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Alexander the not so Great: History through Persian eyes

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iranian people are , iranians , kurds , tajik etc

mate thats a language not a race , turkic is a race just like iranian race what is language got to do with race
Even here, the Iranians can't resist bashing their neighbor Turks. As long as people continue to live in ancient hatred, the rest of the world will dominate.
turkic is part of ural altaic but that has nothing to do with our race , our race is turkic with azerbaijan , turkmenistan , kazakhstan , krygzstan , northern cyprus , uyghur turk , uzbekistan ,

iranian people are , iranians , kurds , tajik etc

mate thats a language not a race , turkic is a race just like iranian race what is language got to do with race

So according to you people of Turkey are not Turk, because genetically they are everything (hybrid of Greeks, Armenians, Kurds, etc) but Turkic/Altaic. Just as Azerbaijanis, they are more related to other people of Caucausia rather than Turks.
Iranian and Turk are ethnicities not races
lol what are you talking about , our race is TURKIC , our langauge is TURKIC BUT PART OF THE URAL ALTAIC LANGUAGE FAMILY , while iranian race is kurds , iranians , tajik and a few more and language is part of the indo-europeon language
Even here, the Iranians can't resist bashing their neighbor Turks. As long as people continue to live in ancient hatred, the rest of the world will dominate.

Its not bashing... Just informing, when Ottomon comes on here and needlessly starts posting pics of Turkic empires when the thread is not even slightly related.
So according to you people of Turkey are not Turk, because genetically they are everything (hybrid of Greeks, Armenians, Kurds, etc) but Turkic/Altaic. Just as Azerbaijanis, they are more related to other people of Caucausia rather than Turks.
Iranian and Turk are ethnicities not races

when did i say we are hybrid?

i thought this thread was on history but its iran defence i didnt know
lol what are you talking about , our race is TURKIC , our langauge is TURKIC BUT PART OF THE URAL ALTAIC LANGUAGE FAMILY , while iranian race is kurds , iranians , tajik and a few more and language is part of the indo-europeon language

Altaic languages is just a theory, it hasn't been proven yet... Your race is Turkish and your language family is Turkic... Another example is a race of Persian, and a language family of Indo-European...
lol what are you talking about , our race is TURKIC , our langauge is TURKIC BUT PART OF THE URAL ALTAIC LANGUAGE FAMILY , while iranian race is kurds , iranians , tajik and a few more and language is part of the indo-europeon language

There are only three real "races". You are talking of echnicities.
lol what are you talking about , our race is TURKIC , our langauge is TURKIC BUT PART OF THE URAL ALTAIC LANGUAGE FAMILY , while iranian race is kurds , iranians , tajik and a few more and language is part of the indo-europeon language
Buddy you have no idea what race means
oh whatever man race or ethnicity same BS you got the idea i was talking about

i dont know or care about altaic or anything im happier when its Turkic langauge and turkic ethnicity or race

Altaic languages is just a theory, it hasn't been proven yet... Your race is Turkish and your language family is Turkic... Another example is a race of Persian, and a language family of Indo-European...
OK guys back to the topic
Regarding what Persians/Iranian think about Alexander, that's true, if you ask some Iranians who was Alexander? they will say "the Macedonian guy who burnt Persepolis" and actually they don't know much about Greek history just like westerns who have really no idea about Persians. Most of westerns even don't know what is their ethnicity, language or even skin color, like in that fictional movie, they depictated Persian guy like Africans lmao

OK guys back to the topic
Regarding what Persians/Iranian think about Alexander, that's true, if you ask some Iranians who was Alexander? they will say "the Macedonian guy who burnt Persepolis" and actually they don't know much about Greek history just like westerns who have really no idea about Persians. Most of westerns even don't know what is their ethnicity, language or even skin color, like in that fictional movie, they depictated Persian guy like Africans lmao
OK guys back to the topic
Regarding what Persians/Iranian think about Alexander, that's true, if you ask some Iranians who was Alexander? they will say "the Macedonian guy who burnt Persepolis" and actually they don't know much about Greek history just like westerns who have really no idea about Persians. Most of westerns even don't know what is their ethnicity, language or even skin color, like in that fictional movie, they depictated Persian guy like Africans lmao

Thats part of the reason why that movie was sooo racist... They portrayed all the white guys as great noble heroes. Strong warriors and so on. While brown and black people where portrayed as disgusting animals, barbaric and a lot of them had disabilities. Like that hunchback guy...

That is very true. I read once that Alexander was injured in Multan, Punjab [ todays Pakistan ] and that was the cause of his death.

**Just want to clarify that Alexander never invaded 'India' as in the country now known as India. So your Indian friend's don't need to feel upset. He conquerd the area now known as Pakistan [region around the Indus River] which can be seen on the maps posted earlier in this thread..

That is very true. I read once that Alexander was injured in Multan, Punjab [ todays Pakistan ] and that was the cause of his death.

**Just want to clarify that Alexander never invaded 'India' as in the country now known as India. So your Indian friend's don't need to feel upset. He conquerd the area now known as Pakistan [region around the Indus River] which can be seen on the maps posted earlier in this thread..

Yeah, he climbed up a fortification alone when none of his men wanted to take a town. After having achieved all he did, he began to see himself as a god. An archer struck him in the chest cavity, and he nearly died. However the arrowhead was removed and he died much later in Babylon.

To seriously know what he did, a documentry called "in the footsteps of Alexander" traces his entire route on foot.
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