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Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

In 80s ,when Japan was a super economic power,

We decided to started the JFX program,made a national fighter

At that time,American came,forced Japan now to devoloped a new national fighter but based on F-16

As u know, US controlled japan after ww2,they forced japanese not to buy any weapon from anywhere besides the US,even other western weapon such as typhoon also not be allowed

Btw,Japan is no more a young country such as turkey also because of the education after ww2,a lot of people hate the armed force

Japan is like the ottoman after ww1 without Kemal,sultan(the Japan emperor) and government controlled by western and the textbook tell you the great leaders of turk in history were just killer and ****

i think if a good government comes they can change all this with more lets say patriotism or nationalism and like big reforms start national programs and move the nation on but another thing is japan is aging population they need to find solution to that somehow.

I know we started TFX program but i know its going to be very hard by ourselves i think we need to join up with someone SK was good but now they started i think if japan wanted we could do it with them it would be very good but also we need our own engine aswell and im sure japan has technology from all those car makers engines to make a jet engine
its not relevant anyway , Rotem is helping in some part of the tank . K2 looks like beast , why isit so expensive ? also is k-2 tank finished yet?


pokdo is this final k2 tank finished version?

Thats the very first version of the prototypes which came out in 2007

The production version is going to be slightly different from it including some additional upgrades
The women in eastern Asia don't like to have children:woot:

The birth rate in Japan ,Korea , hong kong,Taiwan and mainland china are very terrible now.

BTW even turkey is lower than before
The women in eastern Asia don't like to have children:woot:

The birth rate in Japan ,Korea , hong kong,Taiwan and mainland china are very terrible now.

BTW even turkey is lower than before

:lol: let me tell you something - turkish PM said we should have 3 children to keep young population in like 2030 . russian pm said that after aswell saying they will give free land . let me tell you what turkmenistan PM said lol listen - he said for every family with 7 children they will give free house and car ( i cant remember car 100% but i know he said house)

so you need to do something maybe saying for every family who has like 4-5 children will pay lower tax or something or will get some payment to help them.
:lol: let me tell you something - turkish PM said we should have 3 children to keep young population in like 2030 . russian pm said that after aswell saying they will give free land . let me tell you what turkmenistan PM said lol listen - he said for every family with 7 children they will give free house and car ( i cant remember car 100% but i know he said house)

so you need to do something maybe saying for every family who has like 4-5 children will pay lower tax or something or will get some payment to help them.

Before do anything,at first we need a stable government,We have 7 PMs in last 7 year:victory:the policy changing every year

Today,Mr Noda is game over
Before do anything,at first we need a stable government,We have 7 PMs in last 7 year:victory:the policy changing every year

Today,Mr Noda is game over

wth how can you have 7pms 7 years? isnt election every 4 or 5 years? also today there is arguments here about doing presidential system to make it more stable.

they also fighting each other within the same party

Prime Minister of Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ryutaro Hashimoto
Keizo Obuchi
Yoshirō Mori
Junichiro Koizumi
Shinzō Abe
Yasuo Fukuda
Taro Aso
Yukio Hatoyama
Naoto Kan
Yoshihiko Noda
The tanks' forward elevate slightly while they gain velocity at first start, maybe a heavier glacis plate can solve this.

I know the turret will be stabilised but it can still be an issue.

they also fighting each other within the same party

Prime Minister of Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ryutaro Hashimoto
Keizo Obuchi
Yoshirō Mori
Junichiro Koizumi
Shinzō Abe
Yasuo Fukuda
Taro Aso
Yukio Hatoyama
Naoto Kan
Yoshihiko Noda

My friend I think you shouldn't critise your country that much your economy is like 4+ trillion you have massive global brands and companies state of the art production Toyota, Panasonic, Sony Honda and much more I wish our economy was so good you say you wasted 7 years we wasted like 70 years, think about it with Atatürk and the rise of nation in 1930s we was one of the countries producing planes and big projects from like 1930 and bad stability thereon grow in economy then downfall until kemal Derviş came and made a road plan and AKP stayed with that road plan until 2009 where our economy got fckedd and they tricking people like nothing happened and last year good growth now dropped again to 3-4%.

1930 - ........ Wastedd
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