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Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

So does that mean our uav don’t have jamming capability it would be awesome if it could jam sams and drop bombs on them.
Anka-I is special version for collecting intelligence(ELINT and COMINT) only MIT has it
So does that mean our uav don’t have jamming capability it would be awesome if it could jam sams and drop bombs on them.
for jamming purpose you should be able to generate power close to the target radar input power, drone usually have small payload=hardly enough power production=no potent jamming capability.
deception jamming i do not know, it might be possible.
I mean, this can be answered by asking the correct questions like does Turkey produce its own airborne EW suite? There was a study conducted by Aselsan quite a few years ago but it they claim there is a lack of funds and Tübitak got the project afterwards. ngl before drones let's see if we can come up with an airborne EW pod for F-16s first.

for jamming purpose you should be able to generate power close to the target radar input power, drone usually have small payload=hardly enough power production=no potent jamming capability.
deception jamming i do not know, it might be possible.

That is usually correct, however the pod mentioned in the article above is able to function properly with the constraints that comes up when working with UAVs.

Nero was tested in 2014 btw: http://www.strategic-affairs.com/details.php?task=other_story&&id=681
Could you provide a summary, please?

Turkish Aerospace is continuing to work on projects slow but progressing.
- They made a meeting for MMU
- Four big Turkish aerospace companies getting together for projects
- Engine projects continuing
- Pakistan gave extension for T129

Nothing new then this video actually;
Only two days ago I was trashing Vestel for not doing anything and now this, maybe someone speaking arabic can confirm what the tweet says.

For the non Turkish speakers: Vestel will create a joint-venture with a local Saudi company and produce 46 Karayel UAVs over the next 5 years for the Saudi forces. Great news.


Today Turkish journalist Tolga Ozbek said that the things about Vestel doesn't yet certain. Suudi Araia is going to produce ASEF UAV system which has been developed by ESEN Aviation which is a subsidiary of SNC.
Only two days ago I was trashing Vestel for not doing anything and now this, maybe someone speaking arabic can confirm what the tweet says.

For the non Turkish speakers: Vestel will create a joint-venture with a local Saudi company and produce 46 Karayel UAVs over the next 5 years for the Saudi forces. Great news.

A ‘Loyal Wingman’ is a low-cost UAV that would be deployed alongside a manned aircraft to either act as a complementary asset or as a decoy to protect the crewed system from air defences. Due to their relatively low cost, these systems could be acquired and deployed en masse, providing a complementary asset that is ultimately expendable if required.


brilliant idea, something that would come in useful to protect our AWACS
Only two days ago I was trashing Vestel for not doing anything and now this, maybe someone speaking arabic can confirm what the tweet says.

For the non Turkish speakers: Vestel will create a joint-venture with a local Saudi company and produce 46 Karayel UAVs over the next 5 years for the Saudi forces. Great news.

Tweet literally says that:

Yapılan açıklamada proje takvimine yönelik detaylar verildi. Bu kapsamda; "2021 yılında 6 adet insansız hava aracı, 5 yıl içinde ise 40 adet insansız hava aracının üretiminin hedeflendiği belirtildi."

A ‘Loyal Wingman’ is a low-cost UAV that would be deployed alongside a manned aircraft to either act as a complementary asset or as a decoy to protect the crewed system from air defences. Due to their relatively low cost, these systems could be acquired and deployed en masse, providing a complementary asset that is ultimately expendable if required.


brilliant idea, something that would come in useful to protect our AWACS
Authorities can spend each of my taxes on drone research and development.
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Imagine if we designed drone squadrons where each drone has a specific role.

5 x anti infantry TB2's
1 x heavy bombardment Akinci
1 x anti tank Aksungur
1 x Electronic Warfare Aksungur

Obviously you could change that up in any way you like. Just imagine the possibilities.

By the way the TB2's in this case serve as loyal wingmen for the larger and more expensive drones.
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