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Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

Bayraktar VTOL UAV

Bayraktar Vertical Landing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (DIHA) is a Mini Tactical UAV class aircraft capable of carrying out activities for reconnaissance and intelligence missions.

The vehicle is capable of automatic cruise, autonomous take-off, autonomous landing and semi-autonomous cruise flight. Bayraktar DIHA, after taking off with electric motors, will switch to cruise flight mode and only fuel engine is going to be active in cruise flight mode. There are three options for landing: vertical landing, landing on fuselage and parachute landing. The aircraft has a flight control system that can perform automatic route tracking, target tracking, circling and return-to-home modes.

Basic flight performance criteria
  • 150 Kilometer Communication Range
  • 45-50 Knot Cruising Speed
  • 80 Knot Maximum Speed
  • 9000 Feet Operational Altitude
  • 15000 Feet Altitude Ceiling
  • 12 Hours Endurance Time
  • 5 Meter Wingspan
  • 1.5 Meters Length
  • Vertical Landing
  • 30 Kilogram Maximum Takeoff Weight
  • 5 Kilogram Payload Capacity
Advanced Features
  • Fully Automatic Flight System
  • Sensor Fusion Assisted Full Autonomous
  • Autonomous Take-off and Landing System
  • Semi-Autonomous Flight Mode
  • Fault Resistant System Architecture
  • Triple Redundant Flight Control System
  • Redundant Servo Actuators
  • Electro-Optical (EO) Camera Module
  • Infrared (IR) Camera Module
  • Laser Range Finder
  • Laser Pointer
  • Digital Data and Video Link
  • From Prototype to Reality
Looks like it'll be utilising the newly developed TEI-PG Boxer aviation engines.

View attachment 631936
wrong concept, we need something like scan eagle with laser illuminator,cheap and disposable(if required) , catapult launched not fancy VTOL craft.
Why should Turkey buy US UAVs? Right now, they are using indigenous ones more ore less successful. They have a huge fleet with modern types of UAVs. So, I don’t understand why they should stop developing production and research and purchase US ones.
I did not say they should stop producing their own UAVs. Turkey requested approval of purchase for Reaper and other American UAVs. I believe Turkey operates only Predator and (Israeli Heron), but I want them to operate other American UAVs and see how do they fare against Russian air-defense system.

Yes, in numbers they have a huge fleet, but doubt in quality. We talk about a 40 years old tanks which does not work well in Syria. Not because of bad quality of Leopard tank, but the times has changed, and the old Leopard can no longer meet the requirements and challenges in the new battlegrounds.
Couldn't they just upgrade their existing fleets of Leopard2A4 to Leopard2A6+? I am sure Turkey has capability to do that.
You are right but Turkey is developing new types of A2G missiles plus you can have thousands of PGMs(both turkish made and JDAM) that can be put on the new drones like Akinci/Aksungur
In the worst case TAF can use multiple MAM-L on one tank
Both Akinci and Aksungir will have power to carry more than 20+MAM-L/C and other variants(Akinci can reach 30 without problems I am talking about the specific situation where these big UCAVs are weaponised ONLY with MAM-L)
I can say that my arguments still stand from previous posts(tanks have no chance against UCAVs certainly not against those who have ~1 ton of weapons payload

If the enemy has a potent air force UCAVs such as TB2, Anka, Aksungar etc. will not see any combat. They will be shot down easily. Therefore, it is still important to have potent MBTs.
I did not say they should stop producing their own UAVs. Turkey requested approval of purchase for Reaper and other American UAVs. I believe Turkey operates only Predator and (Israeli Heron), but I want them to operate other American UAVs and see how do they fare against Russian air-defense system.

Understood. In this case, Russia and USA should be more interested (which they are) who’s system are ‚better‘ performed, don’t you.

Couldn't they just upgrade their existing fleets of Leopard2A4 to Leopard2A6+? I am sure Turkey has capability to do that.

I doubt that they can upgrade the system to 2A6, even they have the permission. Every system has a lifespan, this of 2A4 come slowly to an end. Yes, they have a similar project by Aselsan, but I doubt it is suitable. A new generation tank is necessary. Look, even we are working on a new generation of a tank, despite the fact that we have 2A6/7. Called Leopard 3.
You can cover neither your every tank nor ever soldier with airdefense even though with MANPADS. However many UAVs fly over altitude of MANPADS.
That's how war works. Who uses own resources efficiently , that side wins.
Tactical leadership more important than MBTs.
Active protection systems and SAM systems are expensive toys you can't use them immensely.
In addition i don't mention about time. How long your army maintain expensive toys in war? 2 years? 5 years?
Look, even we are working on a new generation of a tank, despite the fact that we have 2A6/7. Called Leopard 3.

I believe It is a different case. MGCS of Germany & France is a next-generation MBT with a new Rheinmetall cannon and many other new "next-gen" features. I am not sure how many "next-gen" features that Altay MBT brings to the world. The first batch doesn't even have an auto-loader. I guess it is okay to build this gen MBT if you want to build your manufacturing industry and you want to spend money to build new tanks rather than spend that money to upgrade your aging fleets of MBT, but it doesn't fiscally make any sense when you have 350+ serviceable MBTs.

If your budget is limited, you have to prioritize your spending. For Turkey, it seems like it is wise for them to spend that money on UAVs and air-defense system rather than spend billions to manufacture a tank that is exposed to geopolitical risks.
I believe Turkey operates only Predator and (Israeli Heron),

Turkey had GNAT and I-GNAT type US drones in the past(90s) they were inefficent and retired very soon after inducted. Turkey purchased 10 Heron from israel, some of them are still active in service. All of them were unarmed type.

Requested armed drones from US but rejected (10 years ago). Never had predator UAVs.
Requested armed drones from US but rejected (10 years ago). Never had predator UAVs.

I know the US rejected. However, I've heard news that Turkey at least jointly operates a MQ-1 Predator. Huh, I guess I learn something everyday.
I know the US rejected. However, I've heard news that Turkey at least jointly operates a MQ-1 Predator. Huh, I guess I learn something everyday.

Rent an UAV, which is used jointly, without full control is something special. Anyway, it will not be fulfill the requirement of TSK with limited control.
Anyway, it will not be fulfill the requirement of TSK with limited control.

And you know that's not why I want see them to operate American UAVs. Syrian Civil War and Turkey's offence into Syrian territories could have been rare opportunities to see how effectively Russian air-defense system, especially Pantsir, can deter American UAVs. As far as I know, Turkey has not operated Reaper-tier UAV which has already proved its worthiness in anti-terrorist operations, but has not against Russian Army.
American UAVs were shot down and even brought down by Iran. So Russians would have no problem.
Turkey requested since 2005 predator and later Reaper UAV's which never where answered by the US.

So Turkey started to develop her own UAV's and later UCAV's. Now we do not need US UAV's anymore.

Akinci UAV is evenmore advanced than Reaper, it will carry AESA radar and have a certain level of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Will be able to engage aircraft with and helicopters with AA missiles.

In UAV technology we are quite self sufficient.

In tanks we have developed our own tank "Altay" tank, that will go into production and is delayed due to corruption in dealing with a company that has close relations with the government. But soon or later the tank will be produced anyway.
Turkey requested since 2005 predator and later Reaper UAV's which never where answered by the US.

So Turkey started to develop her own UAV's and later UCAV's. Now we do not need US UAV's anymore.

Akinci UAV is evenmore advanced than Reaper, it will carry AESA radar and have a certain level of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Will be able to engage aircraft with and helicopters with AA missiles.

In UAV technology we are quite self sufficient.

In tanks we have developed our own tank "Altay" tank, that will go into production and is delayed due to corruption in dealing with a company that has close relations with the government. But soon or later the tank will be produced anyway.
'Delayed because of corruption', so engine is ready and waiting? It is pathetic to bring politics into everything. Bayraktar UCAVs are also the problem of corruption I suppose since its Erdogan son in laws company. I suppose any firm could have produced them?
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