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Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

Sick man of Europe title belong to late Ottoman Empire. Lot's of advancement happened between 1938 and 2002.

I know it was called the Sick Man of Europe but Turkiye after Ataturk Sahib was pretty sick as well because his successors really didn't display the vision or the foresight required to propel Turkiye forward.

You'd be surprised but our exports were bigger than Turkiye in the '50s and were more than the exports of Malaysia, Indonesia and one other country who's name I've forgotten, combined. And why ? Because we industrialized the Nation in the '50s and the plans were so good that even the South Koreans came and took our 5 year plans under the Ayub Khan government.

Then we became 'sick' and Turkiye, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea and a whole host of other countries progressed forward because they worked hard.

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu made a good point today.

He said "Turkey GDP growth had been 5.2% between 1923 and 2002. But between 2002 and 2013 it had been 4.7%. So stop telling people lies"....

He has a good point this time. :meeting:

He has a pretty lousy point in fact; obviously the Turkish GDP grew by a larger figure in the earlier years because back than Turkiye's GDP was pretty small. In absolute terms Turkiye's GDP growing today grows by a much larger amount than it did in the '90s.

And it will continue to grow by a smaller amount because of something known as the Law of Diminishing Returns i.e as you progress forward....the return becomes smaller and smaller.

Hence why America doesn't grow by 7% p.a but 1-2% p.a. But that 1-2% p.a is more in absolute terms than the entire economies of most countries combined.
Good news and besides it's always better to not make deals with terrorists.
I think noone complains about M60 Sabra upgrades or why did Erdogan wanted to get Israelis to export their Gas throught Turkey?

@xenon54 @usernameless - Please stop thanking me ! :ashamed:

I wish @Sinan was more like you guys; he gives a 'thank' more miserly than someone dying of thirst gives another a drop of water in the middle of the desert ! :o:
Bro i give thank when i agree with someone, about your last quote there are some things i would add but overall it isnt wrong, i just dont wanna go offtopic any further.
Bro i give thank when i agree with someone, about your last quote there are some things i would add but overall it isnt wrong, i just dont wanna go offtopic any further.

I was joking ! :o:

*I dunno how do I make this Swiss, Rogder 'Mehmet' Feddrer differentiate a joke from something serious* :(
He has a pretty lousy point in fact; obviously the Turkish GDP grew by a larger figure in the earlier years because back than Turkiye's GDP was pretty small. In absolute terms Turkiye's GDP growing today grows by a much larger amount than it did in the '90s.

And it will continue to grow by a smaller amount because of something known as the Law of Diminishing Returns i.e as you progress forward....the return becomes smaller and smaller.

Hence why America doesn't grow by 7% p.a but 1-2% p.a. But that 1-2% p.a is more in absolute terms than the entire economies of most countries combined.
Exactly :tup: just another mud throw attempt.

I wonder, why did Pakistan stop using that plan which SKoreans copied?
Exactly :tup: just another mud throw attempt.

I wonder, why did Pakistan stop using that plan which SKoreans copied?

Because we're great when it comes to drawing up plans but we rarely if ever follow through with those plans; the South Koreans studied our 5 year plan and actually implemented it then improved upon it and learned from elsewhere and then implemented that and voila they're where they are.

We on the other procrastinated away for the past 70 years ! :(
I wondered will there by laser communication system between our tanks to avoid radio transmission capture or will it be encrypted.

ps: lousy attempt to get the conversation back to tanks
Because we're great when it comes to drawing up plans but we rarely if ever follow through with those plans; the South Koreans studied our 5 year plan and actually implemented it then improved upon it and learned from elsewhere and then implemented that and voila they're where they are.

We on the other procrastinated away for the past 70 years ! :(
Then, in turn, copy theirs and improve where needed? :enjoy:
We all would have loved to see an even stronger Pakistan, had the plan been implemented back then. May our countries prosper
Pakistan would prosper if the Government quarentine the jehadist.

With China willing to help Pakistan should use that to get advanced China is a big market I wouldn't imagine China would refrain from helping them.

I dream of an Islamic market but that market should start with the most democratic Islamic countries like Turkey, Indonesia, Malysia Iraq and Iran this would a big market for all these nations to freely exchange goods.

No gulf countries no dectator countries since those countries would ruin it easily.

sorry for been off topic.
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