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Alexander the not so Great: History through Persian eyes

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That is very true. I read once that Alexander was injured in Multan, Punjab [ todays Pakistan ] and that was the cause of his death.

**Just want to clarify that Alexander never invaded 'India' as in the country now known as India. So your Indian friend's don't need to feel upset. He conquerd the area now known as Pakistan [region around the Indus River] which can be seen on the maps posted earlier in this thread..

Why don't you Pakistanis go and rewrite the whole history? Your thinking is a clear case of desperation and identity crisis!!
This was Tyre in 1934. In alexanders time it was an island. Alexander built a giant causeway, to connect it to the land so his troops could launch the siege. As a result it has become attached to the main landmass.

^ Since apparently you are thinking he achieved more than any other king on earth so lets compare him with Cyrus:
In scope and extent his achievement ranked far above that of the Macedonian king, Alexander (the Great) who was to demolish the empire in the 320s but fail to provide any stable alternative.
---Charles Freeman, in The Greek Achievement : The Foundation of the Western World (1999)

It is a testimony to the capability of the founder of the Achaemenian empire that it continued to expand after his death and lasted for more than two centuries. But Cyrus was not only a great conqueror and administrator; he held a place in the minds of the Persian people similar to that of Romulus and Remus in Rome or Moses for the Israelites. His saga follows in many details the stories of hero and conquerors from elsewhere in the ancient world. The manner in which the baby Cyrus was given to a shepherd to raise is reminiscent of Moses in the bulrushes in Egypt, and the overthrow of his tyrannical grandfather has echoes in other myths and legends. There is no doubt that the Cyrus saga arose early among the Persians and was known to the Greeks. The sentiments of esteem or even awe in which Persians held him were transmitted to the Greeks, and it was no accident that Xenophon chose Cyrus to be the model of a ruler for the lessons he wished to impart to his fellow Greeks.
In short, the figure of Cyrus has survived throughout history as more than a great man who founded an empire. He became the epitome of the great qualities expected of a ruler in antiquity, and he assumed heroic features as a conqueror who was tolerant and magnanimous as well as brave and daring. His personality as seen by the Greeks influenced them and Alexander the Great, and, as the tradition was transmitted by the Romans, may be considered to influence our thinking even now. In the year 1971, Iran celebrated the 2,500th anniversary of the founding of the monarchy by Cyrus.
----Richard Nelson Frye, in "Cyrus II" in Encyclopædia Britannica (2008)
^ Since apparently you are thinking he achieved more than any other king on earth so lets compare him with Cyrus:
In scope and extent his achievement ranked far above that of the Macedonian king, Alexander (the Great) who was to demolish the empire in the 320s but fail to provide any stable alternative.
---Charles Freeman, in The Greek Achievement : The Foundation of the Western World (1999)


I dont. I just wanted to point out he was among the best. Less is known about Cyrus. Alexander took his historians with him who documented his journey. So that is partly the reason Cyrus is not as famous. Secondly Alexander was very young that also adds glamour.

I personally rank Ceasar as the most tactful general.

Anyway there are no Greeks here to debate the other side. So it is rather pointless.

@Surenas: I've heard Parthia or Scythia being claimed by Afghans.
This was Tyre in 1934. In alexanders time it was an island. Alexander built a giant causeway, to connect it to the land so his troops could launch the siege. As a result it has become attached to the main landmass.


Cool achievement also Xerxes created two unique, huge bridges with length of 2 km and a 30 m x 15 m x 2 km canal which is still visible in Greece
I dont. I just wanted to point out he was among the best. Less is known about Cyrus. Alexander took his historians with him who documented his journey. So that is partly the reason Cyrus is not as famous. Secondly Alexander was very young that also adds glamour.

I personally rank Ceasar as the most tactful general.

@Surenas: I've heard Parthis or Scythia being claimed by Afghans.

Afghans are 100% Iranic people too...

But as far as I am aware Tajiks had empires like the Samanids and Ghaznavids, whilst Pashtuns had the Durrani Empire. These are the two main Afghan groups.
I dont. I just wanted to point out he was among the best. Less is known about Cyrus. Alexander took his historians with him who documented his journey. So that is partly the reason Cyrus is not as famous. Secondly Alexander was very young that also adds glamour.

Thats part of the reason why that movie was sooo racist... They portrayed all the white guys as great noble heroes. Strong warriors and so on. While brown and black people where portrayed as disgusting animals, barbaric and a lot of them had disabilities. Like that hunchback guy...

Although I agree with you. I want to point out they were portraying the Spartans. They even looked better than the other greeks in the movie.
@Surenas: I've heard Parthia or Scythia being claimed by Afghans.

1) Afghans are Iranians.
2) Parthians were a northwestern Iranian people, while the Afghans are prominently southwestern. So this is not right.
3) Scythians are being claimed by Bulgars, Croats, Hungary, Poles, Serbs, Scottish and even Turks. Almost everybody claims his ancestors were Scythians or Sarmatians. But the fact is: they were Iranians, spoke a Iranian language and had a Iranian culture.
He never lost a battle. That says a lot about his ability.
He fought at the very front and sustained heavy injuries. Yet still managed to command an entire army.

Hi justin bieber, Tell us did he conquered Lands that did not belong to him under the influence of christianity, ego, madness or democracy because AFAIK all those lands he conquered and tried were all free and democratic Nations of that time line.
Hi justin bieber, Tell us did he conquered Lands that did not belong to him under the influence of christianity, ego, madness or democracy because AFAIK all those lands he conquered and tried were all free and democratic Nations of that time line.

Let's just say he never enforced Greek names and religion on the Persians, and in fact started dressing and acting like a persian.
Same cannot be said for the Arab invaders. Your name is an Arab name correct?
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