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Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

Erdogan's doughters certanly chose great minds as their husbands. One is making Turkey into UAV superpower, the other is reshaping quite succesfully turkish economy after almsot every western economic pundit was claiming its demise. Is it nepotism if you put in charge your siblings who are more then competent in their fields? He practicly turned this nepotism angle/critisism regarding this two on too its head and made it into a genious move. Erdogan is no fool, you cant say this or that about him. But a cracpot dictator fool, he's not.

one of the reason I have huge respect for him cause he's a political animal. Burak Kadercan described him the best; He would make Machiavelli cry and Sun Tzu smile from happines. And Burak is no AKP, or Erdogan shill. Shit, he's the only one who survived military coup in modern turkish history, eeven during Ottoman times and Sultans, those were rare.
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