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All UK troops to withdraw from Ukraine as Russia could invade ‘at no notice’

This withdrawal is clear win for Russia. Big setback for UK n usa.. poor Ukraine are thrown in front of Russia helplessly after so much of hype by usa and uk

Its a loss for Russia and you donte even understand whats going on.

This is about economic war. Why you think NATO publishes daily alleged russian plans? If russia doesnt attack we can say its because us, if they do attack they cant camouflage it with propaganda and can be crushed through SWIFT
UK has no business been there to begin with, UK has been overestimating its position when it comes to giants like USA, Russia and China... Yes they were once a great empire but that train has left the station long time ago, now all they have is a old Queen and few Pedophile Prince(s).
These rebels in the pic you put up are from outside of Ukraine these Russians rumoured to be Russian soldiers sent to fight in east Ukraine! I thought China believed in no breakaway regions from the state? Has this policy now changed in excepting people can fight central government!

China opposes EU and US sanctions against Russia, but China also does not recognize Russia's sovereignty over Crimea.

The simple truth is that if a region can vote to join another country like Crimea, the world order will collapse.

For example, does India allow Kashmir to vote? Does Japan allow the Okinawa Islands to vote? Does Spain allow Catalonia and Basque to vote? Does France allow Brittany and Corsica to vote? There are also Flemish in Belgium, Lombardy in Italy and so on.

China cannot accept such a chaotic international order.

@aziqbal where are you? Are you banned again?
Do you think world is stupid bra. Uk is traning Ukrainian in war which Ukraine can not win it may hurt Russia bit. Dont you think uk putted it security in danger exposed himself infront of Russia. It will hurt uk repo in colonial world. Those countries will take courage to not pay money to uk likes of oman and many countries here n there.

UK Training of Ukraine will give the Russians a damn damn bloody nose - do not underestimate the effect that the NLAW and Javelin will have on ingressing Russian armour. Look at what these type of weapons did to the RUssian in the Chechnya conflict. I agree - it is a forgone conclusion if Russia does an all out invasion of Ukraine but they will get smacked about quite a bit more thanks to UK generosity.

The UK can handle Russia and their obsolete Soviet Era Junk - you over estimate their capabilities relative to the UK and what they can do to the UK... it is the mainland EU countries that need to worry more as they have a land border with a country who now is in expansionist mode... The Germans and French do need to think about getting their fingers out of each other arses and pay attention.

Not many countries can invade the UK .... beauty of being an Island .. and Russia cannot enforce a Naval blockade of the UK either ... they lack the capability.
UK has no business been there to begin with, UK has been overestimating its position when it comes to giants like USA, Russia and China... Yes they were once a great empire but that train has left the station long time ago, now all they have is a old Queen and few Pedophile Prince(s).

Giants? The city of London alone has a bigger economy than Russia...
I think UK decided to nuke Moscow thats why they have withdrawn military from Ukraine :lol:
UK stand alone in Europe. Neither Germany or France wants any war. Continental europe would be in ashes if a full scale war breaks out.

NATO has to consolidate in its existing sphere, that is quite obvious. In a foolish way it has effectively displayed its own limits with this conflict. If not millitarily then atleast politically. Its a situation that demands clear new thinking. In my world Ukraine and Belarus as buffer states is optimal for both continental Europe and Russia.
Its a loss for Russia and you donte even understand whats going on.

This is about economic war. Why you think NATO publishes daily alleged russian plans? If russia doesnt attack we can say its because us, if they do attack they cant camouflage it with propaganda and can be crushed through SWIFT
First I dont take comments seriously from the countries who were or presently occupied. Europe is kidnapped by usa. First Europe need to be free from foreign control. second Russian are selling more gas and oil to Chinese then Europe. European going to buy expensive gas from usa n Qatar. Which will cost more money by shipment. Good luck with the economic war. How much Greece Borrowed from Europ. I think around 42 billions dollars in last 5 years. Greek needs around 110 billions usd more to fix its economy in next 5 years. When you start buying gas from usa. It will hurt you more..
First I dont take comments seriously from the countries who were or presently occupied. Europe is kidnapped by usa. First Europe need to be free from foreign control. second Russian are selling more gas and oil to Chinese then Europe. European going to buy expensive gas from usa n Qatar. Which will cost more money by shipment. Good luck with the economic war. How much Greece Borrowed from Europ. I think around 42 billions dollars in last 5 years. Greek needs around 110 billions usd more to fix its economy in next 5 years. When you start buying gas from usa. It will hurt you more..

Maybe but Russia will still be that rotten and poor nigeria with snow it is now.

And btw it is absolute european interest to not allow Putler to create a USSR 2.0. Its a core european security interest to secure eastern europe against russian agression.
UK Training of Ukraine will give the Russians a damn damn bloody nose - do not underestimate the effect that the NLAW and Javelin will have on ingressing Russian armour. Look at what these type of weapons did to the RUssian in the Chechnya conflict. I agree - it is a forgone conclusion if Russia does an all out invasion of Ukraine but they will get smacked about quite a bit more thanks to UK generosity.

The UK can handle Russia and their obsolete Soviet Era Junk - you over estimate their capabilities relative to the UK and what they can do to the UK... it is the mainland EU countries that need to worry more as they have a land border with a country who now is in expansionist mode... The Germans and French do need to think about getting their fingers out of each other arses and pay attention.

Not many countries can invade the UK .... beauty of being an Island .. and Russia cannot enforce a Naval blockade of the UK either ... they lack the capability.
Let's suppose if russia attack uk with nuks and uk attacks russia with nuks.who will survive. Just see the size of both countries. Man it is childish to even think if uk gona survive. Just think how many countries grouping again one country. It is not manly thing. Still that country is giving bloody noise. I dont support russia but I do admire russia is acting as king lion surrounded by jackals. I do admire them even they were broken into pieces in 80z by Pakistan. You guys can not fight this big war theybwill com after you with atomic bombs. Let's suppose two or three major cities of uk bomb with atomic what will left. So bring down your horses for humanity and look into Scotland matter. You guys are on weak grounds. War can not win by weapons. If weapon n money could win war. You guys could have won war in Afghanistan. Infact where I see things russia and China slowly slowly pulling the west out the Africa Asia n north America. this war will decide the fate of new world order. If you withdraw your army personal even they were so called trainers it is still big deafet. This is what Russian demanded. Withdraw your troops from Ukraine. Next step will satel soon. This recent issue divided europ badly. France Germany Spain dont want war thats for sure . They more care about covid then new war on their borders. Putin is genius. He knows world can not afford a war. World is exhausted. Usa wants war as it economy depends on war. They charge money from europ for providing security. Usa is scaring the countries of Europe. Russia is coming russia is coming. Usa is playing with fear of europ. Europe need to stand for itself. Depending on others for security is bad thing because no one takes a bullet in their chest instead. it is truth and I suppose to tel you. My Regards
Maybe but Russia will still be that rotten and poor nigeria with snow it is now.

And btw it is absolute european interest to not allow Putler to create a USSR 2.0. Its a core european security interest to secure eastern europe against russian agression.
I don't differ with your point. My point is you are depending so much on usa for security and usa has 60 trillions usd borrowing as per elen musk claim, i think he claims week ago. There is no free lunch. Remember what Trump demanded from europ when he was president. More money. Biden don't ask on tv but he ask in personal meetings . Trump was loud as he was businessman. Biden is politician. Brussels knows the reality. Russia and China know the reality. Just think of country who took 9 billions dollars of poor a country who's people hardly have pice of bred to feed.
There is famous saying when mother monkey's feet were burning. She placed them on her cubs..
So usa not gona defend no one they need money to run their military complex. Who can do batter then Australia Europe Japan and South Korea. One country gona use them all and that is opportunistic India. They are fucking smart and they gona pay nothing but gona take benefits from Russia and usa lol 😆 if you ask them send them troops to defend Australia n europ they will be disappear like monkeys hahah thats funny but true 🤣
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And btw it is absolute european interest to not allow Putler to create a USSR 2.0. Its a core european security interest to secure eastern europe against russian agression.

Tell that to Teresa May, and Merkel.

National interests are of course important, but gas is gas.

So much of Tory, and CDU interest in the energy/petrol sector, you would not believe.

The old centre-right in EU are long time professional rope sellers.
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Don't worry guys. The whole galaxy is going to pledge their phul sapport to Ukraine.
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