifta is the only authorized institute for issuing Fatwas. You should get that. Saudi Arabia is not a jungle where even one can issue fatwas out of his own will. However the scholar laid very valid point from an Islamic point of view. Read my previous post.

It is Saudi btw not Suadi….Edit the typo in your title.
A fatwa is a religious decree. But this(wasting food) is a social problem. If a religious decree to a social problem is the only way to solve one, it shows the society has a lot to learn about the fundamentals of innate morality. :coffee:

Quantity means weight in this case, a kilo, pound and other measure units.
What if you buy 1 kilo and waste 800gms? :azn:

Saudi Cleric Issues Fatwa Allowing Jihadis to Rape Syrian Women

And you can conclude whatever you want , but you were never able to answer my questions regarding authenticity of Ahadith
@Azlan Haider - You are making a fundamental mistake here. You are bringing in faith. This actually is idiocy wrapped in the cloak of faith. This is as you know - a social problem. An awareness program or fines as @Arabian Legend noted earlier are better and more economical alternatives. :tup:

Btw - @Arabian Legend - who's your Avatar? :whistle:
Pedophilia and rape is permissible? A reference to that claim please or you'r simply a lier. From the discussion I have had with you I came to the conclusion that your knowledge of Islam as whole and its jurisprudence is Zero.

He is a communist ;)

Anyway whats wrong with determining the quantity and value price of the food?
Saudi Cleric Issues Fatwa Allowing Jihadis to Rape Syrian Women

And you can conclude whatever you want , but you were never able to answer my questions regarding authenticity of Ahadith in another thread

The funny is that you are quoting Assad propaganda machine. That has been discussed many times and debunked already. It came through a fake twitter id picked by Assad and his thugs. The cleric himself denied it and its all over the news, Look it up.
You are free to bash me but it has a logic

You eat what you pay for... Don't curse yourself by eating more n more.. take care of your body too. I wouldn't call it Haram but it's something people should be discouraged unless you are in a social gathering, wedding or private parties etc. Don't just go into Buffet and eat 10 kg of lamb just because you paid some fixed amount of money and now making sure you eat 5x more than original cost
The funny is that you are quoting Assad propaganda machine. That has been discussed many times and debunked already. It came through a fake twitter id picked by Assad and his thugs. The cleric himself denied it and its all over the news, Look it up.

You asked for a source and I provided you one , I am not interested in your lame excuses now .

He is a communist

I believe that I am a better Muslim than the so called Islamists and their apologists :)
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