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Altaf Hussain arrested in London over money laundering charges.

Nawaz wants similar support when same thing will happen to him down the years.

Don't forget Nawaz is one of the top UK businessman. His all money is black sooner or later he will follow the same fate.

You scratch my back I scratch your's.

British: Divide and rule
Pakistani politicians: Time share government and rule
What is the latest on him?
Latest is, since he is under arrest the clock is ticking for Metropolitan Police. They will have to either seek extension from the court, charge or release him within the next 12 hours unless the law says otherwise due to medical condition of Altaf Hussain.

That's my analysis so I could be wrong. The police in UK can't retain him for days as they investigate everything before arrest and not the other way around.

source: charity commission UK

here is the charity firm. he is talking about. have a look at the transactions. The financial history is also quite interesting. Overall income and expenditure have remained below 50K for most part except 2011. and about those audit firms, those are also part of investigation dont worry about that. Compare the financials of the charity with amount he had at his home in liquid cash . I hope this is the only charity or NGO MQM has in UK right?
What is the latest on him?

i also use S instead of Z. whats wrong with the spells?

One is brit other is American :)

we have to strictly follow such rules at newspapers. every newspaper has a policy to either use British English or US one

Ok will give you two discount on S/Z...rest is sazish by me against darkinsky :lol:...
Latest is, since he is under arrest the clock is ticking for Metropolitan Police. They will have to either seek extension from the court, charge or release him within the next 12 hours unless the law says otherwise due to medical condition of Altaf Hussain.

That's my analysis so I could be wrong. The police in UK can't retain him for days as they investigate everything before arrest and not the other way around.

yes a common man on street here says that he is arrested only for 24-hours.

So what will follow ? are there chances that he will be charged ? or allegations against him have weight at all?
but gotta admit MQM legal team and management has raped this case, even after providing all the required documents, why is UK police still arresting MQM people is beyond one?

time to send forogh naseem to london instead of handing him over to pervez musharraf

this is already very bad rep for MQM, they need to go all out and wind up this case in few days
Ok will give you two discount on S/Z...rest is sazish by me against darkinsky :lol:...

:D :D :D you punjabi discriminating against the mohajir :P

but gotta admit MQM legal team and management has raped this case, even after providing all the required documents, why is UK police still arresting MQM people is beyond one?

time to send forogh naseem to london instead of handing him over to pervez musharraf

this is already very bad rep for MQM, they need to go all out and wind up this case in few days

or your team doesnt have anything to support his "innocence" ?
yes a common man on street here says that he is arrested only for 24-hours.

So what will follow ? are there chances that he will be charged ? or allegations against him have weight at all?
In UK I do not know anybody who was charged by the Police and later acquitted from courts. They only charge you if they have found solid and enough evidences against you otherwise they will never charge you. They don't want to waste money in the courts as they are very financially curious. He is likely to be charged otherwise the police won't arrest such a high profile personality and if he indeed is charged within the next 2 days and likely today or tomorrow, 95% the chances are he will be convicted.

The police may however seek extension from the courts before charging him due to his medical condition
if this was the case, they would have charged MQM long time ago dear

you complaining about MQM closing business, here is news for you enjoy

:) and whom they are harming ?

not UK but own business and country.

Hain Pekhawar na Isb ta raghlum nu Punjab wala shum...:angel:

:D oo kheeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr za shukar day chee pukhto ta raghlay hehehehe thats why i pinched you
Everybody love thr lives or thr families, everybody has a weakness. and they know where to hit to make the person suffer most. These people dont give a second thought before killing anybody, everybody in karachi knows that. "Do as asked or u will suffer.."
:) and whom they are harming ?

not UK but own business and country.

now you know the secret of MQM's power :azn:, goli is not very powerful, MQM owns many trader association, civil societies, ulema counsels, labion unions, almost every labour union in karachi is of MQM, journalist unions, MQM recently won in karachi journalist union election
View attachment 33837
source: charity commission UK

here is the charity firm. he is talking about. have a look at the transactions. The financial history is also quite interesting. Overall income and expenditure have remained below 50K for most part except 2011. and about those audit firms, those are also part of investigation dont worry about that. Compare the financials of the charity with amount he had at his home in liquid cash . I hope this is the only charity or NGO MQM has in UK right?

beta i am trying to answer how MQM can get income, i hope this is a nice progress, a guy like altaf was supposedly earning money because of bhatta khori, now you know MQM earns through charities, and it amounts to lacs in pounds, now please get this, SUN charity is not only UK bound, it is world wide, it is also in canada, it also operates in america, it also operates even in countries like haiti etc

you are not here to audit MQM just trying to make sense

isnt it a reason for you that MQM actually earns and has funds?

now you know MQM has audit firms, MQM also has many people who are in business, yes MQM men are also business men


MQM guys are doctors, lawyers and they are very rich people, this money the SLY is talking about is nothing, MQM earns a lot through donations among its workers

i have many other facts to tell

but im just telling you guys are completely making conspiracy theories, there is no reality to it, you guys know nothing about MQM, so please chill

i know how desperate you are, but if you use a little bit of rational thinking, it will start making sense, how MQM is defending its so called money laundering case

This is from the person who is not working and is not a registered charity in UK. The cash is a big source of worry for Altaf Hussain but when the pandora box is opened, he is likely to be questioned for each asset his owns under his name (or may have already been questioned).
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now you know the secret of MQM's power :azn:, goli is not very powerful, MQM owns many trader association, civil societies, ulema counsels, labion unions, almost every labour union in karachi is of MQM, journalist unions, MQM recently won in karachi journalist union election
They Own nothing, actually they have terrorized people so much that they have no choice but to support them. People will start abandoning them once this case comes to a conclusion.

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