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Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

This media belongs to F. Gulen.
Yeah, it was established by Abdullah Bozkurt. He fled Turkey after the failed coup attempt, he then established the propaganda station in Stockholm. Which actually says more about Sweden than anything else and only goes to show that Europe was one of the one's behind (or at the very least supported) the coup attempt. Sweden allowing for such a guy, who is guilty of being part of the failed coup, to establish a "media outlet" shows Swedish policy against Turkey. Other European countries have a similar stance regarding this. So "EU has principles" rhetoric is all just a bunch of nonsense.

Yeah, you could use the freedom of speech argument here. But this ain't freedom of speech here. Litterally every article they write attacks Turkey, a systematic attack like that with a specific target is no longer freedom of speech, but a coordinated propaganda attack with a specific goal. We all know how dangerous propaganda can be as evidenced by the countless wars and conflicts all over the world, in history as well as currently (WW2 being the most prominent and researched, from what I know). Even advertisements are exactly the same as propaganda and look how effective they are and we are bombarded daily with propaganda under the guise of "news".
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I hope our people will begin to build something similar.. better to start today as tomorrow
we should thank our secular "dagdelen" and gezi-warrior "özdemir" for all that ...

the question is - is turkey able to build smoothbore tank guns on her own? instead of using the 120mm/L55 for the Altay - and if not - is turkey working on something similar?

there were Rh prototypes for a 140mm tank gun:
"The cannon should have a muzzle energy of 20 megajoules (MJ), which would have meant a doubling of the muzzle energy compared to the L / 44."

turkey shouldn't use kanons that are slowly becoming obsolete...
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remembering that they sold us for the PKK-diaspora sitting in the German parliament

K*rds are useful pawns.

To be honest us Turks have to make it. We have no choice. Never be dependant on another nation for your defence. If Turkey has to copy like China I dont care to be honest. Rather copy and have an independant industry rather than kissing the *** of Europeans and Americans.
K*rds are useful pawns.

To be honest us Turks have to make it. We have no choice. Never be dependant on another nation for your defence. If Turkey has to copy like China I dont care to be honest. Rather copy and have an independant industry rather than kissing the *** of Europeans and Americans.
Contrary to international agreements, the Chinese and Iranians also copy all kinds of things and get on... but I don't know if that is possible as a nato country, my friend
So the altay is already obsolete already. What a fcking mess.

How does a concept make Altay obsolete? Rheinmetall is doing Concept research for their next tank that is supposed to enter service in the 2040s, nothing more nothing less.

Leopard 2A7+ will continue to be improved and be the backbone of the German Bundeswehr.

This 130mm cannon might never see the light of day on the next generation MBT of Germany. These are all feasible studies and Rheinmetall, obviously, is decades ahead of Turkish firm like Aselsan in this topic.

Altay’s disastrous serial production phase is another topic.
How does a concept make Altay obsolete? Rheinmetall is doing Concept research for their next tank that is supposed to enter service in the 2040s, nothing more nothing less.

Leopard 2A7+ will continue to be improved and be the backbone of the German Bundeswehr.

This 130mm cannon might never see the light of day on the next generation MBT of Germany. These are all feasible studies and Rheinmetall, obviously, is decades ahead of Turkish firm like Aselsan in this topic.

Even if its a concept I hope the Turks can do better.

I hope the Altay evolves. Sorry about what I said did not mean it seeing the 130mm being experimented made me panic a little.
Even if its a concept I hope the Turks can do better.

I hope the Altay evolves. Sorry about what I said did not mean it seeing the 130mm being experimented made me panic a little.

I‘m sure we have our own studies ongoing as to how later variations of Altay could look like. Less crew, bigger gun, unmanned turret, better armor etc.

Altay is a fine tank, it just needs to finally get into serial production without anymore delays.
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